Bosonic quantum error correction with superconducting circuits

Quantum bits (qubits) - the fundamental units of information in a quantum computer – are inherently fragile and their information is easily lost over time leading to errors in the computation. Extending the time over which this information can be faithfully retained is a crucial frontier of current research. Bosonic quantum error correction tackles this challenge by encoding an intrinsically error-protected qubit into the energy levels of a harmonic oscillator drawing on the notion of non-locality in oscillator phase space.

In our research, we will build on recent results demonstrating a novel type of bosonic qubit in an electromagnetic resonator realized in a superconducting circuit. Our goal is to explore both the promise of this system for quantum computation and simulation, as well as its fundamental aspects in the context of out-of-equilibrium physics in bistable oscillators. An important part of this research will be the use of the local infrastructure at PSI to fabricate and characterize high-quality superconducting circuits.

The techniques we will use include cryogenics, RF-engineering, nano-fabrication and characterization, as well as design and measurement of superconducting circuit devices. We are currently looking for motivated PhD candidates. Please contact Dr. Alexander Grimm for more information.