Recherche sur le Covid-19

Au PSI, plusieurs projets se consacrent à des questions de recherche importantes autour du coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 et des maladies qui en résultent. Nous vous informons sur les activités et les projets, par exemple sur les analyses de tissus pulmonaires, sur la production de protéines et d'anticorps ou sur les idées de nouvelles recherches sur le Covid-19.

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Sebastian Dittmeier successfully defends his thesis on the Mu3e data acquisition system

Sebastian Dittmeier has developed many important parts of the Mu3e data acquisition system, which has allowed him to perform the first successful vertical slice test of the readout system. He has now successfully defended his thesis, which also involves a study of wireless readout systems at 60 GHz, at Heidelberg university.

3D rendering of hierarchically-structured monolithic nanoporous gold with approx. 23 nm spatial resolution obtained by ptychographic X-ray tomography, showing binary representation of gold and pores after image segmentation (above) and the resulting orthographic projection (below).

Helping chemists to understand degradation and stabilization of catalytic nanoporous gold structures

Catalytic materials are ubiquitously used in industrial processes to perform chemical reactions efficiently and in a sustainable manner. Nanoporous gold (npAu) is a monolithic sponge-like catalyst exhibiting a hierarchical structure with pores and connecting ligaments of typically 10 to 50 nm.

In situ tension-tension strain path changes of cold-rolled Mg AZ31B

The mechanical behavior of cold-rolled Mg AZ31B is studied during in-plane multiaxial loading and tension-tension strain path changes using in situ neutron diffraction and electron backscatter diffracion.

Multiple-q noncollinear magnetism in an itinerant hexagonal magnet

Multiple-q spin order, i.e., a spin texture characterized by a multiple number of coexisting magnetic modulation vec- tors q, has recently attracted attention as a source of nontrivial magnetic topology and associated emergent phenome- na. One typical example is the triple-q skyrmion lattice state stabilized by Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions in noncentrosymmetric magnets, while the emergence of various multiple-q states of different origins is expected according to the latest theories.

Woman in Science

Congratulations to our former postdoc, Alexandra Palla-Papavlu (4th from the left), for winning the L’Oreal Prize for Woman in Science(link is external) in the category Physics in Romania

Adsorption and Interfacial Layer Structure of Unmodified Nanocrystalline Cellulose at Air/Water Interfaces

Nanocrystalline cellulose (NCC) is a promising biological nanoparticle for the stabilization of fluid interfaces, which is however poorly understood due to the inability to form controlled NCC interfacial layers. Herein we present parameters that allow the adsorption of unmodified NCC at the air-water (A/W) interface. Initial NCC adsorption is limited by diffusion, followed by monolayer saturation and decrease in surface tension at the time scale of hours.


Molten Salt Reactor research at LSM/NES

MSR research at LSM has 3 main justifications:

1. education purpose (2 PhD & 8 MSc internal students, 3 PhD & 4 other guests)

2. technology monitoring (it is the most revolutionary GIV system)

3. novel research topics (liquid phase of the fuel introduces many challenges)

Two major research objectives in NES:

1. safety: evaluate system behavior in nominal and transient conditions (tight multi‐physics coupling / H2020 SAMOFAR project)

2. sustainability: evaluate if the concept can use legacy nuclear waste as initial fuel, insure a high resource utilization (high burning)

Information Event Mentoring Programmes for Women at PSI and within the ETH Domain

An information Event for Mentoring Programs will take place on Thursday, 6th December 2018, from 08:30 to 10:30 a.m.

Date: Thursday, 6th December, 2018, 8:30 to 10:30 a.m.

Place: PSI, SZ-OSGA/EG06 (large room Education Center)

Please register by Monday, 3rd December, 2018 at mentoring@psi.ch0 Unternehmen teilgenommen.


A crystal-clear picture

Fast and accurate data collection for macromolecular crystallography using the JUNGFRAU detector.

Nationaler Zukunftstag 2018

Am Zukunftstag 2018 durften wir 42 Mädchen und 68 Jungs der 5. bis 7. Klasse, im PSI begrüssen. Während einem halbtägigen Programm wurden 12 betreute Stationen von unseren motivierten Fachleuten angeboten. Danke an alle engagierten Helferinnen und Helfer!

Linking Structure to Dynamics in Protic Ionic Liquids: A Neutron Scattering Study of Correlated and Single-Particle Motions

Coupling between dynamical heterogeneity of ionic liquids and their structural periodicity on different length-scales can be directly probed by quasielastic neutron scattering with polarization analysis. The technique provides the tools to investigate single-particle and cooperative ion motions separately and, thus, dynamics of ion associations affecting the net charge transport can be experimentally explored.

Hector Dejea

Hector Dejea receives an Outstanding Poster Presentation Award at the bMASR Conference

Hector Dejea, a PhD at TOMCAT, received an Outstanding Poster Presentation Award at the 9th bioMedical Applications of Synchrotron Radiation (bMASR2018) conference held in Beijing (China) from October 23rd till 27th 2018. He presented the latest results of his work, entitled Multiscale X-ray Phase Contrast Imaging for Assessing Cardiac Remodelling: towards in-vitro applications.

Dissociation thresholds and internal energy distributions can be measured by iPEPICO. The latter allow us to determine temperatures in dilute samples of reactive intermediates and radicals.

Radical Thermometers and Energetics

Methylperoxy radicals are crucial oxidation intermediates and could be synthesized photolytically in an exothermic reaction. Despite their vanishingly small concentration, their temperature could be measured after a few ten thousand collisions inside the reactor, which opens up the possibility of time-resolved operando temperature measurements. Also the reaction energy to yield methyl cations and oxygen could be determined with sub-kJ mol–1 precision, which firmly anchors the methylperoxy energetics to that of well-known stable species and opens up the possibility of highly accurate radical thermochemistry measurements.


Taming Reactive Molecular Magnets

Studying organic molecular magnets is a challenge, because the high-spin diradical character of these compounds dramatically increases the reactivity and reduces the lifetime. Researchers from PSI, ETH Zurich, Wollongong and Melbourne, Australia succeeded in taming the meta-xylylene diradical and were able to study its electronic and thermochemical properties.

Neutron scattering pattern of the material CsNiCrF6 showing magnetic correlations. Left: experiment; right: theory.(Image reproduced from [1].)

Charges enter the ice age

Scattering experiments establish the partly disordered material CsNiCrF6 as the first verified example of a charge ice — and show that it supports Coulomb phases with correlations in three different degrees of freedom.

Relationship between crystal structure and multiferroic orders in orthorhombic perovskite manganites

We use resonant and nonresonant x-ray diffraction measurements in combination with first-principles electronic structure calculations and Monte Carlo simulations to study the relationship between crystal structure and multiferroic orders in the orthorhombic perovskite manganites, o−RMnO3 (R is a rare-earth cation or Y).


Design of magnetic spirals in layered perovskites: Extending the stability range far beyond room temperature

In insulating materials with ordered magnetic spiral phases, ferroelectricity can emerge owing to the breaking of in- version symmetry. This property is of both fundamental and practical interest, particularly with a view to exploiting it in low-power electronic devices. Advances toward technological applications have been hindered, however, by the rel- atively low ordering temperatures Tspiral of most magnetic spiral phases, which rarely exceed 100 K.

Dynamic volume magnetic domain wall imaging in grain oriented electrical steel at power frequencies with accumulative high-frame rate neutron dark-field imaging

The mobility of magnetic domains forms the link between the basic physical properties of a magnetic material and its global characteristics such as permeability and saturation field. Most commonly, surface domain structure are studied using magneto-optical Kerr microscopy. The limited information depth of approx. 20 nanometers, however, allows only for an indirect interpretation of the internal volume domain structures.

Rolling dopant and strain in Y-doped BiFeO3 epitaxial thin films for photoelectrochemical water splitting

We report significant photoelectrochemical activity of Y-doped BiFeO3 (Y-BFO) epitaxial thin films deposited on Nb:SrTiO3 substrates. The Y-BFO photoanodes exhibit a strong dependence of the photocurrent values on the thickness of the films, and implicitly on the induced epitaxial strain.

Dynamics of the Coordination Complexes in a Solid-State Mg Electrolyte

Coordination complexes of magnesium borohydride show promising properties as solid electrolytes for magnesium ion batteries and warrant a thorough microscopic description of factors governing their mobility properties. Here, the dynamics of Mg(BH4)2-diglyme0.5 on the atomic level are investigated by means of quasielastic neutron scattering supported by density functional theory calculations and IR and NMR spectroscopy.

Electronic structure of overdoped La1.77Sr0.23CuO4. (left) dx2-y2 and dz2 band structure 
along the nodal direction. (middle) Light polarization analysis of the dx2-y2 and dz2 bands.
(right) Anti-nodal Fermi surface warping along the kz direction.

Cuprate Trilogy

In a trio of recent papers, a research group from the University of Zürich has made a number of new discoveries about the nature of cuprates' electronic structure and orbital composition. The results have important implications for superconductivity and pseudogaps in cuprates, and even the existence of type-II Dirac fermions in oxides.

Multiple Coulomb phase in the fluoride pyrochlore CsNiCrF6

The Coulomb phase is an idealized state of matter whose properties are determined by factors beyond conventional consid- erations of symmetry, including global topology, conservation laws and emergent order. Theoretically, Coulomb phases occur in ice-type systems such as water ice and spin ice; in dimer models; and in certain spin liquids. However, apart from ice-type systems, more general experimental examples are very scarce.

SwissFEL's First Call for Proposals

The first SwissFEL call for proposals took place, deadline for submission was the 15th of September. In this first call for proposals SwissFEL received overwhelming interest from the user community. A total of 47 proposals were submitted for the SwissFEL Alvra experimental station and 26 for the Bernina experimental station. The Proposal Review committee PRC took place on 18-19 October 2018.

(a) Scanning transmission x-ray microscopy images of magnetic skyrmions stabilized in a nanostructured Pt/Co/Ir disc; (b) Skyrmion-dependent contribution to the Hall resistivity

Discrete Hall contribution of magnetic skyrmions

The reliable electrical detection of magnetic skyrmions is of fundamental importance for the application of such topological magnetic quasi-particles for data storage devices. Researchers in a joint collaboration between the University of Leeds and the PolLux endstation have investigated the electrical detection of isolated magnetic skyrmions in applications-relevant nanostructured devices, observing the presence of a strong skyrmion-dependent contribution to the Hall resistivity.

Observation of the out-of-plane magnetization in a mesoscopic ferromagnetic structure superjacent to a superconductor

The geometry of magnetic flux penetration in a high temperature superconductor at a buried interface was imaged using element-specific x-ray excited luminescence. We performed low tem- perature observation of the flux penetration in YBa2Cu3O7–δ (YBCO) at a buried interface by imaging of the perpendicular magnetization component in square Permalloy (Py) mesostructures patterned superjacent to a YBCO film.