NCCR-CLIMATE Phase III (WP4): Mitigation and sustainable energy strategies under global uncertainty

Strategies for climate change mitigation and the achievement of a sustainable energy system in Switzerland are affected by a range of external factors, such as the availability and diffusion of new technologies, global/regional climate change mitigation policies (such as those identified in P4.3), and energy market and trade developments such as leakage, embodied carbon, and broader issues identified elsewhere in P4.2 (e.g. Task 2) and P4.1. At the same time, significant long-term uncertainty exists over the direction of technological change, availability of energy resources, and patterns of economic development. Therefore, this research seeks to understand how optimal energy policy and technology choices for sustainable climate change mitigation in Switzerland are affected by some of these external factors and uncertainties. The results will identify robust domestic energy and mitigation policy options, in addition to providing some guidance in terms of industry, trade and international climate policy.

Marcucci, A. and H. Turton (2012). Swiss Energy Strategies under Global Climate Change and Nuclear Policy Uncertainty, The Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 148 (2), pp. 317-345, External Link

Marcucci, A. and H. Turton (2011). Swiss energy strategies under nuclear and climate policy constraints, pp. 86-87, PSI Scientific Highlights, Paul Scherrer Institute, Download (0.1MB)

Marcucci, A. and H. Turton (2011). Analyzing Energy Technology Options for Switzerland in the Face of Global Uncertainties: An Overview of the MERGE model, NCCR climate Research paper 2011/05, Download (1.2MB)

Marcucci, A. (2012). Realizing a Sustainable Energy System in Switzerland in a Global Context, Ph.D. Thesis, Nr. 20555, ETH Zürich, DOI: 10.3929/ethz-a-007566975, Download (8.4MB)
Marcucci, A. and H. Turton (2012). Nuclear fuel cycle options for climate change mitigation, International Energy Workshop, Cape Town, South Africa, Presentation