Data Science

twisted graphene

Controlling topological states in bilayer graphene

Parameters of topological channels created in twisted bilayer graphene can be controlled by lithium atoms intercalation.

Lehrlingsevent Gewerbeverein 2023

Lehrlingsevent Gewerbeverein 2023

Der traditionelle Lehrlingsevent des Gewerbevereins Aaretal-Kirchspiel fand dieses Jahr am Freitag, 30. Juni im Betriebsrestaurant OASE vom PSI statt. Leider nur 2 PSI-Lehrabsolventen und 2 Berufsbildner nahmen daran teil. Die Lernenden erhielten mit ihren guten Abschlüssen ein schönes Geschenk.

Feriencamp 2023

Feriencamp 2023

Das diesjährige Feriencamp konnten wir mit 35 Kinder von PSI-Mitarbeitenden durchführen. Wir verbrachten eine interessante, tolle und heisse Woche am PSI. Herzlichen Dank allen Helfenden, welche dies überhaupt ermöglichen!


FELFEL: a new catering offer at PSI

FELFEL - a new catering service that offers fresh locally produced meals is available now 24/7 in Cafeteria Time-Out (PSI  West). In addition, the PSI restaurant has re-opened for dinner (Mon-Fri).

MUMOTT V1.0 logo

MUMOTT V1.0 released!

We are happy to announce the release of MUMOTT (multi-modal tensor tomography) 1.0, an all-Python package for the analysis of tensor tomography measurements! 

Stephan VP Prize

2023 Physics Lab Award for Stephan Burkhalter

Stephan Burkhalter (PhD student in our group) is the recipient of this year’s Lab Award of the Physics Department at ETH Zurich.

Tiziano LHCP

Best Poster Award for Tiziano Bevilacqua

Tiziano Bevilacqua (PhD student in our group) has been awarded a price for the best poster at the Large Hadron Collider Physics conference (LHCP) that took place in Belgrade this year.

Marino Missiroli

Marino Missiroli elected Trigger Coordinator of the CMS experiment at CERN

Marino Missiroli (postdoctoral researcher in our group) will join the management team of the CMS experiment at CERN as Trigger Co-Coordinator in September 2023.

Marino Missiroli

Marino Missiroli elected Trigger Coordinator of the CMS experiment at CERN (Copy)

Marino Missiroli (postdoctoral researcher in our group) will join the management team of the CMS experiment at CERN as Trigger Co-Coordinator in September 2023.


Two post-doc positions funded by SwissTwins open in the MSD group

Two new post-doc opportunities (post-docs/research software engineers) are open, to join the AiiDA development team (MSD group), focusing on supporting large data scales and next-generation HPC infrastructures.

These positions are funded under the SwissTwins project, offering close collaboration opportunities with project partners such as the Swiss Supercomputer Center CSCS, and other institutions in Switzerland and Europe.

Deadline: July 30, 2023

Adil Dogan

Welcome to LXN Adil Dogan

Herzlich Willkommen Adil Dogan in LXN!

Lehrabschlussfeier Swissmechanic (Sektion Aargau)  2023

BM- und BS-Abschlussfeiern 2023

In verschiedenen Berufs- und Berufsmaturitätsschulen wurden die erfolgreichen Abschlüsse gefeiert. Wir sind stolz auf unsere Lernenden und ihre tollen Leistungen!

Direktion bei uns in der Werkstatt

Direktion bei uns in der Werkstatt

Am 23.03.2023 besuchte die Direktion und am 24.03.2023 das Personalmanagement des PSI, die Lehrwerkstatt der Polymechaniker. Das Ziel der Vorführung war es, die neuen CNC-Maschinen vorzustellen, welche ab Anfang 2022 in der Lehrwerkstatt und dem zugehörigen CNC-Raum für Überbetriebliche Kurse und die Ausbildung zur Verfügung stehen.


Lehrberufe à la Carte 2023

Lehrberufe à la Carte 2023

Berufsbildung den Besuchern nähergebracht

Graduation of Tiancheng Zhong

Tiancheng Zhong succesfully defends his thesis

Tiancheng Zhong has contributed to the Mu3e tile detector and performed detailed irradiation studies. He has now successfully defended his thesis at Heidelberg University. 


The Executive Committee on Personalized Health and Related Technologies (PHRT) has supported the PROGNOSTIC translational Project with a Grant of CHF 2 million

The translational project "PROGNOSTICS", proposed by a consortium led by Prof. Roger Schibli, received CHF 2 million funding from the PHRT initiative of the ETH Domain( The study is being conducted with the Co-applicants Prof. Dr. med. Damian Wild at the University Hospital Basel and Prof. Dr. Nicola Aceto of the ETHZ. The consortium will test a new radiopharmaceutical developed at the Center for Radiopharmaceutical Sciences in 36 patients with advanced prostate cancer.

Dominguez et al

Coupling of magnetic phases at nickelate interfaces

In this paper we present a model system built out of artificially layered materials, allowing us to understand the interrelation of magnetic phases with the metallic-insulating phase at long length scales, and enabling new strategies for the design and control of materials in devices. The artificial model system consists of superlattices made of SmNiO3 and NdNiO3 layers, – two members of the fascinating rare earth nickelate family, having different metal-to-insulator and magnetic transition temperatures. By combining two complementary techniques ....