
Gruppenbild 60 Jahre Hotlabor

Anniversary Celebration: 60 Years of the hotlab

For 60 years, the Swiss Hotlab has been a symbol of cutting-edge research and technological innovation. On September 26, 2024, this remarkable anniversary was celebrated with a ceremonial event in Villigen.

Swiss CoA

New operational licence

On 21st of February 2019 the Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC) issued  the new operational licence for the PSI Hotlab facility

Inside Hotcell 6

Refurbishment of HZ6

The hot cell 6 is dedicated to the storage and conditioning of high level solid waste. This cell has been completely refurbished in the period 2015 – 2017. This include the complete dismantling and conditioning of the highly fuel contaminated old infrastructure, the cleaning of the cell and the installation and test of the new improved infrastructure.

Sample Management Software

New Sample and Task Management Software 

The AHL accounts, according to internal as well as external regulations, nuclear materials and moderators. For the detection and control of nuclear fuel samples and monitoring with respect to criticality safety, AHL developed a new sample and task management software (IPV).

Delivery of tanks

New sewage cleaning system and tank farm

PSI Hotlab is collecting and radiologically cleaning the entire radioactive waste water from the PSI East side. In the years 2014-2016 a major refurbishment took place, where the old tank farm was decommissioned, and new stainless-steel tanks were installed together with new, modern ultrafiltration systems during normal operation of the lab.


50 years of hotlab

50 years of cutting-edge research at the Swiss Hot Laboratory: On September 26, 2014, this impressive anniversary was celebrated in Hotwil with current and former employees.