Energy transition

Shifting away from nuclear energy, expanding solar and wind power, generating energy from biomass, reducing energy consumption. Switzerland is committed to becoming climate-neutral by 2050. An ambitious goal, which has become more urgent than ever due to the increasingly challenging geopolitical situation. How can a sustainable and resilient energy supply for Switzerland be established over the coming years? What's the optimal way to use renewable energy sources? What new technologies are especially promising? At PSI, researchers are seeking answers to these crucial questions.

TOMCAT high numerical aperture detector

High-numerical-aperture optics is key to ultra-fast tomographic microscopy

A novel high-numerical-aperture macroscope optics dedicated to high-temporal and high-spatial resolution X-ray tomographic microscopy is available at TOMCAT. Coupled with the in-house developed GigaFRoST camera, this highly efficient imaging setup enables tomographic microscopy studies at 20 Hz and beyond, opening up new possibilities in tomographic investigations of dynamic processes. A detailed characterization of the macroscope performance was published in Journal of Synchrotron Radiation on May 21, 2019.

TOMCAT high numerical aperture detector

High-numerical-aperture optics is key to ultra-fast tomographic microscopy

A novel high-numerical-aperture macroscope optics dedicated to high-temporal and high-spatial resolution X-ray tomographic microscopy is available at TOMCAT. Coupled with the in-house developed GigaFRoST camera, this highly efficient imaging setup enables tomographic microscopy studies at 20 Hz and beyond, opening up new possibilities in tomographic investigations of dynamic processes. A detailed characterization of the macroscope performance was published in Journal of Synchrotron Radiation on May 21, 2019.

Gomilsek et al

Kondo screening in a charge-insulating spinon metal

The Kondo effect, an eminent manifestation of many-body physics in condensed matter, is traditionally explained as exchange scattering of conduction electrons on a spinful impurity in a metal. The resulting screening of the impurity's local moment by the electron Fermi sea is characterized by a Kondo temperature TK, below which the system enters a strongly coupled regime.

Group picture from Semiconductors to quantum technologies symposium

From semiconductors to quantum technologies symposium

While information technology over the last 50 years has been based on conventional semiconductor electronics, future technologies – aiming to enhance the performance of computers, sensors and to secure data communication for the future internet – will use the quantum origins of nature.

This symposium highlighted the opportunities for the traditional semiconductor materials to remain the platform on which also the new quantum technologies will build on. The symposium, in part a celebration of the career of PSI Quantum Technologies group leader Hans Sigg, was held at ETHZ and included notable speakers both local and international, Gabriel Aeppli (PSI, ETHZ & EPFL), Jérôme Faist & Klaus Ensslin (ETHZ), Theo Rasing (RU Nijmegen), Giordano Scappucci (QuTech-TU Delft) and Klaus von Klitzing (MPI Stuttgart).

Das PSI und das KfC arbeiten an den Themen des Frauen*streiks

Der Frauen*streik möchte wichtige Anliegen voranbringen, darunter sind Lohngleichheit, die gerechte Verteilung von Betreuungsaufgaben und der Schutz vor Diskriminierung und sexueller Belästigung.

Das PSI und das Komitee für Chancengleichheit am PSI arbeiten auch an diesen Themen. Eine externe Analyse der GFO Unternehmensberatung gemeinsam mit der Universität Sankt Gallen bestätigte vor einigen Jahren die vollständige Lohngleichheit unter Berücksichtigung von Funktionsstufen und Erfahrungsjahren.

APS fellow medal

Christoph Bostedt named APS Fellow

Christoph Bostedt, Head of the Laboratory for Femtochemistry, was named APS Felllow. He received his fellowship certificate at at the 50th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP) APS Meeting in Milwaukee.

Multiscale image of a cardiac tissue.

From whole organ imaging down to single cell analysis

Researchers from the TOMCAT beamline, University College London (UCL), IDIBAPS and Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) have developed a methodology that allows the multiscale analysis of the structural changes resulting from remodelling cardiovascular diseases, from whole organ down to single-cell level. This methodology has been published as an article in the journal Scientific Reports on May 6th 2019.

Multiscale image of a cardiac tissue.

From whole organ imaging down to single cell analysis

Researchers from the TOMCAT beamline, University College London (UCL), IDIBAPS and Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) have developed a methodology that allows the multiscale analysis of the structural changes resulting from remodelling cardiovascular diseases, from whole organ down to single-cell level. This methodology has been published as an article in the journal Scientific Reports on May 6th 2019.

Schweizer Jugend forscht

Schweizer Jugend forscht 2019

Unser Lernende Pius S., Elektroniker im 4. Lehrjahr, nahm mit Kollegen am Nationalen Wettbewerb von "Schweizer Jugend forscht" teil und erhielten das Prädikat "hervorragend". Wir sind sehr stolz auf diese Leistung und gratulieren Pius herzlich!


An iodine polymeric chain with tunable conductivity

The progressive hydrostatic compression of I2 and I3- units in an organic salt lead to a homoatomic polymeric chain. As the I---I distance collapses the covalent character of the interaction becomes more relevant, leading to a pressure-tunable increased conductivity.

Pregelj et al

Elementary excitation in the spin-stripe phase in quantum chains

Elementary excitations in condensed matter capture the complex many-body dynamics of interacting basic entities in a simple quasiparticle picture. In magnetic systems the most established quasiparticles are magnons, collective excitations that reside in ordered spin structures, and spinons, their fractional counterparts that emerge in disordered, yet correlated spin states.

Type-II Weyl semimetal WP2

New study gives compelling evidence that tungsten diphosphide is a type-II Weyl semimetal

Researchers at NCCR MARVEL have combined first principles calculations with soft X-ray angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy to examine tungsten diphosphide’s electronic structure, characterizing its Weyl nodes for the very first time. In agreement with density functional theory calculations, the results revealed two pairs of Weyl nodes lying at different binding energies. The observation of the Weyl nodes, as well as the tilted cone-like dispersions in the vicinity of the nodal points, provides compelling evidence that the material is a robust type-II Weyl semimetal with broken Lorentz invariance. This is as MARVEL researchers predicted two years ago. The research has been published in Physical Review Letters as an Editor's Suggestion.

Berufsbildnerabend 2019

Berufsbildnerabend 2019

Die Berufsbildnerinnen und Berufsbildner mit ihren Partnern und Partnerinnen fuhren am Donnerstag, 2. Mai nach Böttstein, wo wir an einer interessanten Führung im Axporama(link is external) teilnehmen konnten. Das abschliessende Spiel zur Stromversorgung der Schweiz absolvierten wir nicht wie erhofft. Mit vielen Eindrücken fuhren wir danach nach Mandach. Im Restaurant Hirschen(link is external) durften wir ein feines Essen in gemütlicher Runde geniessen.

Max Zoller

SNSF Ambizione Grant for Max Zoller

Max Zoller has been awarded a Swiss National Science Foundation

Ambizione grant with PSI as host institution.

Kreisschule Surbtal 2019

Kreisschule Surbtal 2019

Erste Kontakte zur Berufswahl, was erwartet die Schüler?

Welche Fragen habe sie?

Christopher Mudry

EPFL Adjunct Professorship to Christopher Mudry

Dr Christopher Mudry, who joined PSI in 1999 and is Research Group Leader of the Condensed Matter Theory Group at PSI since 2009, was awarded the title of Adjunct Professor at EPF Lausanne with the following citation. "Dr Christopher Mudry is a highly acclaimed theoretical physicist. He is regarded as one of the world’s leading experts on the quantum field theory of condensed matter and in the rapidly developing field of the topological properties of matter."

Choi PRL

Exotic Low-Energy Excitations Emergent in the Random Kitaev Magnet Cu2IrO3

We report on magnetization M(H), dc and ac magnetic susceptibility Χ(T), specific heat Cm(T) and muon spin relaxation (μSR) measurements of the Kitaev honeycomb iridate Cu2IrO3 with quenched disorder. In spite of the chemical disorders, we find no indication of spin glass down to 260 mK from the Cm(T) and μSR data.

Dr. Ulrich Hartenstein

Ulrich Hartenstein successfully defends his Ph.D. thesis on track-based alignment of the Mu3e detector

Ulrich Hartenstein developed algorithms for aligning the Mu3e detector using reconstructed particle tracks. Today he successfully defended his thesis at the university of Mainz. 

Berufsbildungsausflug 2019

Berufsbildungsausflug 2019

Der diesjährige Berufsbildungsausflug führte uns in den Kraftreaktor Klettereldorado nach Lenzburg, zum feinen Essen im Kosthaus und weiter zu den süssen Versuchungen von Chocolat Frey AG in Buchs.

Helena van Swygenhoven

Prof. Helena Van Swygenhoven presented the plenary Kavli lecture at the MRS spring meeting 2019

Plenary Session Featuring The Fred Kavli Distinguished Lectureship in Materials Science:

Tuesday, April 23

8:15 am – 9:30 am

PCC North, 100 Level, Ballroom 120 D

Carlos Vaz Selected by the Journal of Materials Chemistry C as Outstanding Reviewer in 2018

SIM beamline scientist Carlos Vaz was recognized as outstanding referee for providing high quality peer review for the Journal of Materials Chemistry C (Royal Society of Chemistry).

Formation of the 2DEG at the Si/SrTiO3 interface

X‐Ray Writing of Metallic Conductivity and Oxygen Vacancies at Silicon/SrTiO3 Interfaces

Lithography‐like writing of conducting regions at the interface between SrTiO3 and amorphous Si using X‐ray irradiation opens ways for spatially controlled functionalities in oxide heterostructures.

Salvati et al

Soft biomimetic nanoconfinement promotes amorphous water over ice

Water is a ubiquitous liquid with unique physicochemical properties, whose nature has shaped our planet and life as we know it. Water in restricted geometries has different properties than in bulk. Confinement can prevent low-temperature crystalliza- tion of the molecules into a hexagonal structure and thus create a state of amorphous water. To understand the survival of life at subzero temperatures, it is essential to elucidate this behaviour in the presence of nanoconfining lipidic membranes.