Refurbishment of HZ6

The hot cell 6 is dedicated to the storage and conditioning of high level solid waste. This cell has been completely refurbished in the period 2015 – 2017. This include the complete dismantling and conditioning of the highly fuel contaminated old infrastructure, the cleaning of the cell and the installation and test of the new improved infrastructure.

The project was designed and led by the hot cell group in close collaboration with the supplier of the system (press and conveyor for waste bin).

Hotcell 6 Revision

Thanks to the very detailed planning and organization of the work, the project was realized in time and cost with no relevant incident and a low accumulated dose for the personnel (intern and extern). The new infrastructure has been successfully tested with real waste.

As complement to the new infrastructure, an improved conditioning procedure for high level solid waste has been established and is in the process to be validated by the safety authorities. Hot cell operators have been involved in this project from the conception to the installation. This was a key parameter for its success.

The Hotcell 6 is nowadays operated by the post-processing of nuclear materials group.

Inside Hotcell 6