Research on Covid-19

At PSI, several projects are dedicated to important research questions concerning the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus and the resulting diseases. We provide information on activities and projects, for example on investigations of lung tissue, on the production of proteins and antibodies or on ideas for new research on Covid-19.

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Teamevent Elektroniker EFZ

Ein Battle im Battlepark in Schwerzenbach und ein feines Essen im Restaurant Picone bildete der Rahmen des Teamevents der Lernenden Elektroniker EFZ.

Dr. Margie Olbinado joins as Industrial Liaison Scientist

Dr. Margie Olbinado joins the X-ray Tomography group as scientist to take care of industrial tomographic imaging and business strategies for the growing TOMCAT industrial portfolio. Before joining PSI, Margie was a scientist at The European Synchrotron - ESRF in France. As industrial liaison, she will work in collaboration with the PSI Technology Transfer, ANAXAM and SLS TT AG. 

Figure 1. Layout depicting the experimental conditions at the Alvra experimental station. (b) Fresnel simulation of the Talbot carpet: intensity distribution of the experimental conditions for a 1D diamond phase grating with a 200 nm pitch and 2.985 keV photon energy. The inset (c) shows the detailed structure of the interference pattern in the vicinity of the sample where the pitch is 190 nm

Towards X-ray Transient Grating Spectroscopy at SwissFEL

The high brilliance of new X-ray sources such as X-ray Free Electron Laser opens the way to non-linear spectroscopies. These techniques can probe ultrafast matter dynamics that would otherwise be inaccessible. One of these techniques, Transient Grating, involves the creation of a transient excitation grating by crossing X-ray beams on the sample. Scientists at PSI have realized a demonstration of such crossing by using an innovative approach well suited for the hard X-ray regime.

Ion-Induced Formation of Nanocrystalline Cellulose Colloidal Glasses Containing Nematic Domains

Controlling the assembly of colloids in dispersion is a fundamental approach toward the production of functional materials. Nanocrystalline cellulose (NCC) is a charged nanoparticle whose colloidal interactions can be modulated from repulsive to attractive by increasing ionic strength.

Cryo-TEM investigation of a free-standing monolayer of a calixarene derivative. The TEM-Picture on the left shows the monolayer deposited on a lacey carbon support. The electron diffraction pattern on the left confirms the formation of a crystalline monolayer

Supramolecular architectures of molecularly thin yet robust free-standing layers

In a collaboration within the network of the Swiss Nanoscience Institute, the formation of free-standing molecular monolayers using self-assembly processes has been demonstrated. The results of the study have been published in the February 2019 issue of Science Advances.


Accelerating small-angle scattering experiments on anisotropic samples using kernel density estimation

We propose a method to accelerate small-angle scattering experiments by exploiting spatial correlation in two-dimensional data. We applied kernel density estimation to the average of a hundred short scans and evaluated noise reduction effects of kernel density estimation (smoothing).

Das PSI hat am Diversity-Index Switzerland 2018 den 2. Rang erreicht!

Ziel des Diversity Index ist es, die Heterogenität der Belegschaften in Schweizer Institutionen und Unternehmen zu messen und aufzuzeigen, in welchen Bereichen Handlungsbedarf besteht. An der Erhebung 2018 haben 30 Unternehmen teilgenommen.

A quantum magnet with a topological twist

A quantum magnet with a topological twist

Theories predict that some electrons in the kagome materials have exotic, so-called topological behaviors and others behave somewhat like graphene, another material prized for its potential for new types of electronics. 

Photos of (a) the cast CeAlGe rod, and the floating-zone-grown crystals of (b) CeAlGe and (c) PrAlGe.

Bulk single-crystal growth of the theoretically predicted magnetic Weyl semimetals RAlGe (R = Pr, Ce)

We explore two methods for single-crystal growth of the theoretically proposed magnetic Weyl semimetals RAlGe (R = Pr, Ce), which prove that a floating-zone technique, being both crucible- and flux-free, is crucial to obtain perfectly stoichiometric RAlGe crystals. In contrast, the crystals grown by a flux-growth technique tend to be Al-rich. We further present both structural and elemental analyses, along with bulk magnetization and electrical resistivity data on the crystals prepared by the floating-zone technique. Both systems with the intended 1:1:1 stoichiometry crystallize in the anticipated polar I41md (No. 109) space group, although neither displays the theoretically expected ferromagnetic ground state.

Swiss CoA

New operational licence

On 21st of February 2019 the Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC) issued  the new operational licence for the PSI Hotlab facility

Scheme of the XMCD mechanism and example spectrum.

New Method for Calculating Soft X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism Spectra

Scientists have demonstrated in a combined theoretical and experimental effort that the new ligand-field density functional theory method (LF-DFT) can be used to calculate the X-ray absorption spectra (XAS) and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) of lanthanide compounds from purely structural input.

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Horizon 2020 project SAMOSAFER granted

The EU Horizon 2020 program granted 3.5 million Euros to the research and innovation project SAMOSAFER, where PSI is one of the 14 project partners. The total budget of the project, inclusive own and in-kind contributions, is 4.5 million Euros. The aim of SAMOSAFER project is to develop and demonstrate new safety barriers and a more controlled behaviour in severe accidents of the Molten Salt Reactor (MSR). Three groups at PSI will be involved in the project: the LSM groups for Advanced Nuclear Systems (ANS) and Multiscale Materials Modelling (MMM) and the Severe Accidents Research group (Sacre) of LRT, focusing on redistribution of the source term in the fuel treatment unit of MSR and assessment and reduction of radionuclide mobility during accidental conditions.

Negative flat band magnetism in a spin–orbit-coupled correlated kagome magnet

Electronic systems with flat bands are predicted to be a fertile ground for hosting emergent phenomena including unconven- tional magnetism and superconductivity, but materials that manifest this feature are rare. Here, we use scanning tunnelling microscopy to elucidate the atomically resolved electronic states and their magnetic response in the kagome magnet Co3Sn2S2.

Ultrafast Radical Reactions: Comic art illustrating the reactivity of electronically excited xylyl radicals. Here the meta-xylyl radicals (M) sticks out and depletes twice as fast into the vibrationally hot ground state

How the methyl group position influences the ultrafast deactivation in aromatic radicals

The resonantly stabilized xylyl radicals (C8H9•) distinctively influence the combustion chemistry and, therefore, ultimately determine the performance of combustion engines. At that, the three different isomers (methyl group in ortho, para or meta position) exhibit notable differences at elevated temperatures. We have tracked down these dynamics on a femtosecond timescale by monitoring the response to preparation of a well-defined electronic and vibrational state.


Electronic localization in CaVO3 films via bandwidth control

Understanding and controlling the electronic structure of thin layers of quantum materials is a crucial first step towards designing heterostructures where new phases and phenomena, including the metal-insulator transition (MIT), emerge. Here, we demonstrate control of the MIT via tuning electronic bandwidth and local site environment through selection of the number of atomic layers deposited.

Thermally activated two-dimensional artificial square ice with height offsets between nanomagnets.(A) Tilted-sample scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image of an artificial square ice with an introduced height offset h, which can be varied from sample to sample, until the competing interactions J1 and J2 are equalized and an extensive spin ice degeneracy is achieved. Scale bar, 400 nm. (B) XMCD image of the same artificial square ice array. Nanomagnets with moments pointing toward the incoming x-rays (i…

Emergent magnetic monopole dynamics in macroscopically degenerate artificial spin ice

Magnetic monopoles, proposed as elementary particles that act as isolated magnetic south and north poles, have long attracted research interest as magnetic analogs to electric charge. In solid-state physics, a classical analog to these elusive particles has emerged as topological excitations within pyrochlore spin ice systems. We present the first real-time imaging of emergent magnetic monopole motion in a macroscopically degenerate artificial spin ice system consisting of thermally activated Ising-type nanomagnets lithographically arranged onto a pre-etched silicon substrate. factors are observed.


Structure and superconductivity in the binary Re1-xMox alloys

The binary Re1−xMox alloys, known to cover the full range of solid solutions, were successfully synthesized and their crystal structures and physical properties investigated via powder x-ray diffraction, electrical resistivity, magnetic susceptibility, and heat capacity. By varying the Re/Mo ratio, we explore the full Re1−xMox binary phase diagram, in all its four different solid phases: hcp-Mg (P63/mmc), α-Mn (I43m), β-CrFe (P42/mnm), and bcc-W (Im3m), of which the second is non-centrosymmetric with the rest being centrosymmetric. All Re1−xMox alloys are superconductors, whose critical temperatures exhibit a peculiar phase diagram, characterized by three different superconducting regions.

Matias Kagias

PSI Thesis Medal goes to Dr. Matias Kagias

The PSI Thesis Medal is awarded every second year to the best PhD thesis performed at the Paul Scherrer Institut. Matias received the prize for his excellent thesis entitled "Direct Self-Imaging Methods for X-ray Differential Phase and Scattering Imaging". Congratulations!

Lernender Betriebsunterhalt

Wege der beruflichen Integration

In der Berufsschule Scala werden Lernende, die eine IV-unterstützte Berufsausbildung auf Stufe eidg. Berufsattest oder eidg. Fähigkeitszeugnis absolvieren, gezielt gefördert. Sehen Sie, wie die Vorbereitungs- und Förderkurse auch unserem Lernenden, Sacha R., beim Erreichen seiner Ziele geholfen haben.

Cytochrome C

User operation at SwissFEL has begun

The first user experiment has taken place the the SwissFEL X-ray free electron laser, officially inaugurating it as the newest user facility at the Paul Scherrer Institute. The experiment, led by Camila Bacellar from EPFL, investigated ultrafast electron transfer dynamics in a protein to try to identify the charge density re-localization after the protein absorbs a photon of UV light. The experiment was performed using the Alvra Prime experimental station, taking advantage of the integrated von Hamos X-ray emission spectrometer to perform both X-ray absorption and emission measurements on the Fe atom, which is located at the centre of the protein.

wells 2019

Structural selectivity of supported Pd nanoparticles for catalytic NH3 oxidation resolved using combined operando spectroscopy

The link between Pd nanoparticle structure and surface reactivity for NH3 abatement was found using operando X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy, diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier-transformed spectroscopy and on-line mass spectrometry.

Anisotropic Diffusion and Phase Behavior of Cellulose Nanocrystal Suspensions

In this paper, we use dynamic light scattering in polarized and depolarized modes to determine the translational and rotational diffusion coefficients of concentrated rodlike cellulose nanocrystals in aqueous suspension. Within the range of studied concentrations (1–5 wt %), the suspension starts a phase transition from an isotropic to an anisotropic state as shown by polarized light microscopy and viscosity measurements.

Search for the Magnetic Monopole at a Magnetoelectric Surface

We show, by solving Maxwell’s equations, that an electric charge on the surface of a slab of a linear magnetoelectric material generates an image magnetic monopole below the surface provided that the magnetoelectric has a diagonal component in its magnetoelectric response. The image monopole, in turn, generates an ideal monopolar magnetic field outside of the slab.


Improved Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting of CaNbO2N Photoanodes by CoPi Photodeposition and Surface Passivation

Photoelectrochemical (PEC) solar water splitting is a promising approach to convert solar energy into sustainable hydrogen fuel using semiconductor electrodes. Owing to their visible light absorption properties, oxynitrides have shown to be attractive photocatalysts for this application. In this study, the influence of the preparation method of CaNbO2N particles on their morphological and optical properties, and thereby their PEC performance, is investigated. The best performing CaNbO2N photoanode is produced by ammonolysis of Nb-enriched calcium niobium oxide.

Anja stellt das PSI und die Berufsbildung vor

Lehrvertragsunterzeichnung 2019

Am Mittwoch den 16. Januar durften wir während der Lehrvertragsunterzeichnung alle angehenden Lernenden, für das Jahr 2019, begrüssen. Die Schülerinnen und Schüler haben gemeinsam mit ihren Eltern die Lehr- und Praktikumsverträge unterschrieben. Nun sind sie ihrem Lehrbeginn, der am 5. August ist, bereits einen Schritt näher.


Fe-Based O2-Reduction Catalysts Synthesized Using Na2CO3 as a Pore-Inducing Agent

This work presents a new approach for synthesizing Fe-based oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) catalysts using sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) as an inexpensive but effective pore-inducing agent offering microporosity control.