News & Scientific Highlights

Making the world go round - a look into the structure of a prominent heterogeneous catalyst

Fluid catalytic cracking catalysts, which are composite particles of hierarchical porosity, were examined using ptychographic X-ray tomography. These particles are essential to the conversion of crude oil into gasoline. Examination of catalysts at decreasing levels of catalytic conversion efficacy allowed the detection of possible deactivation causes.

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Swiss Neutron Scattering Prize

Viviane Lutz-Bueno was awarded the Swiss Neutron Scattering Prize of the Swiss Neutron Scattering Society, at the Joint Annual Meeting of the Swiss and Austrian Physical Society, for her PhD thesis Effects of formulation and flow on the structure of micellar aggregates carried out at ETH Zürich. Viviane is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the CXS group at PSI, developing scanning SAXS analysis methods.

Photonic structure of white beetle wing scales: optimized by evolution

A very thin layer on this beetle’s wings exhibits a complicated structure on the nanoscale that gives them a bright white color. X-ray nanotomography acquired at the Swiss Light Source provides a faithful image of this structure in three dimensions with which scientists can confirm its evolutionary optimization: just enough material for an efficient reflection of white light.

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European NESY Winterschool Young Scientist Best Poster Prize

Klaus Wakonig was awarded the "Young Scientist Best Poster Prize" along with a cash prize at the 10th European NESY Winterschool & Symposium on Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation. Klaus is a PhD student at the coherent X-ray scattering group (CXS) in PSI. His poster, entitled "X-ray Fourier ptychography," details his latest results in the implementation of Fourier ptychography at X-ray wavelengths for nanoimaging. Image credit ©NESY/Montanuniversitaet Leoben

Interlaced zone plates push the resolution limit in x-ray microscopy

A novel type of diffractive lenses based on interlaced structures enable x-ray imaging at resolutions below 10 nm. The fabrication method and the test results of these novel x-ray lenses have been published in the journal Scientific Reports.

3D rendering of a portion of about 20 micron diameter of the cream cheese-like food system used for this study. Rendering by Liborius ApS.

How does food look like on the nanoscale?

The answer to this question could save food industry a lot of money and reduce food waste caused by faulty production. Researchers from the University of Copenhagen and the Paul Scherrer Institut have obtained a 3D image of food on the nanoscale using ptychographic X-ray computed tomography. This work paves the way towards a more detailed knowledge of the structure of complex food systems.

Three-dimensional rendering of two cells in their medium confined in a glass microcapillary of about 18 micron diameter. Colors indicate different organelle types with different mass densities.

Mass density distribution of intact cell ultrastructure

The determination of the mass density of cellular compartments is one of the many analytical tools that biologists need to unravel the extremely complex structure of biological systems. Cryo X-ray nanotomography reveals absolute mass density maps of frozen hydrated cells in three dimensions.

X-ray nanotomography aids the production of eco-friendly solar cells

Polymer solar cells are in the spotlight for sustainable energy production of the future. Characterization of these devices by X-ray nanotomography helps to improve their production using environmentally friendly materials.

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2015 Otto Kratky award

Marianne Liebi was awarded the 2015 Otto Kratky award by the Helmholtz-Centre Berlin for excellence in the field of small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) analysis. The award was bestowed in the last SAS2015 conference in Berlin. Marianne is a postdoctoral fellow in the coherent X-ray scattering group (CXS) in PSI, carrying out research in scanning SAXS measurement and analysis in 2D and 3D. Image credit ©HZB/Michael Setzpfandt

3D image of the buckyball structure investigated. In the right picture the distribution of Cobalt is shown in orange. (The solid line corresponds to 1 micrometre or 1 thousandth of a millimetre).

Element-Specific X-Ray Phase Tomography of 3D Structures at the Nanoscale

Recent advances in fabrication techniques to create mesoscopic 3D structures have led to significant developments in a variety of fields including biology, photonics, and magnetism. Further progress in these areas benefits from their full quantitative and structural characterization.

Multiresolution X-ray tomography, getting a clear view of the interior

Researchers at PSI have developed a technique that combines tomography measurements at different resolution levels to allow quantitative interpretation for nanoscale tomography on an interior region of interest of the sample. In collaboration with researchers of the institute AMOLF in the Netherlands and ETH Zurich in Switzerland they showcase their technique by studying the porous structure within a section of an avian eggshell. The detailed measurements of the interior of the sample allowed the researchers to quantify the ordering and distribution of an intricate network of pores within the shell.

Innovation Award on Synchrotron Radiation 2014 for high-resolution 3D hard X-ray microscopy

The 2014 Innovation Award on Synchrotron Radiation was bestowed to researchers Ana Diaz, Manuel Guizar-Sicairos, Mirko Holler, and Jörg Raabe from the Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland, for their contributions to method and instrumentation development, which have set new standards in high-resolution 3D hard X-ray microscopy.

Fast scanning coherent X-ray imaging using Eiger

The smaller pixel size, high frame rate, and high dynamic range of next-generation photon counting pixel detectors expedites measurements based on coherent diffractive imaging (CDI). The latter comprises methods that exploit the coherence of X-ray synchrotron sources to replace imaging optics by reconstruction algorithms. Researchers from the Paul Scherrer Institut have recently demonstrated fast CDI image acquisition above 25,000 resolution elements per second using an in-house developed Eiger detector. This rate is state of the art for diffractive imaging and even on a par with the fastest scanning X-ray transmission instruments. High image throughput is of crucial importance for both materials and biological sciences for studies with representative population sampling.

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X-ray tomography reaches 16 nm isotropic 3D resolution

Researchers at PSI reported a demonstration of X-ray tomography with an unmatched isotropic 3D resolution of 16 nm in Scientific Reports. The measurement was performed at the cSAXS beamline at the Swiss Light Source using a prototype instrument of the OMNY (tOMography Nano crYo) project. Whereas this prototype measures at room temperature and atmospheric pressure, the OMNY system, to be commissioned later this year, will provide a cryogenic sample environment in ultra-high vacuum without compromising imaging capabilities. The researchers believe that such a combination of advanced imaging with state-of-the-art instrumentation is a promising path to fill the resolution gap between electron microscopy and X-ray imaging, also in case of radiation-sensitive materials such as polymer structures and biological systems.

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Unique insight into carbon fibers on the nanoscale

The investigation of the mechanical properties of carbon fibers benefits from highly resolved three-dimensional density maps within representative volumes, but such images are not easily obtained with standard methods. Scientists from the Paul Scherrer Institut in collaboration with Honda R&D in Germany have recently visualized density distributions on the sub-micrometer scale within entire carbon fiber sections, revealing surprising graphite distributions within the fibers. This capability will prove useful for the systematic characterization of fibers, contributing to the development of light and robust materials at lower costs.