Info- & Networkingveranstaltung: "Technologien für die Industrie nutzbar machen"
ANAXAM und Swiss m4m Center – Die beiden Advanced Manufacturing Technology Transfer Center blicken auf ein erfolgreiches erstes Jahr zurück und geben einen Einblick in ihre Aktivitäten.
Wann: Freitag, 03. Dezember 2021, ab 16:00 Uhr
Wo: kultur & kongresshaus aarau
Registrieren Sie sich für den Anlass und erfahren Sie, wie Sie die Kompetenzen und Technologien von ANAXAM und Swiss m4m Center für Ihr Unternehmen einsetzen und dadurch die Innovationskraft steigern können!
Programm und Online-Anmeldung:
Amyloid β 42 fibril structure based on small-angle scattering
Alzheimers disease is one of the major global health challenges. Neuronal cell dysfunction and death are connected to the self-assembly of the amyloid β peptide (Aβ42) into oligomeric and fibrillar aggregates. The fibril surface can catalyze the formation of toxic oligomers via secondary nucleation.
LMN PhD student Martin Heinrich wins poster award
PhD student Martin Heinrich of the Molecular Nanoscience group won the best poster award at the Nano-BW 2021 symposium at Bad Herrenalb (Germany), October 6-7. The symposium is held annually within the research network “Functional Nanostructures” of Baden-Württemberg.
Martin introduced his project in the form of a poster titled “Local Manipulation of Spin Domains in a Multiferroic Rashba Semiconductor”. His project started in July 2021 and is funded by the Swiss Nanoscience Institute (SNI) Basel. The poster award was selected by the vote of all attendees.
PSI maintains its leading role in the CLOUD experiment at CERN
The CLOUD experiment at CERN will be recreating particle formation in key regions of the globe to understand the effects of these particles on regional climates
Deciphering the Mechanism of FEC-induced SEI Formation in Li-ion Batteries
Fluoroethylene-carbonate is often referred to as a film-forming electrolyte additive for Li-ion batteries, resulting in high quality Solid–Electrolyte-Interphase on negative electrode, however, the underlying mechanism, even if thought to be known, has been only clarified due to our targeted experimental design, combining systematic electrochemical, chemical and microscopy characterization techniques. We have shown that first the formation of inorganic LiF-rich particles appear and only later the carbonate-rich film is actually formed.
Zukunftstag 2021
Am Donnerstag, 11. November haben 99 Kinder am Nationalen Zukunftstag des PSI teilgenommen. 51 Mädchen durften am Vormittag und 48 Jungs am Nachmittag 2 Stationen aus 14 Möglichen besuchen. Danke an alle engagierten Helferinnen und Helfer!
Unconventional Pressure Dependence of the Superfluid Density in the Nodeless Topological Superconductor α-PdBi2
We investigated the superconducting properties of the topological superconductor α-PdBi2 at ambient and external pressures up to 1.77 GPa using muon spin rotation experiments. The ambient pressure measurements evince a fully gapped s-wave superconducting state in the bulk of the specimen. Alternating current magnetic susceptibility and muon spin rotation measurements manifest a continuous suppression of Tc with increasing pressure.
Interesting Article Published: More Young Women in STEM - But How?
Read the interesting report on about what the ETH Domain is doing to increase the proportion of women in STEM subjects and to motivate young girls in particular to take up these professions.
New Confocal Microscope Keyence VK-X3100
Keyence VK-X3100 is a non-contact 3D surface profiler. It enables capturing images and performing the profile, roughness and film thickness analysis. The measurement head is equipped with semiconductor laser with the wave length of 404 nm and white LED. To reach the best performance, it uses laser confocal scanning, focus variation, adn while light interferometry measurement methods. The motorized sample stage allows for automatic inspection of up to 200mm wafers.
LeLa 2021 am PSI "100 Lernende waren im Einsatz"
Vom 19. Oktober – 03. November 2021 fand das LeLa 2021 am PSI statt. An 10 Arbeitstagen wurden ver-schiedene Arbeiten am PSI und in den Gemeinden Würenlingen und Villigen von den Lernenden durchgeführt.
Discovery of new chemistry on aerosol surfaces
In a study published in Science, ambient-pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy reveals spontaneous redox chemistry at solvating particle surfaces.
A first for Switzerland: proton therapy to treat lung cancer
On 9 November 2021 a lung cancer patient was given proton therapy at the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI for the first time in Switzerland.
What you see is what you get: Automated particle detection without the false positives
A new algorithm by PSI researchers enables fast and reliable detection of spherical objects in images with a complex background.
PUBLISHED IN SCIENCE: A surface-promoted redox reaction occurs spontaneously on solvating inorganic aerosol surfaces
Ammonium sulfate has been used as a probe for aerosol particles and investigated in situ by means of ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Unexpectedly, when the particles start to absorb water, a spontaneous redox reaction leading to nitrogen and elemental sulfur takes place.
Neurodegenerative disease studied by cryogenic X-ray nanotomography
Hard X-ray cryo-tomography scanning of retina from healthy and inherited blindness specimen paves the way for correlative analysis after imaging at the cSAXS beamline.
Vastly Different Morphologies Dependent on the Growth Temperature
Lithium fluoride is an important material which is technologically exploited in spintronics and organic light emitting devices. It turns out that there is a vast difference between the morphologies of ultrathin lithium fluoride grown on the (100) facet of a silver single crystal. At room temperature dendrites are obtained while at elevated temperature lithium fluoride forms square islands. The system is an interesting model to study the crossover between diffusion limited aggregates and island growth.
Carbon dioxide can be turned into a valuable resource
New study explores methods for using waste gas efficiently.
Diamond gratings for XFEL amplitude-splitting delay line
A split-and-delay line for XFEL pulses has been built and successfully tested by a team of researchers at the Linac Coherent Light Source. Key X-ray optical elements are two diamond diffraction gratings made at the Paul Scherrer Institut that are used to split and later recombine the intense ultrashort X-ray laser pulses for time-resolved measurements.
Ioannis Paraskevas successfully defends his Ph.D. thesis on Mu3e commissioning
Ioannis Paraskevas commissioned the solenoid magnet and Mu3e beamline, developing simulations and carrying out measurements prior to the first Mu3e integration run. He also performed a study of fake tracks in simulation. He successfully defended his thesis during a virtual viva at University College London. Congratulations!
PSI and ANAXAM at the this year's Swiss Innovation Forum!
A fundamental basis for success in these special times is innovation, which is largely driven by exchange and inspiration. The Swiss Innovation Forum (SIF) 2021 brings both together in one place. That is why we are supporting this year's edition of the SIF as a partner.
Meet innovative minds from different industries at the Congress Center Basel on 18th November 2021 , exchange ideas and create new visions. Future-oriented experts will furthermore take you on a journey full of ideas. It will be rounded off by the FutureExpo, which invites you to discover and try things out, and the 33rd Swiss Technology Award ceremony, at which the best tech innovations of the year are honoured.
PSI will be there - visit us at our booth and find out more about how the technology transfer centre ANAXAM uses state-of-the-art material analysis to support both industry and SMEs in optimising production methods and processes, thus creating the basis for innovations.
Detailed information and registration for the conference at
Coexistence of structural and magnetic phases in van der Waals magnet CrI3
CrI3 has raised as an important system to the emergent field of two-dimensional van der Waals magnetic materials. However, it is still unclear why CrI3 which has a ferromagnetic rhombohedral structure in bulk, changed to anti-ferromagnetic monoclinic at thin layers. Here we show that this behaviour is due to the coexistence of both monoclinic and rhombohedral crystal phases followed by three magnetic transitions at TC1 = 61 K, TC2 = 50 K and TC3 = 25 K.
"We can now look at climate change regionally"
Margit Schwikowski is head of the Laboratory for Environmental Chemistry at PSI. In an interview, she explains what aerosols have to do with climate change.
Besuch der ILMAC 2021
Kurzer Elebnisbericht eines Laboranten Chemie vom Besuch an der Chemiemesse ILMAC in Basel am 20. Oktober 2021.
Take a deep breath. But how clean was the air?
The EU project, RI-URBANS, aims to improve air quality monitoring across Europe
Overview of SwissFEL dual-photocathode laser capabilities and perspectives for exotic FEL modes
SwissFEL is a compact, high-brilliance, soft and hard X-ray Free Electron Laser (FEL) facility laser composed of two parallel beam lines seeded by a common linear accelerator (LINAC), and a two-bunch photo-injector. For the injector, an innovative dual-photocathode laser scheme has been developed based on state-of-the-art Ytterbium femtosecond laser systems. We just published an overview of the the SwissFEL Photo Cathode Drive Lasers (PCDL) performance, pulse shaping capabilities as well as the versatility of the systems, which allow many different modes of operation of SwissFEL [1]. The full control over the SwissFEL electron bunch properties via the unique architecture of the PCDL will enable in the future the advent of more advanced FEL modes; these modes are, but not restricted to, the generation of single or trains of sub-fs FEL pulses, multi-color FEL and finally the generation of fully coherent X-ray pulses via laser-based seeding.
Glycation of collagen: Quantifying rates
Collagen is abundant in the connective tissue of human beings, e.g. in tendons, ligament and cornea. Glycation of collagen distorts its structure, renders the extracellular matrix stiff and brittle and at the same time lowers the degradation susceptibility thereby preventing renewal. Based on models and with parameters determined from experimental data, we describe the glycation of type 1 collagen in bovine pericardium derived bio-tissues upon incubation in glucose and ribose. We hope that this contributes to a better quantitative understanding of the effects of diabetes on collagen.
Getting maximum energy out of biomass
Researchers at the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI start operation of a revolutionary pilot plant for production of synthetic biogas.
Protein Distancing
Using a protein fusion approach that uses a modular linker PSI Researchers can now connect two unrelated proteins at a defined distance and orientation to each other. This technology could allow for applications e.g. in vaccine development or could facilitate the crystallization of proteins for drug development. Furthermore, the linker holds potential as a component in protein-based nanomaterials. Feel free to contact us if you are interested in learning more about this exiting technology.
Unique and unusual
An interview with Mike Seidel, Head of the Large Research Facilities Division.
Magnetic Bistability at a Record High Temperature in a Sub-Monolayer of Endohedral Fullerenes
A team of the Leibniz Institute for Solid State Research (IFW) from Dresden, Germany, led by Dr Alexey Popov has now demonstrated a record blocking temperature of 28 Kelvin at which the magnetic bistability still survives in a submonolayer of a chemically functionalized species of endofullerenes. In this research, X-ray magnetic circular dichroism measurements at low temperatures and high magnetic field at the X-Treme beam line are crucial. The results pave the way toward using such single-molecule magnets as information carriers or magnetic bits.