Association for medical research and innovation founded in the Canton of Aargau

On June 3, 2024, Kantonsspital Aarau, Kantonsspital Baden, Hirslanden Klinik Aarau, ETH Zurich, Empa, and the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) founded the "Association for Medical Research and Innovation in the Canton of Aargau." This project aims to intensify the transfer of knowledge between research and clinical practice, making medical innovations more quickly accessible.

PSI Director Christian Rüegg (in the front) signing the association's statutes.
In the background, the representatives of the other founding parties (from left to right): Michael Stettler (HKA), Philipp Schütz (KSA), Tanja Zimmermann (Empa), Christian Wolfrum (ETHZ), Adrian Schmitter (KSB). © Canton of Aargau

The new association allows physicians at hospitals in Aargau to apply for research time and collaborate on projects with leading research institutions. This collaboration occurs over 6 to 24 months on a part-time basis and is financially supported by the association.

For the first five years, the association will be funded with a start-up grant of 1 million CHF, provided by the participating institutions and the Canton of Aargau. In the long term, the association aims to be financed through third-party funds such as foundations and donations.

The association aims to advance translational medicine, which is the rapid transfer of research findings into clinical practice. This offers significant added value for the participating hospitals, which can enhance their attractiveness as employers through improved working conditions and access to the latest research findings. The Canton of Aargau positions itself as one of the most innovative cantons in Switzerland, strengthening its role in medical innovation.

Through this initiative, the ETH sector fulfills its goal of developing solutions to the major challenges of our time, particularly in the field of health. The association ensures that clinical experience is integrated into research early on and that new developments can be quickly tested and applied in practice.