Project Sort descending | Description | Duration Sort ascending | Contact |
Powerdesign | Electricity market designs and impact on existing Swiss capacity |
2015-2018 | Dr. Martin Densing |
SwissHydro | Potential of Swiss hydropower by synergies with the energy system |
2015-2018 | Dr. Martin Densing |
Assessment of the potentials, costs and environmental burdens of electricity generation technologies for Swiss electricity supply until 2050 (Swiss Energy perspectives 2050) | Within this project, power generation technologies possibly contributing to Swiss electricity supply until 2050 are evaluated. The evaluation concerns technology development, generation (or import… |
2015-2017 | Christian Bauer |
EUSTEM | EUSTEM identifies least-cost combination of power plants and electricity generation mixes to meet EU electricity demands. It has a high temporal resolution, which combined capacity expansion and… |
2015- 2019 | Kannan Ramachandran |
THRIVE | This joint project aims to substitute electricity and fossil fuels used for cooling and heating of buildings in Switzerland with low-grade waste heat from industrial processes and thermal energy… |
2014-2018 | Karin Treyer |
FRS | The Future Resilient Systems program (FRS) develops a framework, concepts, and tools to make interconnected infrastructure systems more robust and resilient. FRS is the second research program… |
2014-2018 | Dr. Peter Burgherr |
Risk Governance of Deep Geothermal and Hydro Energy (RISK-GOV: DGE & Hydro) | The exploitation of underground energy resources as well as the use and expansion of hydropower, are, like all energy technologies, not completely risk free. The primary risks identified in the… |
2014-2018 | Dr. Peter Burgherr |
High-Temperature Combined Sensible/Latent-Heat Storage Based on Novel Materials for Electricity Storage Using Advanced Adiabatic Compressed Air Energy Storage (AA-CAES) | The overall objectives of the joint project are twofold: To demonstrate a combined sensible/latent-heat storage at an industrially relevant scale for use in advanced adiabatic compressed air… |
2014-2018 | Dr. Peter Burgherr |
ISCHESS | The project studies the impacts of adding distributed stochastic generation to the Swiss electricity system is divided in 2 phases. The first phase focuses on evaluating the impact of RES (mainly… |
2014-2017 | Christian Bauer |
OCESM | Bilevel-electricity markets: Oligopolistic capacity expansion with subsequent market-bidding under transmission constraints |
2014-2017 | Dr. Martin Densing |
INSIGHT-E | Interdisciplinary energy think-tank to support decision making at the European level |
2014-2017 | Kannan Ramachandran |
ISCHESS | Integration of stochastic renewables in the Swiss electricity supply system |
2014-2017 | Dr. Evangelos Panos |
SCCER - SoE Phase I | Swiss Competence Centre for Energy Research -- Supply of Electricity -- Phase I |
2014-2016 | |
Efficient Technologies and Systems for Mobility (SCCER Mobility) - Phase 1 | The SCCER Mobility expands the research and development capacities within the field of mobility. It aims to find new solutions and products with a measurable impact on energy efficiency and CO… |
2014-2016 | Dr. Peter Burgherr |
Heat & Electricity Storage: Materials, Systems and Modelling (SCCER Storage) - Phase 1 | SCCER Storage aims to develop the science and technology of electricity & heat storage in order to guarantee the continuous (temporal and regional), reliable, and cost-efficient supply of… |
2014-2016 | |
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of nuclear power in Switzerland | The environmental performance of nuclear power generation should be based on objective evidence that can also be compared to other electricity generation technologies. For this purpose, Life Cycle… |
2014-2015 | |
Ammonia-fuelled alkaline fuel cells for remote power applications (ALKAMMONIA) | In project ALKAMMONIA a proof-of-concept system designed to provide power in remote applications will be developed and tested. The project will integrate three innovative and proven technologies:… |
2013-2018 | Dr. Peter Burgherr |
Demonstration of 500 kWe alkaline fuel cell system with heat capture (POWER UP) | In project POWER-UP, a 500 kWe alkaline fuel cell (AFC) system will be demonstrated at Air Products (AIRP) industrial gas plant at Stade (in Lower Saxony, in northern Germany). This ambitious… |
2013-2018 | Dr. Peter Burgherr |
GMM-MCDA | Integration of the GMM model and MCDA |
2013-2017 | |
Swiss Competence Centers for Energy Research – Supply of Electricity (SCCER-SoE) - Phase 1 | The SCCER-SoE aims to develop fundamental research and innovative solutions in the domains of GeoEnergies (Deep Geothermal Energy and CO2 sequestration) and HydroPower. Thanks to the innovation of… |
2013-2016 | Dr. Peter Burgherr |
IDEAS4Cities | Integration of Decentralized Energy Adaptive Systems for cities |
2013-2016 | |
Geothermal Reservoir Processes: Towards the implementation of research into the creation and sustainable use of Enhanced Geothermal Systems (GEOTHERM-II) | The pressing need to rethink the Swiss Energy Mix following the decision to phase out nuclear power in Switzerland by 2034 lends added importance to accelerating the development of Enhanced… |
2013-2016 | Dr. Peter Burgherr |
TA Swiss Deep Geothermal Energy (TA Swiss DGE) | Deep geothermal energy is a potential resource of both heat and electricity generation that is extremely large, nearly CO2 free, domestically sourced and probably reliable. |
2013-2014 | Dr. Peter Burgherr |
Modelling frequencies and expected maximum consequences of catastrophic events in Switzerland based on historical observations (MODCAT-CH) | In this project an analytical approach is developed and implemented to evaluate the frequencies and associated consequences of selected hazard scenarios for Switzerland based on historical data.… |
2013-2014 | Dr. Peter Burgherr |
Oil Spill Risk Assessment for Different Regions and Facilities (SPILL-RISK) | The current study can be divided in two distinct phases. In the first phase the collection and preparation of spill data by means of PSI’s Energy-related Severe Accident Database (ENSAD) is… |
2013-2014 | Dr. Peter Burgherr |