Teaching and education



Helena Van Swygenhoven is professor at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in the Materials Science and Engineering Section of the School of Engineering. Currently she is teaching following course(s):

PhD projects

Following students are subscribed at the doctoral school of the EPFL under the direction of Prof. Van Swygenhoven:
Name PhD project
Karl Sofinowski Neutron and X-ray Diffraction for Investigating Multiaxial Plastic Deformation in Metal Alloys
Wei-Neng Hsu Deformation-induced Martensitic Phase Transformation under Multiaxial Loading
Marina Garcia Gonzalez Origin of Internal Stresses in 18 Carat Gold Alloys
Samy Hocine Metallic Microstructures during Selective Laser Melting: Footprints during X-ray Diffraction


The group Photons for Engineering and Manufacturing frequently hosts master and summer students. Please contact Prof. Van Swygenhoven (helena.vanswygenhoven@psi.ch) or Dr. Van Petegem (steven.vanpetegem@psi.ch) for more information.

Our current projects:
Name Project area
Prune Truong Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Andrew Boardman Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Krystian Mosur Additive Manufacturing
For further information on education at PSI have a look at the site on training and further education.