The ETH Board and the institutions of the ETH Domain reaffirm their solidarity with Ukraine

The ETH Board as well as the six institutions of the ETH Domain (the two Federal Institutes of Technology ETH Zurich and EPFL as well as the four research institutes PSI, Empa, WSL and Eawag) reaffirm their full solidarity with the universities in Ukraine and join the Federal Council's statement strongly condemning Russia's military invasion. The short-, medium- and long-term consequences of this violation of international law for international security and cooperation can hardly be foreseen at present.

We call on all governments in Europe to take immediate action to protect the lives and careers of university staff, students, researchers, Ukrainian civil society actors and the entire Ukrainian population.

The development of this war will have serious consequences for Ukrainian universities as well as researchers and students. Therefore, the ETH Board and the institutions of the ETH Domain will do everything in their power to support and welcome their Ukrainian colleagues.

The ETH Board and the institutions of the ETH Domain also wish to draw attention to the appeals and statements of the following partner associations and institutions:

Text: ETH Board/ Paul Scherrer Institute

Further information

Text on the website of the ETH Board


Dr. Mirjam van Daalen
Head of the Communication Department
Paul Scherrer Institute, Forschungsstrasse 111, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
Telephone: +41 56 310 56 74, e-Mail:


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