11th Meeting of the European MELCOR and MACCS User Group

Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland

April 3-5, 2019

For information about missing presentations please contact author directly (Please see "Agenda of the Meeting" and "List of Participants")

Title Speaker
Welcome PSI Andreas Pautz, FER
Welcome and Approval of agenda Bernd Jäckel, PSI
MELCOR Code Development Status - EMUG 2019 Larry Humphries, SNL
Study on the Nodalization Effect of MELCOR for Simulation of Nordic BWR Yangli Chen, KTH
MELCOR analyses for Loviisa NOPP: Results and effect of steel oxidation Tomi Räihä, Fortum
UPM Research with MELCOR 2.x: PWR-W Applications Kevin Fernández-Cosials, UPM
Details of the Accident Progression in 1F1 Matthias Braun, Framatome
Containment Modeling Strategy and Results Martina Adorni, Bel V
Analysis of Severe Accident in Safety Upgrated Krško NPP with MELCOR 2.2 Mitja Uršič, JSI
ENEA Activities in the Field of Severe Accidents by using MELCOR Code Fulvio Mascari, ENEA
MELCOR and Level 2 PRA State of the Art and State of the Practice Alfred Torri, RMA
MELSIM: A MELCOR Driven Severe Accident Simulator and Visualization Package Alfred Torri, RMA
SIM Active Charts: SAMG Development, Optimization, Validation and Training Alfred Torri, RMA
Recent Experience with MELCOR 2.2 Miroslav Kotouc, ÚJV Rež
Physical Models necessary to be implemented in MELCOR 2.2 for Fusion Reactor Safety Analyses and the current Models already implemented in MELCOR Fusion Fulvio Mascari, ENEA
Allegro Gas Cooled Reactor Severe Accident Processes using MELCOR 2.2 Gábor L. Horváth, NUBIKI
Coupling of GEMS with MELCOR: First steps Sergii Nichenko, PSI
Comparative SA calculations for SFP with different MELCOR versions Oleksandr Kotsuba, SSTC NRS
Partial Implementation of Nitriding Model in MELCOR 1.8.6 Bernd Jäckel, PSI
Overview of MACCS: Status and Development Nathan E. Bixler, SNL
MACCS2 Preliminary Analysis to Evaluate the Impact on Italy of a Severe Accident at Krško NPP Antonio Guglielmelli, ENEA
Consequence Analysis Uses at NRC and MACCS Code Development Plans for Non-LWRs Jonathan Barr, US NRC
Full-Scope PSA Level3 of NPP Gösgen Behrooz Askari, SST
RASCAL: An Alternative to MACCS? Alfred Torri, RMA
Atmospheric Transport Results for BSAF Phase 2 Nathan E. Bixler, SNL
Practical Aspects of Performing a Multi-Unit Level 3 PSA with MACCS Nathan E. Bixler, SNL
Announcement of the 12th EMUG Meeting in Budapest, Hungary, Organized by NUBIKI Gábor L. Horváth, NUBIKI