Other tools

This is a collection of additional tools , which are purpose-specific and complement the main large-scale mathematical programming models of the group. 

To model the optimization of dispatch of pumped-storage plant against exogenous electricity prices, we apply stochastic optimal control theory.

See Model documentation and publications for details

PSI's Global Multi-regional MARKAL (GMM) model is extended by the integration of Multi-criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) indicators.

More information is provided on the GMM-MCDA project website.

See Model documentation and publications for details

The Swiss MARKAL model (SMM) is a bottom-up energy system model depicting in detail the full Swiss energy system to 2050, including a high-level of end-use technology detail in the residential and transportation sectors (Schulz et al. 2007, 2008; Weidmann et al. 2012). This model was originally developed jointly with the University of Geneva (LABRIET, 2003) and subsequently developed independently by EEG. Major developments at EEG since the formation of the Laboratory include the inclusion of conservation measures in the residential sector, update of renewable potentials, revision of electricity technology assumptions, and inclusion of carbon capture and storage technology options (SCHULZ, 2007; Weidmann et al. 2012; Weidmann and Turton 2012). The model has been used for analysis with the Energie Trialog Schweiz (ETS 2009; WEIDMANN et al. 2009), to explore scenarios under the nuclear phase out in Switzerland (Weidmann et al. 2012), and for the CARMA project on carbon capture and sequestration (Weidmann and Turton, 2012). Recent development work is focused on implementing a new scenario of socioeconomic and other driving forces to incorporate the latest official projections, and the inclusion of conservation measures in the commercial building sector and the industrial sector.

The European, multi-regional energy-conversion MARKAL (EuroMM) model was built within the framework of the EU-sponsored ADAM project (Reiter 2010; Reiter et al. 2011). The EuroMM model provides a multi-regional representation of the energy-conversion sector of the EU-29 countries (EU-27+Norway+Switzerland) aggregated in 18 regions.