CASCADE-MINTS: Case Study Comparisons and Development of Energy Models for Integrated Technology Systems

The project conducted for the Directorate General Research (DG-RES) of the European Commission (EC) within the Sixth Framework Program (6FP) examines the prospects for a "hydrogen+electricity" economy in the long run and assesses the role of different technologies such as renewable energy, nuclear energy, CO2 capture and storage and hydrogen and fuel cells on policy proposals in the areas of climate change mitigation and security of energy supply.
CASCADE-MINTS is a modelling and technology assessment project in two parts:
  1. Part 1 examines the prospects for a "hydrogen+electricity" economy in the long run. Existing models are extended to represent alternative pathways for hydrogen production, transportation, storage and end-use and relevant technology dynamics mechanisms that capture the effects of R&D activities and demonstration and deployment (D&D) programs. These models are used to examine the contribution of hydrogen in alternative scenarios assuming a favourable development of hydrogen-based energy technologies. Special attention will be given to technology clusters where particular breakthroughs may produce cumulative effects. In evaluating the scenarios emphasis will be given to the investment requirements, particularly infrastructure investments required.
  2. Part 2 assesses the contribution of several clusters of advanced energy technologies, namely hydrogen and fuel cells, CO2 capture and storage, renewables and nuclear energy in lowering greenhouse gas emissions and improving security of energy supply and to what extent appropriate policies can foster their development and subsequent deployment. In the analysis of the potential impact of new technologies and the evaluation of possible policy options, several energy-economy-environment (E3) models are brought together to jointly analyse key issues on the energy policy agenda.

  • S. Kypreos
  • P. Rafaj
  • L. Barreto
Uyterlinde, M.A., G.H. Martinus, H. Rosler, B.C.C. van der Zwaan, L. Szabo, P. Russ, L. Mantzos, M. Zeka-Paschou, M. Blesl, I. Ellersdorfer, U. Fahl, C. Böhringer, A. Löschel, F. Pratlong, P. Le Mouel, I. Hayhow, A.S. Kydes, L. Martin, P. Rafaj, S. Kypreos, F. Sano, K. Akimoto, T. Homma and T. Tomoda (2006). The contribution of nuclear energy to a sustainable energy system; Volume 3 in the CASCADE MINTS project, Energy Research Center of the Netherlands Report, ECN-C-05-085. Petten, The Netherlands

Uyterlinde, M.A., H. Rösler, H.C. De Coninck, B.C.C. van der Zwaan, I. Keppo, N. Kouvaritakis, V. Panos, L. Szabó, P. Russ, W. Suwala, P. Rafaj, S. Kypreos, M. Blesl, I. Ellersdorfer, M. Zürn, U. Fahl, A. Kydes, L. Martin, F. Sano, K. Akimoto, T. Homma, T. Tomoda, D. Gielen (2006). The contribution of CO2 capture and storage to a sustainable energy system, Policy Brief in the CASCADE MINTS project, Energy Research Center of the Netherlands Report, ECN-C-06-009. Petten, The Netherlands, Download (1.6MB)

Uyterlinde M.A., G.H. Martinus, H. Rösler, N. Kouvaritakis, V. Panos, L. Mantzos, M. Zeka-Paschou, S. Kypreos, P. Rafaj, M. Blesl, I. Ellersdorfer, U. Fahl, I. Keppo, K. Riahi, C. Böhringer, A. Löschel, F. Sano, K. Akimoto, T. Homma, T. Tomoda, F. Pratlong, P. Le Mouel, L. Szabo, P. Russ and A. Kydes (2005). The contribution of renewable energy to a sustainable energy system (Vol. 2, CASCADE MINTS project), ECN-C--05-034. Policy Studies Department, Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN). Peten, the Netherlands, Download (1.8MB)

Uyterlinde M.A., G.H. Martinus, E. van Thuijl, N. Kouvaritakis, L. Mantzos, V. Panos, M. Zeka-Paschou, K. Riahi, G. Totsching, I. Keppo, P. Russ, L. Szabo, S. Kypreos, P. Rafaj, C. Böhringer, A. Löschel, I. Ellersdorfer, M. Blesl, P. Le Mouël, A.S. Kydes, K. Akimoto, F. Sano, T. Homma and T. Tomoda (2004). Energy trends for Europe in a global perspective: Baseline projections by twelve E3-models in the CASCADE MINTS project, ECN-C--04-094, Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN). Peten, the Netherlands