Additive Manufacturing

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Additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, is a bottom-up approach in which a part is manufactured layer by layer from a 3D computer model. In the SMAM group, we study the influence of the processing parameters on the microstructural evolution during the printing process. This is achieved by ultra-fast operando X-ray diffraction and radiography, combined with state-of-the-art post-processing characterisation techniques. 

Laser powder bed fusion is a very complex technique, with many variables. To ensure an optimal build quality, in situ process monitoring is crucial. In a SNF funded Sinergia project, the SMAM group, in collaboration with research groups from EPFL, EMPA and PSI  aim to develop an online monitoring strategy for additive manufacturing. 

Laser powder-bed fusion (LPBF) is the most widely used additive manufacturing process for monolithic metal parts. Many applications would greatly profit if more then one materials could be co-processed in the powder bed. Besides offering a much wider design space, multi-material LPBF would allow for producing functional parts without joining and assembly operations, and add 'function for free' as a new dimension to LPBF. In this project, we explore laser exposure strategies that allow controlled 3D printing of multi-material.

Laser powder bed fusion has great potential to design advanced alloys in situ during the printing process. We explore by operando X-ray diffraction the phase evolution during 3D printing of powder mixtures.

  • Chen M, Van Petegem S, Zou Z, Simonelli M, Tse YY, Chang CST, et al.
    Microstructural engineering of a dual-phase Ti-Al-V-Fe alloy via in situ alloying during laser powder bed fusion
    Additive Manufacturing. 2022; 59: 103173 (10 pp.).
  • Chen M, Simonelli M, Van Petegem S, Tse YY, Chang CST, Makowska MG, et al.
    A quantitative study of thermal cycling along the build direction of Ti-6Al-4V produced by laser powder bed fusion
    Materials and Design. 2023; 225: 111458 (11 pp.).
  • Pandiyan V, Masinelli G, Claire N, Le-Quang T, Hamidi-Nasab M, de Formanoir C, et al.
    Deep learning-based monitoring of laser powder bed fusion process on variable time-scales using heterogeneous sensing and operando X-ray radiography guidance
    Additive Manufacturing. 2022; 58: 103007 (15 pp.).
  • Glerum JA, Hocine S, Chang CST, Kenel C, Van Petegem S, Casati N, et al.
    Operando X-ray diffraction study of thermal and phase evolution during laser powder bed fusion of Al-Sc-Zr elemental powder blends
    Additive Manufacturing. 2022; 55: 102806 (12 pp.).
  • Ghasemi-Tabasi H, de Formanoir C, Van Petegem S, Jhabvala J, Hocine S, Boillat E, et al.
    Direct observation of crack formation mechanisms with operando laser powder bed fusion X-ray imaging
    Additive Manufacturing. 2022; 51: 102619 (11 pp.).
  • Hocine S, Van Swygenhoven H, Van Petegem S
    Verification of selective laser melting heat source models with operando X-ray diffraction data
    Additive Manufacturing. 2021; 37: 101747 (16 pp.).
  • Hocine S, Van Petegem S, Frommherz U, Tinti G, Casati N, Grolimund D, et al.
    A miniaturized selective laser melting device for operando X-ray diffraction studies
    Additive Manufacturing. 2020; 34: 101194 (9 pp.).
  • Hocine S, Van Swygenhoven H, Van Petegem S, Chang CST, Maimaitiyili T, Tinti G, et al.
    Operando X-ray diffraction during laser 3D printing
    Materials Today. 2020; 34: 30-40.

Dr. Steven Van Petegem
Structure and Mechanics of Advanced Materials
Photon Science Division 
Paul Scherrer Institute
Forschungsstrasse 111, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
Telephone: +41 56 310 2537 