CARMA (CARbon dioxide MAnagement in power generation)

The recently completed CARMA project was a research collaboration bringing together a broad team of experts (geologists, combustion scientists, technology specialists, sociologists, economists) from the ETH Zurich, EPFL, the Paul Scherrer Institute, University of Bern, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz) and GeoForm (a geological consultancy). CARMA sought to explore the potential and the feasibility of carbon capture and storage (CCS) deployment in Switzerland within the framework of future energy scenarios; and to exploit available expertise to develop new CCS technologies and know-how, which might be applied in Switzerland and worldwide. CARMA was supported by the CCEM (Competence Center for Energy and Mobility) and CCES (Competence Center for Environment and Sustainability) of the ETH Domain, Swisselectric Research and other public and private organizations.

EEG’s work in the CARMA project focused on identifying conditions under which CCS may be an attractive option for the Swiss energy system over the next 20-50 years, and the influence of uncertainties related to climate policy, CCS technology development (including retro-fitting, application to centralized CHP), the exact timing of the nuclear phase-out. This was realized through the development and application of the Swiss MARKAL model (e.g., Weidmann et al. 2012).

For more information see the Carma project webpage.

Weidmann, N. (2013). Transformation strategies towards a sustainable Swiss energy system, Ph.D. Thesis, Nr. 21137, ETH Zürich, DOI: 10.3929/ethz-a-009962867