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Khasanov et al

Pressure-enhanced splitting of density wave transitions in La3Ni2O7–δ

The observation of superconductivity in La3Ni2O7–δ under pressure, following the suppression of a high-temperature density wave state, has attracted considerable attention. The nature of this density wave order was not clearly identified. Here we probe the magnetic response of the zero-pressure phase of La3Ni2O7–δ as hydrostatic pressure is applied, and find that the apparent single density wave transition at zero applied pressure splits into two. The comparison of our muon-spin rotation ...

Angst et al

Outstanding Paper Award

A recent paper by the "Applied Materials Group" of the LNS and their coworkers received the "Outstanding Paper Award" of the journal "Materials and Structures".

Maimone et al

Spin-orbit control of antiferromagnetic domains without a Zeeman coupling

Encoding information in antiferromagnetic (AFM) domains is a promising solution for the ever growing demand in magnetic storage capacity. The absence of a macroscopic magnetization avoids crosstalk between different domain states, enabling ultrahigh density spintronics while being detrimental to the domain detection and manipulation. Disentangling these merits and disadvantages seemed so far unattainable. We report evidence ...

Kurumaji et al

Electronic Commensuration of a Spin Moiré Superlattice in a Layered Magnetic Semimetal

Spin moiré superlattices (SMSs) formed by interfacing conventional electronic states with a multi-q magnetic lattice have been proposed as a magnetic analog of crystallographic moiré systems. The electron-minibands created in an SMS are expected to be enriched by the vector-field nature of the magnetic interaction and offer new types of moiré tunability, topological protection, and Berry curvature effects. However, most spin-vortex-hosting systems discovered to date have carrier mean free paths lmfp significantly shorter than their spin-moiré lattice constant aspin, inhibiting mini-band-formation. Furthermore ...

Gaudez Pics_2

Evolution of texture and residual stresses in 2205 duplex stainless steel during laser powder bed fusion

This study uses a custom-designed laser powder bed fusion machine, capable of operating in neutron instruments, to track metallic material evolution during additive manufacturing process.  More specifically, it investigates the development of residual stresses in textured 2205 duplex stainless steel during laser powder bed fusion. In situ and operando neutron diffraction experiments were conducted to study the transient and real-time evolution of stresses and strains during processing, using an AM machine designed for neutron studies. Additionally, Bragg-edge imaging was employed to investigate the crystallographic texture. The results showed that residual stress redistribution primarily occurs in the first set of added layers when further layers are added on top. The cube texture observed in the sample significantly affects residual stress determination, leading to inaccuracies up to 96 MPa if not accounted for. This highlights the need for orientation-dependent diffraction elastic constants in residual stress calculations. Furthermore, variations in texture intensity across the sample dimensions were found to be driven by changes in the local temperature history, which were deciphered from real-time strain measurements. Finally, this study demonstrates the potential of combining laser powder bed fusion with neutron diffraction to investigate the underlying mechanisms of additive manufacturing in the bulk of the sample.

Gomilsek et al

Anisotropic Skyrmion and Multi-q Spin Dynamics in Centrosymmetric Gd2PdSi3

Skyrmions are particlelike vortices of magnetization with nontrivial topology, which are usually stabilized by Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions (DMI) in noncentrosymmetric bulk materials. Exceptions are centrosymmetric Gd- and Eu-based skyrmion-lattice (SL) hosts with zero DMI, where both the SL stabilization mechanisms and magnetic ground states remain controversial. We address these here by investigating both the static and dynamical spin properties  ...

Pic Gaudez

Operando phase mapping in multi-material laser powder bed fusion

This study introduces a custom-designed laser powder bed fusion machine, capable of operating in neutron instruments, to track material evolution during additive manufacturing. Using neutron imaging, this study uncovers how complex thermal cycling impacts phase development in multi-material parts, offering new insights into optimizing additive manufacturing processes and enhancing material properties for more precise and high-performance components.

Strobl et al

Concurrent Operando Neutron Imaging and Diffraction Analysis Revealing Spatial Lithiation Phase Evolution in an Ultra-Thick Graphite Electrode

Energy-efficient, safe, and reliable Li-ion batteries (LIBs) are required for a wide range of applications. The introduction of ultra-thick graphite anodes, desired for high energy densities, meets limitations in internal electrode transport properties, leading to detrimental consequences. Yet, there is a lack of experimental tools capable of providing a complete view of local processes. Here, a multi-modal operando measurement approach is introduced, enabling quantitative spatio-temporal observations of Li concentrations and intercalation phases in ultra-thick graphite electrodes.
Neutron imaging and diffraction concurrently provide ...

LEC November 2024 Highlight

Understanding the Interplay between Artificial SEI and Electrolyte Additives in Enhancing Silicon Electrode Performance for Li-Ion Batteries

Maintaining a stable solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) is crucial for Li-ion battery safety, especially with high-capacity anode containing silicon. Therefore, our study explored long-term cycling of Si electrodes with artificial alucone-based SEI, deposited by molecular layer deposition (MLD) in combination with a fluoroethylene carbonate (FEC) electrolyte additive. MLD of flexible Li-ion permeable artificial SEI coatings onto electrode resulted in improved capacity, enhanced Si electrode cycle life and capacity retention.

Halloran et al

Connection between f-electron correlations and magnetic excitations in UTe2

The detailed anisotropic dispersion of the low-temperature, low-energy magnetic excitations of the candidate spin-triplet superconductor UTe2 is revealed using inelastic neutron scattering. The magnetic excitations emerge from the Brillouin zone boundary at the high symmetry Y and T points and disperse along the crystallographic b-axis. In applied magnetic fields ...

LEC Highlight December 2024

Decentralized hydrogen-based stationary energy storage systems complemented by smart control can provide increased operational flexibility in the energy system

While the electrification of the energy system implies a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions greatly beneficial to society, it can also pose technical challenges. The most notable among these are that the capacity of the local electric grid may be exceeded, along with the occurrence of imbalances between decentralized renewable energy production and final consumption. Hydrogen-based energy storage systems (HESS) are regarded as promising solutions to address these challenges. However, the feasibility has not been demonstrated and the involved processes are not well characterized on a technical relevant power level, so far. 

Sarenac et al

Small-angle scattering interferometry with neutron orbital angular momentum states

Methods to prepare and characterize neutron helical waves carrying orbital angular momentum (OAM) were recently demonstrated at small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) facilities. These methods enable access to the neutron orbital degree of freedom which provides new avenues of exploration in fundamental science experiments as well as in material characterization applications. 

However, ....

Kane et al

Evidence of antiferromagnetism in ultrathin metallic (111)-oriented LaNiO3 films

Antiferromagnets with exotic spin textures promise low-power spintronic devices with extremely high operating frequencies and resistance to external perturbations. In particular, the combination of highly tunable correlated electron physics, as in complex oxides, with metallicity and antiferromagnetism is desirable but exceedingly rare. LaNiO3, the lone example of a perovskite nickelate which is metallic across all temperatures, has long been a promising candidate, but the antiferromagnetic metallic state has remained elusive. We demonstrate the emergence  ...

Teaser Highlight OpenSPACE

Not Rocket Science, just Nuclear Rocket Science

The PSI Laboratory for Reactor Physics and Thermal-Hydraulics (LRT) conducts computational and experimental research with focus on the safety of nuclear reactors and systems. In recent years, it established the EPSILON program to coordinate and consolidate its research activities on nuclear space applications. Among other things, developments were initiated towards an open-source European platform for high-fidelity simulations and experiments dedicated to space nuclear reactors. Referred to as the openSPACE platform, its underlying concepts are a) to include not only solvers but also reference simulation models as well as experimental validation data; b) to make all of these available to the broader and combined nuclear- and space communities for usage and/or further developments. Through this, the goal is thus not only to facilitate collaborative research in this area but also to enable effective support to the European Space Agency for thorough design, safety and performance evaluations of nuclear reactor systems for in-space propulsion and/or surface power. A first development phase focused on nuclear electric propulsion was proposed and retained among the two projects selected in 2023 by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) for its MARVIS call (Multidisciplinary Advanced Research Ventures in Space) and funded by the Swiss Secretariat for Research and Innovation (SERI). This project, to be conducted via four inter-connected PhD theses, was launched in October 2024 and this marks thus a key milestone for the propulsion of PSI nuclear research towards space.

de Reotier et al

Origin of the Suppression of Magnetic Order in MnSi under Hydrostatic Pressure

We experimentally study the evolution of the magnetic moment 𝑚 and exchange interaction 𝐽 as a function of hydrostatic pressure in the zero-field helimagnetic phase of the strongly correlated electron system MnSi. The suppression of magnetic order at ≈1.5  GPa is shown to arise from the 𝐽 collapse and not from a quantum fluctuations induced reduction of 𝑚. Our work provides benchmarks ...

LEC November 2024 Highlight

Understanding the Interplay between Artificial SEI and Electrolyte Additives in Enhancing Silicon Electrode Performance for Li-Ion Batteries

Maintaining a stable solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) is crucial for Li-ion battery safety, especially with high-capacity anode containing silicon. Therefore, our study explored long-term cycling of Si electrodes with artificial alucone-based SEI, deposited by molecular layer deposition (MLD) in combination with a fluoroethylene carbonate (FEC) electrolyte additive. MLD of flexible Li-ion permeable artificial SEI coatings onto electrode resulted in improved capacity, enhanced Si electrode cycle life and capacity retention.

Sumarli et al

Operando phase mapping in multi-material laser powder bed fusion

Additive manufacturing (AM) or “3D printing” of metals, which builds structure layer by layer, has revolutionized the production of intricate 3D designs. Among its techniques, laser powder bed fusion (PBF-LB) excels in creating metallic parts with intricate designs and high precision. This process can combine different metals into innovative multi-material components with tailored properties, with regards to e.g., strength and thermal conductivity, surpassing the capabilities of single-material designs. However, ....

Zhu et al

Continuum Excitations in a Spin Supersolid on a Triangular Lattice

Magnetic, thermodynamic, neutron diffraction and inelastic neutron scattering are used to study spin correlations in the easy-axis XXZ triangular lattice magnet K2Co(SeO3)2. Despite the presence of quasi-2D “supersolid” magnetic order, the low-energy excitation spectrum contains no sharp modes and is instead a broad and structured multiparticle continuum. Applying a weak magnetic field ...

Cover 5423

Best practices for harnessing operando X-ray absorption spectroscopy in electrocatalytic water splitting studies

X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) has found applications in a range of fields including materials, physics, chemistry, biology and earth science. XAS can probe the local electronic and geometric structure, such as the average oxidation state, coordination environment and interatomic distances, surrounding an element of interest. Thus, XAS is a valuable tool to inform catalyst design by tracking catalyst evolution under operating conditions, for example, via providing dynamic snapshots of the essential information.

Andriushin et al

Reentrant multiple-q magnetic order and a “spin meta-cholesteric” phase in Sr3Fe2O7

Topologically nontrivial magnetic structures such as skyrmion lattices are well known in materials lacking lattice inversion symmetry, where antisymmetric exchange interactions are allowed. Only recently, topological multi-q magnetic textures that spontaneously break the chiral symmetry, for example, three-dimensional hedgehog lattices, were discovered in centrosymmetric compounds, where they are instead driven by frustrated interactions. Here we show that ...

3D image of a magnetic skyrmion

Skyrmion topology quantified in 3D

Researchers from an international collaboration between the United States of America and Switzerland have performed three-dimensional magnetic imaging of a magnetic skyrmion using soft X-ray laminography. This allowed for the investigation, in three dimensions, of the topological profile of the magnetic skyrmions.

LEC Highlight September 2024

Converting the CHF3 greenhouse gas into LiF coating for high-voltage cathode materials toward high-energy density Li-ion batteries

The instability and the fading of high voltage cathode materials above 4.3 V remains a major challenge for the next generation of high energy density Li-ion batteries. Here, we present a facile, environmentally friendly, cost effective and scalable method to address this problem by uniformly fluorinating the surface of cathode materials with CHF3, a mild fluorinating agent but a potent greenhouse gas. CHF3 is successfully transformed into ~2 nm LiF homogenous layer covering the surface of layered-oxide cathode materials.

Shin et al

Ferromagnetic quantum critical point protected by nonsymmorphic symmetry in a Kondo metal

Quantum critical points (QCPs), zero-temperature phase transitions, are win- dows to fundamental quantum-mechanical phenomena associated with universal behaviour. Magnetic QCPs have been extensively investigated in the vicinity of antiferromagnetic order. However, QCPs are rare in metallic ferromagnets due to the coupling of the order parameter to electronic soft modes. Recently, antisymmetric spin-orbit coupling in noncentrosymmetric systems was suggested to protect ferromagnetic QCPs. Nonetheless, multiple centrosymmetric materials ...

Xie et al

Quantum Spin Dynamics Due to Strong Kitaev Interactions in the Triangular-Lattice Antiferromagnet CsCeSe2

The extraordinary properties of the Kitaev model have motivated an intense search for new physics in materials that combine geometrical and bond frustration. In this Letter, we employ inelastic neutron scattering, spin wave theory, and exact diagonalization to study the spin dynamics in the perfect triangular-lattice antiferromagnet (TLAF) CsCeSe2. This material orders into a stripe phase, which is demonstrated to arise as a consequence of the off-diagonal bond-dependent terms in the spin Hamiltonian ...

Deng et al

Evidence for time-reversal symmetry-breaking kagome superconductivity

Superconductivity and magnetism are often antagonistic in quantum matter, although their intertwining has long been considered in frustrated-lattice systems. Here we utilize scanning tunnelling microscopy and muon spin resonance to demonstrate time-reversal symmetry-breaking superconductivity in kagome metal Cs(V, Ta)3Sb5, where the Cooper pairing exhibits magnetism and is modulated by it. In the magnetic channel, we observe spontaneous internal magnetism ...

H Deng et al

Chiral kagome superconductivity modulations with residual Fermi arcs

Superconductivity involving finite-momentum pairing can lead to spatial-gap and pair-density modulations, as well as Bogoliubov Fermi states within the superconducting gap. However, the experimental realization of their intertwined relations has been challenging. Here we detect chiral kagome superconductivity modulations with residual Fermi arcs in KV3Sb5 and CsV3Sb5 using normal and Josephson scanning tunnelling microscopy down to 30 millikelvin with a resolved electronic energy difference at the microelectronvolt level. We observe a U-shaped ...