Scientific Highlights of CLS

Dr. Chiara Favaretto has been honored with the Alavi-Mandell Award

Dr. Chiara Favaretto has been honored with the Alavi-Mandell Award 2024

We congratulate Dr. Chiara Favaretto for the excellent research work she did during her time at the Center for Radiopharmaceutical Sciences.

Sandra Mous

Sandra Mous received the ETH Medal for her dissertation at ETH Zurich

Sandra Mous received the ETH Medal for her dissertation at ETH Zurich under the supervision of Prof. Gebhard F.X. Schertler, Division Head of Biology and Chemistry at PSI. She captured the first molecular movie of an anion transported across the cell membrane by a protein pump. Congratulations!

synapse-level reconstruction of neural circuits

Automated synapse-level reconstruction of neural circuits in the larval zebrafish brain

Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence, Google Inc. and the Paul Scherrer Institute published a new method and data resource that makes connectomic analyses of the entire larval zebrafish brain possible.


Fingerprint of Copper in Peptides Linked to Alzheimer's Disease

In an interdisciplinary project, researchers from the Laboratory of Nanoscale Biology in BIO  and the Laboratory for Condensed Matter in PSD have revealed the reaction between the nitrogen atoms of the amyloid-beta peptide and copper/zinc ions by using soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy.


EANM Marie-Curie Award 2021 went to VIVIANE TSCHAN

Viviane Tschan received this year’s Marie-Curie Award for a new concept of radioligand therapy of prostate cancer.