Closed Projects

Project Sort descending Description Duration Sort ascending Contact

Electricity market designs and impact on existing Swiss capacity

2015-2018 Dr. Martin Densing

Potential of Swiss hydropower by synergies with the energy system

2015-2018 Dr. Martin Densing
Assessment of the potentials, costs and environmental burdens of electricity generation technologies for Swiss electricity supply until 2050 (Swiss Energy perspectives 2050)

Within this project, power generation technologies possibly contributing to Swiss electricity supply until 2050 are evaluated. The evaluation concerns technology development, generation (or import…

2015-2017 Christian Bauer

EUSTEM identifies least-cost combination of power plants and electricity generation mixes to meet EU electricity demands. It has a high temporal resolution, which combined capacity expansion and…

2015- 2019 Kannan Ramachandran

This joint project aims to substitute electricity and fossil fuels used for cooling and heating of buildings in Switzerland with low-grade waste heat from industrial processes and thermal energy…

2014-2018 Karin Treyer

The Future Resilient Systems program (FRS) develops a framework, concepts, and tools to make interconnected infrastructure systems more robust and resilient. FRS is the second research program…

2014-2018 Dr. Peter Burgherr
Risk Governance of Deep Geothermal and Hydro Energy (RISK-GOV: DGE & Hydro)

The exploitation of underground energy resources as well as the use and expansion of hydropower, are, like all energy technologies, not completely risk free. The primary risks identified in the…

2014-2018 Dr. Peter Burgherr
High-Temperature Combined Sensible/Latent-Heat Storage Based on Novel Materials for Electricity Storage Using Advanced Adiabatic Compressed Air Energy Storage (AA-CAES)

The overall objectives of the joint project are twofold: To demonstrate a combined sensible/latent-heat storage at an industrially relevant scale for use in advanced adiabatic compressed air…

2014-2018 Dr. Peter Burgherr

The project studies the impacts of adding distributed stochastic generation to the Swiss electricity system is divided in 2 phases. The first phase focuses on evaluating the impact of RES (mainly…

2014-2017 Christian Bauer

Bilevel-electricity markets: Oligopolistic capacity expansion with subsequent market-bidding under transmission constraints

2014-2017 Dr. Martin Densing

Interdisciplinary energy think-tank to support decision making at the European level

2014-2017 Kannan Ramachandran

Integration of stochastic renewables in the Swiss electricity supply system

2014-2017 Dr. Evangelos Panos
SCCER - SoE Phase I

Swiss Competence Centre for Energy Research -- Supply of Electricity -- Phase I

Efficient Technologies and Systems for Mobility (SCCER Mobility) - Phase 1

The SCCER Mobility expands the research and development capacities within the field of mobility. It aims to find new solutions and products with a measurable impact on energy efficiency and CO…

2014-2016 Dr. Peter Burgherr
Heat & Electricity Storage: Materials, Systems and Modelling (SCCER Storage) - Phase 1

SCCER Storage aims to develop the science and technology of electricity & heat storage in order to guarantee the continuous (temporal and regional), reliable, and cost-efficient supply of…

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of nuclear power in Switzerland

The environmental performance of nuclear power generation should be based on objective evidence that can also be compared to other electricity generation technologies. For this purpose, Life Cycle…

Ammonia-fuelled alkaline fuel cells for remote power applications (ALKAMMONIA)

In project ALKAMMONIA a proof-of-concept system designed to provide power in remote applications will be developed and tested. The project will integrate three innovative and proven technologies:…

2013-2018 Dr. Peter Burgherr
Demonstration of 500 kWe alkaline fuel cell system with heat capture (POWER UP)

In project POWER-UP, a 500 kWe alkaline fuel cell (AFC) system will be demonstrated at Air Products (AIRP) industrial gas plant at Stade (in Lower Saxony, in northern Germany). This ambitious…

2013-2018 Dr. Peter Burgherr

Integration of the GMM model and MCDA

Swiss Competence Centers for Energy Research – Supply of Electricity (SCCER-SoE) - Phase 1

The SCCER-SoE aims to develop fundamental research and innovative solutions in the domains of GeoEnergies (Deep Geothermal Energy and CO2 sequestration) and HydroPower. Thanks to the innovation of…

2013-2016 Dr. Peter Burgherr

Integration of Decentralized Energy Adaptive Systems for cities

Geothermal Reservoir Processes: Towards the implementation of research into the creation and sustainable use of Enhanced Geothermal Systems (GEOTHERM-II)

The pressing need to rethink the Swiss Energy Mix following the decision to phase out nuclear power in Switzerland by 2034 lends added importance to accelerating the development of Enhanced…

2013-2016 Dr. Peter Burgherr
TA Swiss Deep Geothermal Energy (TA Swiss DGE)

Deep geothermal energy is a potential resource of both heat and electricity generation that is extremely large, nearly CO2 free, domestically sourced and probably reliable.

2013-2014 Dr. Peter Burgherr
Modelling frequencies and expected maximum consequences of catastrophic events in Switzerland based on historical observations (MODCAT-CH)

In this project an analytical approach is developed and implemented to evaluate the frequencies and associated consequences of selected hazard scenarios for Switzerland based on historical data.…

2013-2014 Dr. Peter Burgherr
Oil Spill Risk Assessment for Different Regions and Facilities (SPILL-RISK)

The current study can be divided in two distinct phases. In the first phase the collection and preparation of spill data by means of PSI’s Energy-related Severe Accident Database (ENSAD) is…

2013-2014 Dr. Peter Burgherr