Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - PSI-FELLOW-III-3i Programme

Revised June 15, 2020

How many PSI-FELLOW fellowships are available?
30 PSI-FELLOW postdocs will be appointed in 2021 and in 2023. These postdoc contracts last for two years. 

How do I apply and what is the role of the PSI-FELLOW Principle Investigator (PI)?
You should apply in mutual agreement with the PI, who is responsible for the theme you are interested in. The project proposal approach should be discussed together with the PI.

What subjects are covered by PSI-FELLOW-II-3i?
The research areas include natural and engineering sciences. The grand themes are:

  • materials and matter,
  • human health and life-sciences,
  • new accelerator concepts, beam characterization methods, detectors,
  • energy and environment,
  • multidisciplinary science at the research facilities

Within these grand themes the PIs have opened sub-themes on which you are invited to propose your project proposal. Please contact the PI for further information.

What are the eligibility criteria?
The eligibility criteria are published on: Eligibility Criteria

Can I apply if I work at CERN, Geneva?
If you have worked at CERN less than 12 months out of the 3 years immediately before the PSI-FELLOW application deadline (3oth of November, 2022) then you will be eligible for PSI-FELLOW.

How long does a fellowship last? Is a fellowship prolongable?
The duration of a fellowship in PSI-FELLOW-II-3i is two years and cannot be prolonged over the initial granted funding period. Employment after the initially granted time must be financed from other sources.

Where can I carry out the fellowship?
In general the PSI-Fellowships are carried out at PSI under a PSI contract. However, we also offer secondments at one of our partner organisations.

What criteria are used to assess applications?
Applications will be assessed against criteria both addressing the candidate's aptitude as well as the quality of the proposed research and its potential impact. The criteria are described in detail in the guidelines for applicants and reviewers available on the call page at the call start (September 1, 2022).

Is there a biological age limit?
For the first postdoc the PhD degree must have been awarded no more than two years prior to the application. For more experienced postdocs applying for e.g. the second postdoc the PhD degree must have been awarded no more than five years prior to the application deadline. This employment condition will allow us to focus on excellent experienced researchers at the beginning of their scientific career and to acknowledge that postdoctoral positions should be transient in the career of a researcher. Please contact in order to clarify the situation.