Data Science

Manuel Guizar-Sicairos at SLS

Manuel Guizar-Sicairos appointed as Associate Professor at EPF Lausanne and head of the Computational X-ray Imaging group at PSI

Dr. Manuel Guizar-Sicairos, currently Senior Scientist at PSI, was appointed as Associate Professor of Physics in EPF Lausanne and head of the Computational X-ray Imaging group in PSI.


Theorie und Praxis, wie verbinde ich Schule und Lehre?

Die drei Informatik-Lernenden Severin P. (2 Lj), Eli L. und Janik M. (3 Lj.) besuchen die Berufs- und Berufsmaturitätsschule in Baden. Wie sie die Schule mit unserer Arbeit am PSI verbinden oder eben auch nicht erfahrt ihr in diesem Beitrag.


IEEE Magnetics Society Early Career Award 2023

The IEEE Magnetics Society 2023 Early Career Award goes to Claire Donnelly, a former member of LMX and the Mesoscopic Systems Group, for her excellent work on developing x-ray techniques for imaging magnetic structures in three dimensions.

Food CO2 footprint and resource usage

Food COfootprint and resource usage

Multiple-use vs. single-use supplies

Multiple-use vs. single-use supplies


The ecology of food

Trying to reduce your own impact on the environment is not easy, but one of the best ways to start is to look at your eating habits.

2022 Fa-Best

Vorausscheidung FA-BEST Aargau und Solothurn

Am Samstag, 12.11.2022 fand an der OdA in Brugg die Vorausscheidung von FA-BEST statt. Unsere ehemalige Lernende Fiona Jetzer hat daran teilgenommen.

X-ray pump / X-ray probe scheme

Tracking chemical bond changes with element selectivity and in real time

X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy probes the chemical environment in a molecule at a specific atomic site. Now the concept is extended with a site selective trigger to follow chemical bond changes as they occur on the femtosecond time scale.

Jahresschlussapéro 2022

Jahresschlussapéro 2022

Wir lassen uns verwöhnen ...


Teaser Figure

Evaluation of European electricity supply resilience

The increasing risk of extended electricity supply disruptions and severe electricity price fluctuations  strongly motivate an evaluation of electricity supply resilience. In this direction, this research proposes a multicriteria decision support framework to assess resilience at a country level, based on three major dimensions: Resist, Restabilize and Recover. In total, 35 European countries are ranked according to their performance on 17 indicators, through a synergy of MCDA methods, techniques and communication protocols. The assessment framework has been extended to incorporate the Choquet Integral method, in order to accommodate potentially interacting pairs of criteria and negate their arbitrary effects on the final evaluation results. The analysis incorporates country data from credible international databases, as well as the preference information of a European energy expert. The results are envisaged to support energy policymakers in Europe and provide guidelines and areas for improvement at a country level.

Andrea Baccarini

Andrea Baccarini – Winner of the Prix de Quervain

Andrea Baccarini, former PhD at the Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry at PSI won the prestigious Prix de Quervain.


Magnetic and crystal structure of the antiferromagnetic skyrmion candidate GdSb0.71Te1.22

GdSb0.46Te1.48, a nonsymmorphic Dirac semimetal with Dirac nodes at the Fermi level, has a rich magnetic phase diagram with one of the phases predicted to be an antiferromagnetic skyrmion state. In the current work, we investigate GdSb0.71Te1.22 through bulk magnetization measurements, single-crystal, and powder synchrotron X-ray diffraction, as well as single-crystal hot-neutron diffraction. We resolve a weak orthorhombic distortion with respect to the tetragonal structure and charge density wave (CDW) satellites due to incommensurate modulations of the crystal structure. At 2 K the magnetic structure is modulated with two propagation vectors, kI = (0.45 0 0.45) and kII = (0.4 0 0), with all their arms visible. While kI persists up to the transition to the paramagnetic state at TN = 11.9 K, kII disappears above an intermediate magnetic transition at T1 = 5 K. Whereas magnetic field applied along the c-axis has only a weak effect on the intensity of antiferromagnetic reflections, it is effective in inducing an additional ferromagnetic component on Gd atoms. We refine possible magnetic structures of GdSb0.71Te1.22 and discuss the possibility of hosting magnetic textures with non-trivial 3D+ 2 topologies in the GdSb1−xTe1+x series.

EBSD image of prior beta grains

Thermal cycling during 3D laser printing

High-speed in situ X-ray diffraction is used to measure temperature profiles and cooling rates during 3D printing of a a Ti-6Al-4V single-track wall.

Fig.9: EBSD

A unique environment for research on highly radioactive materials

PSI has a unique (worldwide) environment for the investigation of highly radioactive / toxic materials:

> Materials (different fuel types, very high burn-up, different cladding materials, materials activated in SINQ).

> The hot lab with advanced tools for microsample analysis and preparation.

> The large-scale equipment for advanced material analysis.

This unique combination at PSI allows us to meet the needs of our industrial partners to improve plant safety / efficiency, up to fundamental research.

The quantitative distribution of fission products over the cross-section of a pellet with a shielded electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA) used for verification analysis of the material behavior to validate the model. In this context, Xe behavior during transients/failure (LOCA, RIA) is an important safety parameter that can’t be measured with the EPMA at the periphery. Microstructural EBSD investigations on a microsample extend the information horizon, which is deepened at the microXAS beamline by detailed X-ray analyses.

Lippert 2022

Appointment of Thomas Lippert as new head of the Laboratory for Multiscale Materials Experiments (LMX)

Starting 1. December 2022, Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Lippert will be the new head of the Laboratory for Multiscale Materials Experiments (LMX). He follows Prof. Dr. Laura Heyderman, our first laboratory head who successfully formed and established the LMX in the PSI landscape as a Centre of Materials.

LIN visit

The Laboratory for Neutron and Muon Instruments visits FRM II neutron research facility

Recently, the staff of the PSI’s Laboratory for Neutron and Muon Instrumentation (LIN) visited our colleagues at MLZ to learn more about the FRM II reactor and its instrumentation, as well as to discuss current and future joint projects. LIN staff was greeted with Bavarian hospitality in the form of “Weisswurst Frühstück” and then enjoyed a full tour of the facility and many fruitful discussions.

Structure of the PREMISE ORD project

Consortium led by LMS wins funding to establish ORD practices

A consortium led by Dr. Giovanni Pizzi, Group leader of the “Materials Software and Data” group in the Laboratory for Materials Simulations, has won funding of almost CHF1.3 million for a three-year project dubbed PREMISE: “Open and reproducible materials science research.”  

Zukunftstag 2022

Zukunftstag 2022

129 Kinder besuchten uns am Nationalen Zukunftstag!