Structural selectivity of supported Pd nanoparticles for catalytic NH3 oxidation resolved using combined operando spectroscopy
The link between Pd nanoparticle structure and surface reactivity for NH3 abatement was found using operando X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy, diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier-transformed spectroscopy and on-line mass spectrometry.
Anisotropic Diffusion and Phase Behavior of Cellulose Nanocrystal Suspensions
In this paper, we use dynamic light scattering in polarized and depolarized modes to determine the translational and rotational diffusion coefficients of concentrated rodlike cellulose nanocrystals in aqueous suspension. Within the range of studied concentrations (1–5 wt %), the suspension starts a phase transition from an isotropic to an anisotropic state as shown by polarized light microscopy and viscosity measurements.
Search for the Magnetic Monopole at a Magnetoelectric Surface
We show, by solving Maxwell’s equations, that an electric charge on the surface of a slab of a linear magnetoelectric material generates an image magnetic monopole below the surface provided that the magnetoelectric has a diagonal component in its magnetoelectric response. The image monopole, in turn, generates an ideal monopolar magnetic field outside of the slab.
Improved Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting of CaNbO2N Photoanodes by CoPi Photodeposition and Surface Passivation
Photoelectrochemical (PEC) solar water splitting is a promising approach to convert solar energy into sustainable hydrogen fuel using semiconductor electrodes. Owing to their visible light absorption properties, oxynitrides have shown to be attractive photocatalysts for this application. In this study, the influence of the preparation method of CaNbO2N particles on their morphological and optical properties, and thereby their PEC performance, is investigated. The best performing CaNbO2N photoanode is produced by ammonolysis of Nb-enriched calcium niobium oxide.
Lehrvertragsunterzeichnung 2019
Am Mittwoch den 16. Januar durften wir während der Lehrvertragsunterzeichnung alle angehenden Lernenden, für das Jahr 2019, begrüssen. Die Schülerinnen und Schüler haben gemeinsam mit ihren Eltern die Lehr- und Praktikumsverträge unterschrieben. Nun sind sie ihrem Lehrbeginn, der am 5. August ist, bereits einen Schritt näher.
Fe-Based O2-Reduction Catalysts Synthesized Using Na2CO3 as a Pore-Inducing Agent
This work presents a new approach for synthesizing Fe-based oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) catalysts using sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) as an inexpensive but effective pore-inducing agent offering microporosity control.
15th International Conference on Muon Spin Rotation
The 15th International Conference on Muon Spin Rotation, Relaxation and Resonance (µSR2020) will be held in Parma, Italy, from 6-10th July, 2020.
The conference is organized by the University of Parma in conjunction with eth ISIS Muon and Neutron Source.
Detailed polarization measurements of the prompt emission of five gamma-ray bursts
Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are the strongest explosions in the Universe since the Big Bang. They are believed to be produced either in the formation of black holes at the end of massive star evolution or the merging of compact objects.
Measurement of five flashes from the depths of the universe
A PSI-developed detector called POLAR has collected data on so-called gamma-ray bursts from a space station. This is now helping to better understand these extremely high-energy flashes of light.
Revealing the role of microstructure architecture on strength and ductility of Ni microwires by in-situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction
The effect of diameter reduction on the mechanical properties of cold-drawn nickel microwires has been analyzed by a combination of in situ X-ray diffraction and electron backscatter diffraction observations.
Sulfur poisoning recovery on a SOFC anode material through reversible segregation of Nickel
Exploitation of the self-regenerative property of perovskite-type oxides allowed to demonstrate recovery of La0.3Sr0.55Ti0.95Ni0.05O3 from sulfur poisoning by reversible segregation-incorporation of Ni at SOFC temperatures.
Oxynitride Thin Films versus Particle-Based Photoanodes: A Comparative Study for Photoelectrochemical Solar Water Splitting
The solar water splitting process assisted by semiconductor photocatalysts attracts growing research interests worldwide for the production of hydrogen as a clean and sustainable energy carrier. Because of their optical and electrical properties, several oxynitride materials show great promise for the fabrication of efficient photocatalysts for solar water splitting. This study reports a comparative investigation of particle- and thin-film-based photocatalysts using three different oxynitride materials.
Dr Yasin Ekinci elected as Fellow of SPIE
Dr. Yasin Ekinci, Head of the Advanced Lithography and Metrology Group and ad interim Head of the Laboratory for Micro and Nanotechnology, has been elected to the grade of Fellow of The International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE).
SESAME beamline for tomography project (BEATS) is launched
On 1st January 2019, the European Horizon 2020 project BEAmline for Tomography at SESAME (BEATS) was launched with the objective to design, procure, construct and commission a beamline for hard X-ray full-field tomography at the SESAME synchrotron in Jordan. The European grant is worth 6 million euros and will span a four-year period from beginning 2019 to end 2022.
Dr Mirjam van Daalen appointed as Swiss ESFRI delegate
Dr. Mirjam van Daalen Chief of staff of the Photon Science Division, was mandated on the 1st of January 2019, by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI as a member of the Swiss Delegation to the European Science Forum on Research Infrastructures ESFRI
Time-Reversal Symmetry Breaking in Re-Based Superconductors
To trace the origin of time-reversal symmetry breaking (TRSB) in Re-based superconductors, we performed comparative muon-spin rotation and relaxation (μSR) studies of superconducting noncentro-symmetric Re0.82Nb0.18 (Tc=8.8 K) and centrosymmetric Re (Tc=2.7 K).
Magnetism in semiconducting molybdenum dichalcogenides
Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are interesting for understanding the fundamental physics of two-dimensional (2D) materials as well as for applications to many emerging technologies, including spin electronics.
Lennart Huth successfully defends his thesis on the MuPix telescope and pixel sensor characterization
Lennart Huth has developed the MuPix beam telescope and used it in a long series of test beams to characterize MuPix sensors. He has successfully defended his thesis at Heidelberg university.
Data storage using individual molecules
The research group of Prof. T.A. Jung at the University of Basel has reported on a new method that allows the physical state of just a few atoms or molecules within a network to be controlled.
First femtosecond protein pump-probe measurements at SwissFEL
A major milestone in the commissioning of SwissFEL has been reached: the first pump-probe experiments on proteins have been successfully carried out. Crystals of several retinal-binding proteins were delivered in a viscous jet system and a femtosecond laser was used to start the isomerization reaction. Microsecond to sub-picosecond snapshots were then collected, catching the retinal proteins shortly after isomerization of the chromophore.
EPFL Adjunct Professorship to Christopher Mudry
Dr Christopher Mudry, who joined PSI in 1999 and is Research Group Leader of the Condensed Matter Theory Group at PSI since 2009, was awarded the title of Adjunct Professor at EPF Lausanne with the following citation. "Dr Christopher Mudry is a highly acclaimed theoretical physicist. He is regarded as one of the world’s leading experts on the quantum field theory of condensed matter and in the rapidly developing field of the topological properties of matter."
First Observation of P-odd γ Asymmetry in Polarized Neutron Capture on Hydrogen
We report the first observation of the parity-violating gamma-ray asymmetry Aγnp in neutron-proton capture using polarized cold neutrons incident on a liquid parahydrogen target at the Spallation Neutron Source at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
2018 Highly Cited Researchers
Three LAC researchers were highly cited in 2018.
Sub-ns magnetic domain wall motion dynamics
Magnetic domain walls can be reliably displaced by electrical currents, allowing for the fabrication of retentive magnetic memory elements without mechanically moving parts, such as e.g. the magnetic racetrack memory. Researchers in a joint collaboration between the PolLux endstation of the Swiss Light Source and the University of Leeds were able to investigate the dynamics of magnetic domain wall motion with a sub-ns time step, providing a substantial step forward towards the unraveling of the physical processes behind the current- and magnetic field-induced motion of magnetic domains.
Poling of an artificial magneto-toroidal crystal
Although ferromagnetism is known to be of enormous importance, the exploitation of materials with a compensated (for example, antiferromagnetic) arrangement of long-range ordered magnetic moments is still in its infancy. Antiferromagnetism is more robust against external perturbations, exhibits ultrafast responses of the spin system and is key to phenomena such as exchange bias, magnetically induced ferroelectricity or certain magnetoresistance phenomena.
A manganese hydride molecular sieve for practical hydrogen storage under ambient conditions
A viable hydrogen economy has thus far been hampered by the lack of convenient hydrogen storage solutions for long hauls and transportation/delivery infrastructure. Current approaches require high pressure and/or complex heat management systems to achieve acceptable storage densities. Development of hydrogen storage solutions operating at near ambient conditions can mitigate the complexity, cost and safety perception issues currently hindering the hydrogen economy.
Recent advances in electron crystallography rank 5th breakthrough of the year 2018
EU grants 14 million to Swiss Researchers
A team with three researchers from the ETH Domain has been awarded a prestigious EU grant. Today, they received the contract signed by the EU confirming the extraordinary 14 million euros funding. With it, they will investigate quantum effects which could become the backbone of future electronics.
2018 Innovation Award on Synchrotron Radiation
The Innovation Award on Synchrotron Radiation 2018 went to Dr. Christian David, also from the Paul Scherrer Institute, and to Prof. Alexei Erko, who recently moved from the HZB to the Institute for Applied Photonics (IAP) in Berlin-Adlershof.
Soft-tissue evidence for homeothermy and crypsis in a Jurassic ichthyosaur
Synchrotron-based X-ray tomographic microscopy of melanophores (skin pigment cells) of an amazingly well preserved 180 million years old ichtyosaur (extinct marine reptile similar to whales) contributed in a multidisciplinary investigation to the new findings published today in Nature.