Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and electrocatalysis: is there a bridge in between?

Jan Bosse, Thomas Lippert, Andrei Varykhalov, Matthias Muntwiler, Andrew R. Akbashev;


The electronic interaction between molecules and a surface greatly influences the kinetics of heterogeneous electrocatalytic processes. Here, we explore the possibility of using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) to study electrocatalysts. Using oxide materials as an example, we identify pitfalls and key challenges of such experiments and discuss future opportunities.

Keywords: ARPES; Oxide; Single crystal; UHV; Electrocatalysis; X-ray Characterization; 

Facility: Thin Films and Interfaces; LMX (CNM); SLS (CPS); 

Reference: J. Bosse et al. , Electrochimica Acta 524, 146060 (2025)

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