Guidelines of the Personnel Policy

The Paul Scherrer Institute is a research centre for the natural and engineering sciences and an autonomous institution within the Swiss ETH Domain. It concentrates its activities on solid-state research and the materials sciences, elementary particle physics, energy and environmental research, as well as on biology and medicine. With its large research facilities, it is one of the world’s leading User Laboratories. Its 2100 employees come from around 60 nations and are achieving, or have already achieved, the highest international recognition. Its highly qualified scientists and PhD students are recruited from around the globe, as PSI strives to enhance its presence and thereby strengthen the economic position of Switzerland.

The development of PSI depends on the competence and contribution of its staff. We therefore try to create an environment that encourages creativity, team work and goal orientation. Everyone should have the opportunity to employ his or her own ideas, knowledge and experience to the benefit of the Institute and for their own job satisfaction. Satisfied and involved staff are our most important asset.
Our actions and decisions are distinguished by the following values and guiding principles:
  • Fairness, openness and respect in every situations, as well as treating all staff in the same way
  • The essential ability for fulfilling a function or taking part in a project is the most important selection criterion for our management and staff
  • We promote staff of all levels so that they can develop their abilities and view their work as a challenge

PSI is putting particular emphasis on increasing the proportion of women at all levels of the Institute’s hierarchy. This is why we have introduced, amongst other things, a mentoring programme and a programme for “Back to Business” female staff, i.e those returning to their profession after a longer absence.

You can find further activities under Equal Opportunities.

The right to the protection of personal dignity and integrity is essential at the place of employment. Mobbing and sexual harassment violate the individual and are therefore prohibited. A positive working environment, typified by mutual respect, is the basis for the attainment of this objective and for the well-being of all staff. PSI will take all measures necessary to create and maintain such a working environment. More information can be found under: Respect.