Swiss energy scenario analysis

Switzerland is confronted with a number of policy challenges related to the energy system. These include responding to the need for significant reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and maintaining access to secure, reliable and affordable energy to support ongoing economic development. There exists significant uncertainty as to the most suitable options for achieving these goals, including uncertainty about the future performance and acceptability of different technologies options, future patterns of energy demand, infrastructure development, and international developments.

The Energy Economics group at PSI has been a leader in analyzing the future development of the Swiss energy system, using energy scenarios and energy systems modelling approaches. For instance, the group codeveloped the first technologically detailed model for Switzerland – Swiss MARKAL (Schulz et al. 2008; Weidmann et al. 2009; Schulz et al. 2007). More recently, the group is developing new TIMES energy system and electricity sector models for Switzerland (STEM and CROSSTEM – see below) representing a major step in accounting for the impact of temporal variability on energy system development, and the influence of external factors on Swiss energy system development and policy options.

Selected related projects


2017-2019: SCCER JASM

2017-2019: SWIDEM

2017-2021: ELEGANCY

2017-2021: SCCER-SoE Phase II

2015-2018: Powerdesign

2015-2020: ESI-Platform

2015-2018: SwissHydro

2017-2021: SCCER-Mobility Phase-II

2014-2017: ISCHESS

2014-2016: SCCER-SoE Phase I

2013-2016: IDEAS4Cities

2012-2015: CHP Swarm

2011-2014: ELECTRA

2010-2014: Swiss TIMES Energy system Model (STEM)

2009-2013: CARMA

2009-2012: NCCR-CLIMATE Phase III

2009-2012: Swiss TIMES Electricity model (STEM-E)

2008-2009: Energie Trialog Schweiz

2005-2009: NCCR-CLIMATE Phase II