Here you find current and previous news from the NUM division. For scientific highlights, please have a look here.
Muonic X-rays peer into brooch from Roman city
Using Muon Induced X-ray Emission, researchers could reveal the inner composition of a knob-bow fibula, excavated at Augusta Raurica in northern Switzerland.
A practical guide to pulsed laser deposition
Nanoscale thin films are widely implemented across a plethora of technological and scientific areas, and form the basis for many advancements that have driven human progress, owing to the high degree of functional tunability based on the chemical composition. Pulsed laser deposition is one of the multiple physical vapour deposition routes to fabricate thin films, employing laser energy to eject material from a target in the form of a plasma ...
How to squash things carefully
A new in situ uniaxial pressure cell at Paul Scherrer Institute PSI gives scientists unrivalled control to tweak quantum materials microscopically and tune their properties.
Visualizing Higher-Fold Topology in Chiral Crystals
Novel topological phases of matter are fruitful platforms for the discovery of unconventional electromagnetic phenomena. Higher-fold topology is one example, where the low-energy description goes beyond standard model analogs. Despite intensive experimental studies, conclusive evidence remains elusive for the multigap topological nature of higher-fold chiral fermions. In this Letter, we leverage a combination of fine-tuned chemical engineering and photoemission spectroscopy with photon energy contrast to discover the higher-fold topology of a chiral crystal.
Commissioning of the novel Continuous Angle Multi-energy Analysis spectrometer at the Paul Scherrer Institut
We report on the commissioning results of the cold neutron multiplexing secondary spectrometer CAMEA (Continuous Angle Multi-Energy Analysis) at the Swiss Spallation Neutron Source at the Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland. CAMEA is optimized for ...
Mehr Licht ins Dunkel
Am PSI wollen Forschende mithilfe der Grossforschungsanlagen die letzten Lücken im Standardmodell der Physik schliessen.
Unconventional superconductivity found in kagome metal
Physicists using muon spin spectroscopy at PSI make the missing link between their recent breakthrough in Nature and unconventional superconductivity
Fate of charge order in overdoped La-based cuprates
In high-temperature cuprate superconductors, stripe order refers broadly to a coupled spin and charge modulation with a commensuration of eight and four lattice units, respectively. How this stripe order evolves across optimal doping remains a controversial question. Here we present a systematic resonant inelastic x-ray scattering study of weak charge correlations in La2−xSrxCuO4 and La1.8−xEu0.2SrxCuO4. Ultra high energy resolution experiments demonstrate the importance of the separation of inelastic and elastic scattering processes.
Auto-Bremsen weiter optimieren
Mit Neutronen blicken Forschende des PSI und ANAXAM ins Innere einer Bremse und spüren Potenziale zur Senkung von CO2-Emissionen auf.
Doppeltes Upgrade für die Protonenanlage
HIPA soll ab 2025 ein doppeltes Upgrade erhalten. Die Vorbereitungen dafür laufen jetzt.
Appointment of Thomas Lippert as new head of the Laboratory for Multiscale Materials Experiments (LMX)
Starting 1. December 2022, Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Lippert will be the new head of the Laboratory for Multiscale Materials Experiments (LMX). He follows Prof. Dr. Laura Heyderman, our first laboratory head who successfully formed and established the LMX in the PSI landscape as a Centre of Materials.
Making sense of the muon’s misdemeanours
An exotic atom called muonium could explain why muons won’t stick to the rules, believe researchers using the Swiss Muon Source at Paul Scherrer Institute PSI.
The Laboratory for Neutron and Muon Instruments visits FRM II neutron research facility
Recently, the staff of the PSI’s Laboratory for Neutron and Muon Instrumentation (LIN) visited our colleagues at MLZ to learn more about the FRM II reactor and its instrumentation, as well as to discuss current and future joint projects. LIN staff was greeted with Bavarian hospitality in the form of “Weisswurst Frühstück” and then enjoyed a full tour of the facility and many fruitful discussions.
Upgraded pixel detector back in action at CERN
Built at Paul Scherrer Institute, the detector forms the heart of the CMS experiment. It is producing data again following an upgrade during the LHC shutdown.
Single-domain stripe order in a high-temperature superconductor
The coupling of spin, charge and lattice degrees of freedom results in the emergence of novel states of matter across many classes of strongly correlated electron materials. A model example is unconventional superconductivity, which is widely believed to arise from the coupling of electrons via spin excitations. In cuprate high-temperature superconductors, the interplay of charge and spin degrees of freedom is also reflected in a zoo of charge and spin- density wave orders that are intertwined with superconductivity ...
Perspective on muon-spin rotation/relaxation under hydrostatic pressure
Pressure, together with temperature, electric, and magnetic fields, alters the system and allows for the investigation of the fundamental prop- erties of matter. Under applied pressure, the interatomic distances shrink, which modifies the interactions between atoms and may lead to the appearance of new (sometimes exotic) physical properties, such as pressure-induced phase transitions; quantum critical points; new structural, magnetic, and/or superconducting states; and changes of the temperature evolution and symmetry of the order parameters...
Kinderuniversität Zürich visits PSI
On November 5, 2022, the Laboratory for Neutron and Muon Instrumentation in collaboration with the Correlated Quantum Matter group at the University of Zurich carried out the workshop “Wellenspiele” (German for “Playing with Waves”) for the Kinderuniversität Zürich (“Children’s University Zurich”) for the first time.
Harald Ita appointed Associate Professor ad personam at University of Zurich
Harald Ita, currently senior scientist at the Laboratory for Particle Physics at NUM/PSI was appointed as Associate Professor ad personam at UZH Zurich. Harald is an international acclaimed researcher in the field of theoretical high-energy particle physics.
Silbermedaille der Elektronik für Mario Liechti
PSI-Elektroniker Mario Liechti gewinnt bei den Weltmeisterschaften der nicht akademischen Berufe den zweiten Platz.
Emergence of spinons in layered trimer iridate Ba4Ir3O10
Spinons are well-known as the elementary excitations of one-dimensional antiferromagnetic chains, but means to realize spinons in higher dimensions is the subject of intense research. Here, we use resonant x-ray scattering to study the layered trimer iridate Ba4Ir3O10, which shows no magnetic order down to 0.2 K. An emergent one-dimensional spinon continuum is observed that can be well-described by XXZ spin-1/2 chains with magnetic exchange of ∼55 meV and a small Ising-like anisotropy. With 2% isovalent Sr doping ...
Graphene’s magic in a magnet
Neutron scattering reveals rich magnetic topology in the magnetic equivalent of graphene.
Clarifying the fate of collective metallic quantum states
Many complex metals exhibit collective states in which electrons appear to collaborate to generate novel and frequently functional behavior. These states develop when metals are cooled down to remove the effects of thermal fluctuations, enabling collective states in which electrons move coherently through the material. These collective electronic states are of tremendous importance because they are the foundation for many quantum states of interest such as unconventional superconductivity, frustrated magnetism, hidden order, as well as topologically non-trivial and electronic-nematic states.
Discovery of Charge Order and Corresponding Edge State in Kagome Magnet FeGe
Kagome materials often host exotic quantum phases, including spin liquids, Chern gap, charge density wave, and superconductivity. Existing scanning microscopy studies of the kagome charge order have been limited to nonkagome surface layers. Here, we tunnel into the kagome lattice of FeGe to uncover features of the charge order. Our spectroscopic imaging identifies a 2 × 2 charge order in the magnetic kagome lattice, resembling that discovered in kagome superconductors. Spin mapping across steps of unit cell height demonstrates the existence of spin-polarized electrons with an antiferromagnetic stacking order.
Two types of charge order with distinct interplay with superconductivity in the kagome material CsV3Sb5
The kagome metals of the family AV3Sb5, featuring a unique structural motif, harbor an array of intriguing phenomena such as chiral charge order and superconductivity. CsV3Sb5 is of particular interest because it displays a double superconducting dome in the region of the temperature-pressure phase diagram where charge order is still present. However, the microscopic origin of such an unusual behavior remains an unsolved issue. Here, to address it, we combine high-pressure, low-temperature muon spin relaxation/rotation with first-principles calculations. We observe ....
Die Goldmedaille und ein Händedruck vom Bundesrat
SwissSkills kürt den PSI-Elektroniker Melvin Deubelbeiss zum besten Lehrabgänger seines Fachs.
Crossover of high-energy spin fluctuations from collective triplons to localized magnetic excitations in Sr14−xCaxCu24O41 ladder
We studied the magnetic excitations in the quasi-one-dimensional (q-1D) ladder subsystem of Sr14−xCaxCu24O41 (SCCO) using Cu L3-edge resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS). By comparing momentum-resolved RIXS spectra with high (x = 12.2) and without (x = 0) Ca content, we track the evolution of the magnetic excitations from collective two-triplon (2 T) excitations (x = 0) to weakly- dispersive gapped modes at an energy of 280 meV (x = 12.2)...
Three PSI research facilities reveal magnetic crossover
Insights from the Swiss Muon Source, Swiss Spallation Neutron Source and Swiss Light Source reveal this coveted characteristic in an exotic layered material.
Artur Glavic received the first Instrumentation Price Neutron Research
Artur Glavic received the first Instrumentation Price Neutron Research “for his significant contributions to the development and construction of novel neutron reflectometers”.
Neutron scattering collaboration with Norwegian Institute for Energy Technology
A collaboration between the Institute for Energy Technology (IFE) and the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) provides dedicated beam-time to Norwegian scientists, bringing with them diverse and exciting topics ranging from revealing hidden inscriptions in amulets to neutron based cancer therapies.
Entanglement between Muon and I > 1/2 Nuclear Spins as a Probe of Charge Environment
We report on the first example of quantum coherence between the spins of muons and quadrupolar nuclei. We reveal that these entangled states are highly sensitive to a local charge environment and thus, can be deployed as a functional quantum sensor of that environment. The quantum coherence effect was observed in vanadium intermetallic compounds which adopt the A15 crystal structure, and whose members include all technologically pertinent superconductors. Furthermore ...