Our quality management processes were thoroughly scrutinised in the current ISO 9001 recertification audit - with excellent results!
The auditors confirmed that our standards are not only adhered to, but also continuously developed.
This means that we can continue to guarantee the highest quality for our customers in the future.
Our team has made this success possible through its commitment and diligence.
The successful certification is both a confirmation and an incentive for us to continuously optimise our quality management.
The department (AHL) was certified for the following scope:
- Safe and efficient operation of the core facilities Hotlab and NT
- Project planning, licensing and realisation (construction and commissioning) of nuclear facilities
- Services in the field of characterisation of (highly) radioactive materials with regard to composition, functional parameters and ageing
- Scientific services for national and international research groups and projects
- Services for external partners in the areas of nuclear safety and licensing
- Services for PSI, in particular waste water treatment, waste treatment and conditioning and management systems
- Nuclear safety training