A Miniaturized Biaxial Deformation Rig for in situ Mechanical Testing

Simulated strain distribution in a polymer reinforced Al cruciform sample subjected an equibiaxial load

A unique miniaturized biaxial deformation rig was developed, that allows applying in-plane biaxial stress states and to perform strain path changes. The rig can be mounted inside conventional scanning electron microscope chambers and at synchrotron beam lines. The cruciform shaped sample geometry has been optimized with the aid of finite element simulations and allows reaching reasonable levels of plasticity. Sample preparation is challenging and requires the use of advanced preparation techniques. A proof-of-principle in situ X-ray diffraction experiment revealed that the developed rig operates successfully. This will allow obtaining crucial microstructural information in real-time while the samples are subjected to complex biaxial strain paths.

Dr. Steven van Petegem
Photons for Engineering and Manufacturing Group
Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland
Telephone: +41 56 310 2537
E-mail: steven.vanpetegem@psi.ch

Prof. Dr. Helena van Swygenhoven
Photons for Engineering and Manufacturing Group
Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland and
Neutrons and X-rays for Mechanics of Materials
Ecole Polytechnique Fédéral de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
Telephone: +41 56 310 2931
E-mail: helena.vanswygenhoven@psi.ch
Original Publication
A Miniaturized Biaxial Deformation Rig for in Situ Mechanical Testing
S. Van Petegem, A. Guitton, M. Dupraz, A. Bollhalder, K. Sofinowski, M.V. Upadhyay, H. Van Swygenhoven
Experimental Mechanics 57, 569-580 (2017)
DOI: 10.1007/s11340-016-0244-0