Dr. Patrik Winiger

Winiger Patrik
Paul Scherrer Institute PSI
Forschungsstrasse 111
5232 Villigen PSI

Research Interest

I am interested in macromolecular short-lived climate pollutants, their sources, effects on climate, health impacts, and potential mitigation pathways. This includes not only combustion products, but also other aerosols like algae, bacteria, dust, soot, or (bio)polymers, which impact planetary albedo via cloud-, snow- and ice-interactions

Experience and Education

2022 - present Scientist,  Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry (LAC), Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), Switzerland
2021 - 2022 Project leader GIS modelling, Air Quality Department, City of Zürich, Switzerland
2018 - 2021 Grant Advisor and Project Manager, EUGrantsAccess, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
2018 - 2019 Postdoc, Earth and Climate unit, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2011 - 2017 PhD Student and Postdoc,  Applied Sciences and Analytical Chemistry, Stockholm University, Sweden
2008 - 2010 MSc Chemistry, University of Basel, Switzerland
2002 - 2007 BSc Chemical Engineering, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland
1999 - 2002 Chemical laboratory assistant (apprenticeship), Novartis/Syngenta, Switzerland

Honors and Awards

2024 International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) Fellow (Atmospheric Working Group)
2022 - 2026 Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) Ambizione Fellow (Junior Group Leader)



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