SSH-Access into PSI-LAN (NG)

To further improve the IT security of remote access, the existing SSH hop system( will be replaced by a newer version in the course of 2024. The new version will result in some changes to the functionality and use of the system.

Please familiarize yourself with the changes BEFORE using the new system for the first time.

General information on use

The new system will be available exclusively as a tunneling system. This means that after successfully logging into the system

  • NO active, usable shell is available
  • the familiar commands "ssh, kd, host" will be omitted without replacement
  • it is not possible to continue via SSH, e.g. with [user@hop]$ ssh


The obsolete SSH tunneling variant (example),

ssh -L 9999:localhost:9999 ssh -L 9999:localhost:22 -N

where a local port is to be opened on is also no longer supported due to the elimination of a usable shell and the "ssh" command.

Only one active connection to is possible per user, via which all other connections to the PSI LAN must be tunneled (keyword: ProxyJump, ProxyCommand, SSH multiplexing).

In most use cases, the use of the new hop system is based on the so-called SSH multiplexing. SSH connections are sent through an existing SSH connection (tunnel), which is more efficient and faster than separate connections.

Applied to the Hop system, this means

1. establish an SSH connection to and keep this connection open (important!!).

2. in the next step, a new SSH connection can then be established in another shell or terminal to an internal system via the connection to (step no. 1). This can be repeated as often as required. I.e. it is possible to send several SSH connections through the SSH connection to as long as it continues to exist.

Note: Step 1 and step 2 must be carried out separately and must not be combined in a single command!

********* Attention ****************

If the connection to is terminated while the connection(s) to an internal system are still active/open, all other connections will also be terminated when the connection to is terminated!!!


The following figure shows the output after a successful login.

The output after the login contains the following important information:

  1. The IP address of the client which established the connection to .
  2. The user name which is used for the connection.
  3. The NAT IP address, which will be used for  the connections established by the user through to systems within the PSI network.
  4. The date and time when the connection to was started
  5. The maximum date and time until which the connection to can be held open. At this time (if the maximum session duration of 12 hours has expired) the connection to is automatically terminated. All connections to the PSI network going through will also be disconnected.

The connection to can be terminated with "ctrl-c". No further commands are available!

As already mentioned above, SSH multiplexing must be activated once on the client for this procedure (see below).

Behavior when establishing more than one connection

If a second connection to is established using the same user name and the same source IP address, this connection is terminated after an successful authentication with a reference to the existing connection.

If a second connection to is established using the same user name but a different source IP address to the existing connection, the user is given a choice after an successful authentication. He can actually establish the second connection, but then the first connection and all associated tunneled connections to the PSI network will be disconnected. Or he can terminate the second connection and continue working with the first one. The answer to the question must be 'Y', 'y', 'N' or 'n'.

Maximum session duration of 12 hours

The duration of the active connection to is limited to a maximum of 12 hours, similar to VPN access. The maximum time until which the connection can remain active is displayed after an successful authentication (see above). In the same window, five minutes before the connection is terminated, a message is displayed indicating that the connection is about to be terminated.

********* Attention ****************

If the connection to is terminated while the connection(s) to an internal system are still active/open, then all other connections will also be terminated when the connection to is terminated!!!!


Note on the use of VS Code

The remote SSH plugin of VS Code tries to re-establish an interrupted SSH connection several times due to the default settings. If a user was connected to several systems remotely via SSH and the connections were interrupted, VS Code tries to re-establish each connection automatically. This behavior can lead to many failed login attempts on and in extreme cases to an automated blocking of the user account or the client IP address.

To prevent this, the number of automated connection attempts in the VS code must be significantly reduced.

To do this, "Max Reconnection Attempts" must be set to 0:

Activate SSH multiplexing on Unix/Linux/macOS

If the file ~/.ssh/config does not yet exist, it must be created.

$ touch ~/.ssh/config
$ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config

then edit the file ~/.ssh/config with any editor and add the following content

$ cat .ssh/config 
Host *    
ControlMaster auto    
ControlPath ~/.ssh/tmp/%h_%p_%r

Then the directory for the "ControlPath" must be created (also once)

$ mkdir ~/.ssh/tmp
$ chmod 700 ~/.ssh/tmp

The system is now ready for the use of SSH multiplexing.

Further interesting information about SSH multiplexing can be found here:

SSH connections to PSI internal systems with Unix/Linux/macOS

Once SSH multiplexing has been set up, SSH connections can be established via Hopx to systems within the PSI network. This requires at least two steps

  1. Establish an SSH connection to and leave it open
  2. Establish an SSH connection to the internal system via in a new terminal
Step no. 1 Establish SSH connection to Step no. 2 Establish SSH connection to PSI internal system(s)


Step no. 1:

$ ssh <user>

It is then recommended to open a new terminal and start the SSH connection for step no. 2

Step no. 2:

$ ssh -J <user> <user>

The option "-J <user>" informs the SSH client that the connection to the server "" should be established via the existing connection from step no. 1 to This only works if

  • SSH multiplexing has been set up as described above!
  • the host name of Hopx is specified in the -J option exactly as in step no. 1, i.e.

Note: Step 1 and step 2 must be carried out separately and must not be combined in a single command!

As long as the connection from step no. 1 to is open, any other connections to the same or other internal systems can be established. For example with

Step no. 3, 4....

$ ssh -J <user> <user>


SSH connections to PSI internal systems with Unix/Linux/macOS with simultaneous port forwarding via the internal system (example RDP to

The SSH connection to an internal system described above can be extended by one or more port forwarding. A local port is opened on the client system for this purpose. Connections to this port are sent through the SSH tunnel to the internal system and then sent to the actual target system. Three steps are required for this:

  1. Establish an SSH connection to and leave it open
  2. Establish SSH connection via to the internal system, with port forwarding
  3. Use of port forwarding
Step no. 1 Establish SSH connection to Step no. 2 Establish SSH connection to PSI-internal system. Step no. 3 Use port forwarding.


Step no. 1:

$ ssh <user>

It is then recommended to open a new terminal and start the SSH connection for step no. 2

Step no. 2:

$ ssh -L -J <user> <user>

With the option "-L", port 8888 is opened locally on the SSH client system.

Note: Step 1 and step 2 must be carried out separately and must not be combined in a single command!

Step no. 3

If you then start the RDP client and connect with "localhost:8888" or "", you will reach the login prompt of

If further port forwarding is required, this can be specified when connecting from step no. 2. The "-L" option can be specified multiple times, e.g:

ssh -L -L -J <user> <user>

In this example, the local port 5900 is also forwarded to port 5900 of the system.


SSH connections to PSI internal systems Unix/Linux/macOS through another internal gateway system with simultaneous port forwarding via the internal system

The examples above can be extended by another "jump system", e.g. another internal SSH gateway. This means that the connection from the external SSH client to the target system, the internal SSH server, is established via and an another SSH gateway. Four steps are required for this:

  1. Establish an SSH connection to and leave it open
  2. Establish SSH connection via and the internal SSH gateway to the internal system, with port forwarding
  3. together with step no. 2
  4. Use port forwarding


Step no. 1 Establish SSH connection to Step no. 2 + 3 Establish SSH connection to PSI-internal system via (hopx + Gatway). Step no. 4 Use port forwarding.


Step no. 1:

$ ssh <user>

Then it is recommended to open a new terminal and start the SSH connection from step no. 2

Step no. 2 + 3:

$ ssh -L -L -J <user>,<user> <user>

Authentication is first performed on the "" system and then on the "" system. The local port forwarding at the SSH client terminates on the "" system. From there they are forwarded to the target systems ( +

Note: Step 1 and step 2 must be carried out separately and must not be combined in a single command!

Step no. 4

If you then start the RDP client and connect with "localhost:8888" or "" you will reach the login prompt of

SSH port forwarding via with Unix/Linux/macOS

The examples above each use as a gateway system(-J) and port forwarding takes place via a system in the internal PSI network. In general, however, one or more ports can also be forwarded via alone, without the involvement of an internal system. The reasons for this can be, for example

  • the user has no rights to log on to an internal system via SSH
  • the user has not set up multiplexing on their client system or generally does not want to set it up.
  • the user only wants quick access to an internal system without establishing two SSH connections (one to and one to an internal system)

In these cases, only one SSH connection to is required.

Step 1 Establish an SSH connection to and activate port forwarding. Step no. 2 Use port forwarding.


$ ssh -L <user>

tunnels, for example, the local port 8000 to port 3389 (RDP) of the terminal server

or in the case of multiple port forwarding

$ ssh -L -L <user>

the local port 8445 is also tunneled to port 445 of, via which a data transfer can then be carried out.


SSH and the use of the config file

The commands shown above are certainly good for quick access. However, if you want to use the same port forwarding regularly and often, using the config file is a considerable relief.

The file has already been edited to activate SSH multiplexing (see above). It can be found in the .ssh directory in the home directory of the respective user.


When using the example config file described below, please delete the line

Host *

which was inserted during the activation of SSH multiplexing.


The new content of the config file could then look like this:

$ cat ~/.ssh/config 
ControlMaster auto 
ControlPath ~/.ssh/tmp/%h_%p_%r 
ForwardAgent yes 
ForwardX11 yes 
ForwardX11Trusted yes 
host psi-outside-ssh-gw 
           DynamicForward 9000 
           LocalForward 8389 
           LocalForward 8445 
# for use with macOS 
match host * !host hop* !exec "ifconfig -a inet | grep -q -E 'inet 129\.129\.'" 
          ProxyJump psi-outside-ssh-gw 
# for use with Linux 
#match host * !host hop* !exec "ip -o -4 a | grep -v -E 'lo *inet' | grep -q -E 'inet 129\.129\.'"
#          ProxyJump psi-outside-ssh-gw 


Again, two connections must be established:

  1. Establish a SSH connection to and leave it open
  2. Establish a SSH connection to and leave it open

With the SSH connection to "", three local ports are opened on the SSH client. Port 9000 for "dynamic forwarding/socks proxy (see below)", port 8389 to and port 8445 to



In order to be able to use the new Hopx system to its full extent with Putty, it is recommended to use at least version 0.78 of Putty. From this version onwards, the so-called "Connection Sharing", which corresponds to the SSH multiplexing described above, is supported.


With Putty versions lower than 0.78, the new Hopx system can only be used for port forwarding via itself. SSH connections to internal systems via an existing connection to are not possible with a Putty version lower than 0.78!

Preparing Putty for the use of

<This step is not necessary if you just want to use SSH port forwarding via with Putty>

Putty must first be prepared for use with so that the configurations described below work.

The first step is to create a connection profile for

In the "Category" column on the left, select the "Session" entry at the top and fill in the "Host Name (or IP address)" field on the right


(please replace <user> with the actual user name)

Enter a name for this profile in the "Saved Session" field. In this case ""(do not click on Save yet )

Then select the "Connection -> SSH" entry in the "Category" column on the left and check the "Share SSH connections if possible" box under "Sharing an SSH connection between PuTTY tools".

The settings must now be saved. In the "Category" column on the left, select the "Session" entry at the top and click "Save" on the right.

The basic configuration for the connection to is now created and ready for operation.

SSH connections to PSI internal systems with Windows + Putty with simultaneous port forwarding via the internal system (example RDP to

Similar to Unix, Putty can be used to establish SSH connections via Hopx to systems within the PSI network. Port forwarding is not absolutely necessary for this, but is also explained in this example. If port forwarding is not required, the corresponding configuration can be omitted.

The following steps are required for an SSH connection via with Putty

  1. Establish an SSH connection to with Putty and leave it open (see above for configuration)
  2. Establish a new SSH connection to the internal system via using Putty
  3. Use port forwarding
Step no. 1 Establish SSH connection to Step no. 2 Establish SSH connection to PSI-internal system. Step no. 3 Use port forwarding.

The preparation for the connection to has already been completed with the configuration above. To connect to the internal system (e.g., proceed as follows:

In the "Category" column on the left, select the "Session" entry at the top and fill in the "Host name (or IP address)" field on the right


(please replace <user> with the actual user name)

Enter a name for this profile in the "Saved Session" field. In this case "login-via-hopx"(do not click on Save yet )

To connect to via, the "Proxy" entry must be selected in the "Category" column on the left. In the right part of the Putty window, "Proxy type" must be set to "SSH to proxy and use port forwarding". "" must be entered in the "Proxy hostname" field and "22" must be entered in the "Port" field.

In the line "Do DNS name lookup at proxy end" must be changed from "Auto" to "Yes".

Then select the "Category SSH -> Tunnels" in the left-hand column. Then enter the local port "9000", for example, in the "Source port" field and leave the "Destination" field empty. The type is set to "Dynamic" (for dynamic tunneling, see below) and then click "Add".

Then enter the local port "8389" in the "Source port" field, for example, and the destination server and the corresponding port "" in the "Destination" field. The type is set to "Local" and then click "Add". With this setting, RDP connections to the local port 8389 are routed to port 3389.

After the tunnel configuration is complete, it will look like this

Then go back to "Category -> Session" and save the settings by clicking on "Save

The three steps mentioned above can then be applied.

Step no. 1, establish SSH connection to and leave it open

Select the saved connection "", click on "Load" and then on "Open". As soon as the connection to is established and after an successful authentication, step no. 2 follows

Step no. 2, establish SSH connection via to the internal system (, with port forwarding

Call Putty again and select the saved connection "login-via-hopx", click on "Load" and then on "Open". As soon as the connection to is established, step no. 3 follows

Step no. 3, using port forwarding

If you then start the RDP client and connect with "localhost:8389" or "", you will reach the login prompt of

SSH port forwarding via with Windows + Putty

The example above uses as the gateway system and the port forwarding takes place via a system in the internal PSI network. In general, however, one or more ports can also be forwarded via alone, without the involvement of an internal system. The reasons for this can be, for example

  • the user has no rights to log on to an internal system via SSH
  • the user has not set up "Connection Sharing" on their client system in Putty or generally does not want to set it up.
  • the user has installed a Putty version lower than 0.78 on their client system. An installation of version 0.78 or higher is not possible or desired.
  • The user only wants quick access to an internal system without establishing two SSH connections (one to and one to an internal system).

In these cases, only one SSH connection to is required in order to subsequently use port forwarding.

Step 1 Establish an SSH connection to and activate port forwarding. Step no. 2 Use port forwarding.

Proceed as follows for the configuration.

Start Putty and select the top entry "Session" in the "Category" column on the left, fill in the "Host Name (or IP address)" field on the right


(please replace <user> with the actual user name)

Enter a name for this profile in the "Saved Session" field. In this case ""(do not click on Save yet )

Then select the "Category SSH -> Tunnels" in the left-hand column. Then enter the local port "9000", for example, in the "Source port" field and leave the "Destination" field empty. The type is set to "Dynamic" (for dynamic tunneling, see below) and then click on "Add".

Then enter the local port "8389" in the "Source port" field, for example, and the destination server and the corresponding port "" in the "Destination" field. The type is set to "Local" and then click "Add". This setting directs RDP connections to the local port 8389 to port 3389.

After the tunnel configuration is complete, it will look like this.

Then jump back to "Category -> Session" and save the settings by clicking on "Save"

The following steps are then required for use

Step no. 1, establish an SSH connection to and leave it open

Select the saved connection "", click on "Load" and then on "Open". As soon as the connection to is established after an successful authentication, step no. 2 follows

Step no. 2, using port forwarding

If you then start the RDP client and connect with "localhost:8389" or "" you will reach the login prompt of

With dynamic tunneling, or a system in the internal PSI network is used as a Socks5 proxy. This allows, for example, several different internal web servers/websites to be contacted without having to set up a separate tunnel or port forwarding to each one.

Dynamic tunneling with Unix/Linux/macOS

To open a port for dynamic tunneling locally on the system, you can specify the command line option "-D" using Unix/Linux/macOS.

Tunneling directly via

$ ssh -D 9000 -J <user>

...opens port 9000 locally on the client system. Connections to this port are sent via the SSH connection to and from there to the internal server.

Tunneling via an internal system in the PSI network (Attention: there must already be an SSH connection to!)

$ ssh -D 9000 -J <user> <user>

...opens port 9000 locally on the client system. Connections to this port are sent through the SSH tunnel to "" and from there to the internal server.

The "-L" option described above for port forwarding of RDP connections, for example, can be used at the same time as the "-D" option. E.G.

$ ssh -D 9000 -L -J <user> <user>

(An SSH connection to must already exist in this case too!)

Use with the SSH config file

If you use the SSH config file, you can also make the corresponding entry with "DynamicForward 9000".

Example, excerpt from the config file (see above)

           DynamicForward 9000 
           LocalForward 8389 
           LocalForward 8445 

If the port for dynamic tunneling has been opened on the local client system, it can be used with the browser. This is described below.

Dynamic tunneling with Windows + Putty

How to prepare for dynamic tunneling within Putty has already been described above in the sections

"SSH connections to PSI internal systems with Windows + Putty with simultaneous port forwarding via the internal system (example RDP to"

"SSH port forwarding via with Windows + Putty"

is described. It describes how to add the local port 9000 as "Dynamic forwarded port" in the tunneling configuration.

It is important for the user to differentiate at which connection with Putty the local port 9000 is opened for forwarding. Either during the connection to or just during the second connection via hopx to an internal system in the PSI network.

Use of dynamic tunneling

Once an SSH connection has been established with Unix/Linux/macOS or Putty to hopx. or a system in the internal PSI network and port 9000 is available locally (see above for instructions), it can be used with a browser.

Now you can, for example, in the proxy settings of the Firefox browser (Settings -> General -> Network) at

SOCKS Host: localhost enter Port: 9000.

Instead of "localhost" you can also enter "".

In the No Proxy for: field, you should also enter all domain/host names, IP addresses/ranges that are to be called up directly, i.e. without the detour via or the internal system, e.g. localhost,,, .com.

The option "Proxy DNS when using SOCKS v5" must be activated with a tick. The settings must be confirmed by clicking on "OK".


PSI employees can only access PSI internal websites, and via hopx.psi. ch. Access to ServiceNOW should also work. Other PSI-owned but externally hosted sites can be enabled if required. Connections to non-PSI, external websites will not be forwarded! If you need unrestricted access to PSI's own websites (as if a system is used on site at PSI), we recommend dynamic tunneling via a PSI-internal system in the PSI network and NOT directly via


Note for macOS users

If you want to access internal websites using the Safari browser, you must activate the use of the Socks proxy via the network properties. To do this, go to System Preferences -> Network -> the network connection used (Ethernet or WiFi) -> Details -> (left) Proxies and then activate SOCKS proxy in the right-hand field. Then enter "" in the Server field and "9000" in the Port field. The proxy exceptions are entered at the bottom of the list. Then confirm with "OK".


The settings are globally valid for all applications on the Mac system that use the network properties. This includes, for example, the Mail and Calendar applications. This means that all network connections of these applications are then also made via the socks proxy. This then leads to connection problems if servers outside the PSI are contacted. To avoid this, the servers must be excluded from proxy use by making an entry in the "Bypass proxy settings for these hosts & domains:" field.