Head of Laboratory for X-ray Nanoscience and Technologies (LXN)
Assistant Laboratory for X-ray Nanoscience and Technologies (LXN)
Assistant Laboratory for Nano and Quantum Technologies (LNQ)
Dr. Hui-Yuan Chen
Dr. Christian David
Group Leader “X-Ray Nano-Optics“
Mano Raj Dhanalakshmi Veeraraj
PhD Student
Wenyi Jiang
Master Student from ETHZ
Dr. Peng Qi
Dr. Di Qu
Harm van der Velde
Dr. Joan Vila Comamala
Aisha Ahsan
Staff Scientist from Uni Basel
Patrick Ascher
Milos Baljozovic
Scientist at Empa
Martin Heinrich
PhD Student from Uni Basel, full time working at PEARL
Céline Hensky
PhD Student from EPFL working at PSI
Prof. Dr. Thomas Andreas Jung
Group Leader "Molecular Nanoscience"
Quy Hien Le
PhD Student from EPFL working at PSI
Dr. Matthias Kurt Muntwiler
Beamline Scientist (PEARL)
Aaron Henry Oechsle
PhD Student from University of Basel working at PSI
Diego Radillo
PhD Student from EPFL working at PSI
Muhammad Rauf
Frederik Schirdewahn
PhD Student (PEARL)
Narmadha Devi Suresh Kumar
PhD Student from University of Basel working at PSI
Prof. Dr. Christian Wäckerlin
Project Leader SNSF Eccellenza
Dr. Paolo Ansuinelli
Dr. Aysegül Develioglu
Dr. Iason Giannopoulos
Project Scientist
Dr. Jean-David Isasa
Dr. Dimitrios Kazazis
Markus Kropf
Ziqi Li
Visiting PhD Student in the Advanced Lithography and Metrology group
Dr. Iacopo Mochi
Group Leader Advanced Lithography and Metrology
David Piguet
Beamline Technician XIL
Dr. Maria Michalina Szola
Dr. Peng Tian
Michaela Vockenhuber
Corinna Burri
PhD Student
Maël André Clémence
PhD Student
Dr. Sandy Adhitia Ekahana
Dr. Simon Gerber
Group Leader "Quantum Photon Science"
Wenxiang Hu
Phd Student
Dr. Nelson Nientsu Hua
Robert Georg Kälin
Dr. Karina Kazarian
Dr. Guy Matmon
Aidan Gabriel McConnell Montoya
PhD Student
Dr. Bill Francesco Pedrini
Adrian Rutschmann
PhD Student
Tianyang Shen
PhD student
Stefan Stutz
Spektroskopie Techniker
Nicolai Taufertshöfer
PhD Student
Dr. Rok Venturini
Dr. Jakub Vonka
Tenure-track scientist
Dr. Anna Bergamaschi
Group Leader Detector Science and Characterization
Dr. Khalil Daniel Ferjaoui
Postdoctoral Researcher
Dr. Lars Erik Fröjd
Dr. Viveka Gautam
Dr. Dominic Greiffenberg
Dr. Julian Brice Dominique Heymes
Dr. Viktoria Hinger
Project Scientist
Dr. Vadym Kedych
Dr. Shuqi Li
Dr. Aldo Mozzanica
Detector Scientist
Jonathan Franklin Mulvey
Dr. Kirsty Anne Paton
Post Doc
Saverio Silletta
Dr. Xiangyu Xie
Dr. Jiaguo Zhang
Martin Brückner
Firmware Engineer
Dr. Maria del Mar Carulla Areste
Simon Ebner
Production Technician
Shqipe Hasanaj
Mechanical Engineer
Thomas King
Mechnical Engineer
Carlos Lopez Cuenca
Firmware Engineer
Alice Francesca Mazzoleni
Dr. Davide Mezza
Chip designer
Dr. Konstantinos Moustakas
Chip Designer
Martin Müller
Firmware Engineer
Christian Ruder
Elect. Technician TS
Dr. Bernd Schmitt
Group Leader "Detector Engineering"
Dr. Patrick Sieberer
Chip Designer (Postdoc)
Dhanya Thattil
Software Engineer
- Nicolò D'Anna
PhD student from 2018-09 until 2022-11
University of California San Diego, San Diego CA (USA) - Alexander Grimm
Tenure-track scientist 2019-11 until 2022-06
Bosonic Quantum Information Group, PSI (Switzerland) - Francesco Adinolfi
PhD student 2021-09 until 2022-06
Bosonic Quantum Information Group, PSI (Switzerland) - Alessandro Bruno
PhD student 2022-04 until 2022-06
Bosonic Quantum Information Group, PSI (Switzerland) - Andrin Doll
Project scientist 2022-10 until 2023-10
Bulk Muon Spin Rotation Group, PSI (Switzerland) - Tristan Kuttner
Master student 2022-03 until 2022-06
Bosonic Quantum Information Group, PSI (Switzerland) - Tristan Kuttner
Semester student 2021-03 until 2022-01
Department of Physics, ETHZ (Switzerland) - Joe Bailey
EPFL Fellow, postdoc & project scientist 2016-11 until 2021-11
London (UK) - Maël Clémence
Master student 2021-03 until 2021-10
Department of Physics, ETHZ (Switzerland) - Florian Zangl
Semester student 2021-03 until 2021-10
Department of Physics, ETHZ (Switzerland) - Jan Ravnik
PSI Fellow 2019-09 until 2021-09
Credit Suisse, Zürich (Switzerland) - Lise Grüner Hanson
Summer student 2021-07 until 2021-08
Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby (Denmark) - Charpoan Kong
Intern from 2021-03 until 2021-08
Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, ETHZ (Switzerland) - Hsueh-yu Kuo
Semester student 2021-02 until 2021-08
Department of Physics, ETHZ (Switzerland) - Adrian Beckert
PhD student from 2017-05 until 2021-07
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena CA (USA) - Francesco Armand Pilon
PhD student from 2016-10 until 2021-03
II-VI Laser Enterprise, Zürich (Switzerland) - Maël Clémence
Semester student 2020-09 until 2020-12
Department of Physics, ETHZ (Switzerland) - Pratyush Anand
Semester student 2020-09 until 2020-11
Department of Physics, ETHZ (Switzerland) - Leonie Müller
Summer student 2020-06 until 2020-07
Department of Physics, ETHZ (Switzerland) - Maria del Mar Carulla Areste
Postdoc 2019-07 until 2019-11
X-ray Optics Group, PSI (Switzerland) - Roksolana Kozak
Research scientist 2019-08 until 2019-11
X-ray Optics Group, PSI (Switzerland) - Massimo Carmelo Camarda
Tenure-track scientist from 2014-11 until 2019-10
STMicroelectronics Catania (Italy) - Daniel Günther
Intern from 2018-05 and 2019-09
TU München (Germany) - Judith Wörle
PhD student from 2015-01 until 2019-05
Advanced Power Semiconductor Laboratory, ETHZ (Switzerland) - Alexey Lyasota
Postdoc from 2018-03 until 2018-12
Nordic Quantum Computing Group (Switzerland)
Thomas Zabel
Postdoc from 2014-11 until 2017-05
Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Garching (Germany) - Esteban Marin
Master student from 2015-01 until 2016-05
Bithost GmbH (Switzerland) - Richard Geiger
PhD student from 2012-01 until 2016-03
Intel Corporation, Munich (Germany) - Stephan Wirths
Visiting scientist from 2015-10 until 2015-12
Forschungszentrum Jülich (Germany) - Salvatore Bagiante
Postdoc from 2011-05 until 2015-11
Nanofabrication Facility at IST (Austria)