Einzigartiger Quantensimulator öffnet Tür zu neuer Forschung
Physiker des PSI und Google haben einen neuartigen digital-analogen Quantensimulator gebaut.
Sustainable Group-IV Active Photonics Research Sinergia Project granted
We are excited to announce that our joint Sinergia Project: Sustainable Group-IV Active Photonics Research (SUGAR) has been approved for funding by the SNSF and will start in the spring of 2024. SUGAR is an interdisciplinary project that aims to develop a more sustainable photonics platform, based on group IV elements (Si, Ge, Sn). The proposal emphasizes sustainability throughout the entire device life-cycle, incorporating life cycle assessment (LCA) from extraction to end-of-life.
Park Innovaare Cleanroom Name is: PICO
We are happy to announce that the new Cleanroom Name in the Park Innovaare will be PICO = Park Innovaare Cleanroom for Optics and innovation.
Next Step – we will work on a Logo (ideas welcome), together with PiA.
The winner of the naming contest: Helmut Schift
Zwei Projekte zur Verknüpfung fehlerkorrigierter Qubits lanciert
Die amerikanische Forschungsförderungsagentur IARPA finanziert zwei Quantum-Computing-Projekte, an denen Forschende der ETH Zürich und des PSI beteiligt sind.
Quantencomputer bereits heute nutzen
Analoge Quantencomputer ermöglichen die Beobachtung ultraschneller chemischer Reaktionen
Open Quantum Institute launch
Dr. Cornelius Hempel, head of the Ion Trap Quantum Computation group at LNQ’s ETHZ-PSI Quantum Computing Hub, spoke to SRF to explain how quantum computers work and how future versions of these devices can be used to solve some of the big problems of our time.
Swiss PIC unterstützt die Schweizer Photonik-Industrie
Das Technologietransferzentrum Swiss PIC wird im Park Innovaare angesiedelt sein.
Alexander Grimm wins 2022 Nicholas Kurti prize
We are happy to announce that Alex has been awarded the 2022 Nicholas Kurti Science prize. The prize recognises his work on non-linear effects in Josephson junctions for quantum information processing.
Capturing control errors in quantum annealing
The real-world application of this type of quantum computing gets one step closer with a new method to capture errors while qubits are talking to each other.
Lösung für das Unlösbare
PSI und ETH Zürich haben den Quantum-Computing-Hub gegründet. Spitzenforschende arbeiten dort gemeinsam an Konzepten für Quantencomputer.
«Wenn man in einer gewissen Position ist, sollte man sich nicht verstecken»
Kirsten Moselund leitet das neue Labor für Nano- und Quantentechnologien. Im Interview spricht sie über die Quantenforschung am PSI und wie die Nanophotonik dabei helfen kann.
Superconducting qubit first success at Quantum Computing Hub
Andreas Wallraff talks about moving in, refrigerators and measuring the first superconducting qubit at the ETHZ-PSI Quantum Computing hub.