
Guidelines for good scientific practice for PSI, Empa, Eawag, WSL 2020

The guidelines for good scientific practice set out principles and rules for planning, conducting, evaluating, publishing and reviewing research work at PSI. An investigation in case of suspected misconduct in research is carried out according to the rules of procedure. The guidelines are based on national and international guidelines. The guidelines are identical, the presentation is different for PSI, Empa, Eawag and WSL. They have been revised in 2020 and replace all older versions from 2010 and 2014.

In case of an alleged violation of integrity in research at PSI, Empa, eawag or WSL the procedure ("Verfahrensordnung bei vermuteter Verletzung der Integrität in der Forschung") will be followed (same procedure for PSI, Empa, eawag, WSL; translation of the binding text in German)

Other institutions have issued guidelines that are essentially the same as those of the PSI. There are usually differences in terms of timeliness, detail, application to research and teaching, and in the formal handling of cases of suspected breaches of research integrity. This is where the PSI differs as a research institute with larger projects and a hierarchical structure in which, for example, line managers play an important role. The PSI guidelines are binding for joint employees (doctoral students) who are employed at the PSI.

Further Information

From the US. Department of Health and Human Services: