Workshop about the Core Package at the 11th EMUG Meeting

Paul-Scherrer-Institute, Villigen, Switzerland
Nuclear Energy and Safety

Laboratory for Reactor Physics and Thermohydraulics

Severe Accident Research Group
April 5, 2019

Title Speaker
Welcome in Switzerland Bernd Jäckel, PSI
Welcome at the workshop Larry Humphries, SNL
Introduction to the COR package Larry Humphries, SNL
COR package overview Larry Humphries, SNL
Fuel fission product release Larry Humphries, SNL
COR heat transfer Larry Humphries, SNL
Eutectic model Larry Humphries, SNL
Oxidation models Larry Humphries, SNL
Nodalization Larry Humphries, SNL
Lower head modeling Larry Humphries, SNL
COR plot/CF variables Larry Humphries, SNL
Code coupling Larry Humphries, SNL
Wrap-up and Q/A Larry Humphries, SNL