3D view: Swiss Light Source SLS

The Swiss Light Source SLS uses accelerated electrons to generate X-ray light. The facility has done important work since its inception in 2001, but now the SLS 2.0 upgrade project (2021-2024) is set to boost the intensity of the synchrotron beam even further. PSI has over 20 experimental stations where scientists are able to use this extremely bright X-ray light for many different types of experiment: for example, to investigate the electronic or magnetic properties of novel materials that could be useful for the next generation of electronic devices, or for non-destructive 3D imaging with a resolution of just a few nanometres. Other research stations are used to study proteins, the building blocks of life. Deeper understanding of their structure advances the development of new medicines and vaccines.

(Graphic: Paul Scherrer Institute/Mahir Dzambegovic)


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