The general objective of this project is to establish, maintain and expand a consistent multi-country energy/ economy/ environment analytical capability by using a common, comparable methodology based on the MARKAL family of models and its databases.PSI should contribute to the development of the global Markal model.
ETSAP examines options to meet the Kyoto Protocol like the collective potential of key technologies and resources, including regionally limited interim options like natural gas; Performs assessment of alternative international proposals of burden sharing by estimating their differential implications; Evaluates the different R&D strategies and energy policy options; Provides a network of experienced analysts who understand and recognize their national options and concerns.
Annex VII aims to investigate how flexible policy instruments could assist to meet binding targets for the Kyoto Protocol. As technological change is a key factor in shaping future economic, energy and emission trajectories, the tools developed by ETSAP assist countries to identify measures to comply with their obligations while meeting economic and social aspirations.
PSI contributed to the development of multi-regional trade models with endogenous technological learning.
- S. Kypreos
- O. Bahn
- A.Röder
- L.Barreto
- L.Gutzwiller