Redress Procedure

A request for redress may be submitted by the applicant if he/she feels that there has been a shortcoming in the way his/her proposal has been evaluated that may affect the final decision on the selection of the application. 

Redress requests can only be made with regard to procedural issues or perceived incorrect application of eligibility criteria, and not with regard to the scientific judgements of the remote reviewers and members of the interview panels.

The PSI Ethical Review Committee (ERC) will examine requests for redress.

Requests must be:

  • Related to procedural issues, or eligibility checks, as described in guidelines for applicants available on the call website.
  • Received within 7 working days after the applicant has received the result of the evaluation.
  • Including a clear description of the grounds for complaint.
  1. This procedure is concerned with the evaluation and/or eligibility checking process. The committee will not call into question the scientific or technical judgement of appropriately qualified experts.
  2. A re-evaluation will only be carried out if there is evidence of a shortcoming that affects the final decision on whether to fund it or not. This means, for example, that a problem relating to one evaluation criterion will not lead to a re-evaluation if a proposal has failed anyway on the other criteria.
  3. The evaluation score following any re-evaluation will be regarded as definitive. It may be lower than the original score.
  4. Only one request for redress per application will be considered by the committee.
  5. All requests for redress will be treated in confidence.