Source size calculator

The source size calculator, as published in [1], can be downloaded here. For the most recent version, please refer to the Github repository (external link).
Quantitative tools for morphological and topological analyses of high-resolution murine 3D lung image data, as published in 2.

Download here
  1. G. Lovric, P. Oberta, I. Mohacsi, M. Stampanoni, and R. Mokso, Opt. Express 22, 2745 (2014), 10/q9m.
  2. G. Lovric, I. Vogiatzis Oikonomidis, R. Mokso, M. Stampanoni, M. Roth-Kleiner, J.C. Schittny, PLoS ONE 12 (9), e0183979 (2017). DOI: 10/cddm.