European Swiss TIMES Electricity Model (EUSTEM)

EUSTEM is a multiregional electricity model of Europe.

EUSTEM is a multiregional electricity model of Europe. It is an extension of the Cross border Swiss TIMES electricity model (CRoSSTEM), by extending the geographical scope to include wider EU electricity markets (as shown in Figure). The model covers 90% of the total installed capacity and 95% of the total electricity generation of EU-28 + Switzerland and Norway. EUSTEM optimises electricity supply for an exogenously given electricity demand over a long time horizon (to account for long term policy goals and investment decisions) while simultaneously representing sufficient intra-annual detail (i.e., seasonal, weekly and hourly) to account for variations in electricity supply and demand. The model encompasses a wide range of electricity generation technologies and related electricity and environmental policies of all 11 regions. EUSTEM was developed using the TIMES framework.

The regions in the EUSTEM model

See Model documentation and publications for details