Controls and Science IT for SLS 2.0

Research at PSI has always been supported by computing and IT capabilities in the pursuit of world-class innovation and science. The control system and IT environment of large science facilities is a central and critical component in ensuring flawless operation and scientific success. Recognising the importance and role of the area for the SLS 2.0 upgrade, PSI has established Controls and Science IT (CaSIT) as one of the four subprojects. 

Our goals for the subproject are to exploit new technical advances, to challenge and revisit existing approaches, to refine concepts where needed, and to facilitate improved development cycles and software quality as well as a strengthened exchange between accelerator and beamlines.

With a potential for data to be produced at over 40 GB/s, and eventually totalling over 30 PB/year, one of the key challenges for CaSIT will be meeting the demands to accurately control beamlines along with capturing, reducing, and analysing beamline data. The multidisciplinary CaSIT group aims to exploit the best innovative technologies from academia, industry, and peers while ensuring a long-term legacy for simplified support and compatibility. These activities vary from advances in low-level electronics and motion controls to ensuring the best environment for beamline experiment control. The requirement for long term data preservation and publication through open research data initiatives is also a core activity.