The PSI Spin-Off Araris Biotech AG is one of the 10 winners of this year’s Venture Leaders Life Science award

As a winner, Araris will take part in the Swiss Biotech Day 2020 and a one-week roadshow to Boston, where Araris along with the other Venture Leaders will be pitching to key US investors and meeting leaders and experts of the biotech and medtech industries. Boston is one of the world’s major life sciences hubs and the ideal springboard for ambitious startups on their way to global expansion.

Usually the road trip takes place in earlier in the year but has been postponed to the Autumn due to the spread of the COVID-19 disease.

Dr. Philipp Spycher, CEO of Araris Biotech AG began his entrepreneurial endeavors with the PSI Founder Fellowship that helped kick-start his ideas of building a business around the technology that he helped to develop at PSI.

ADCs bestehen aus hochwirksamen zytotoxischen Wirkstoffen, die über einen spezifischen Linker mit Antikörpern konjugiert sind. Dieses molekulare Format ermöglicht die hochselektive Verabreichung von beliebigen Wirkstoffen an das erkrankte Gewebe, während gesunde Teile des menschlichen Körpers verschont bleiben.