Dr. Abraham Lewis Levitan

A headshot of Abraham Levitan
Paul Scherrer Institute PSI
Forschungsstrasse 111
5232 Villigen PSI

Abe Levitan is a postdoctoral fellow (PSI-FELLOW-III-3i) in the Computational X-ray Imaging group at the Paul Scherrer Institute. He works on the development of ptychography and coherent lensless imaging methodologies for x-ray microscopy. His particular focus is on single shot reconstructions and the mathematical underpinnings of phase retrieval. He completed his Ph.D. research in the Photon Scattering Lab at MIT and is the primary developer of the cdtools library for ptychography and coherent lensless imaging reconstructions.

A full list of publications can be found on Abe's ORCiD or google scholar page.

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