Open Quantum Institute launch

We are happy to have supported the Open Quantum Institute during its incubation phase in 2023. The initiative was officially launched on 13 November by Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis and will be hosted at CERN.

Dr. Cornelius Hempel, head of the Ion Trap Quantum Computation group at LNQ’s ETHZ-PSI Quantum Computing Hub, spoke to SRF to explain how quantum computers work and how future versions of these devices can be used to solve some of the big problems of our time. 

We are looking forward to keep working with the OQI to advance the use of quantum technology for the benefit of humankind in the context of the UN sustainable development goals. Addressing today’s big challenges across a wide spectrum ranging from health, energy and the environment is an interdisciplinary effort, and that is where PSI is well positioned to help. 


Dr. Cornelius Hempel
Group Head, Ion Trap Quantum Computing
Deputy lab head (quantum)
Telefon: +41 56 310 56 35

Further Information

Quantum Computing Hub | Quantum Computing Hub | Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI)