Circular Economy Entrepreneur Conference (CE2) 2021

Circular cities, food and agriculture as well as infrastructure and logistics: this is the focus of the third edition of CE2 on 22 September 2021 at the Kursaal Bern. The conference is the compass for companies that want to anchor sustainable business and the circular economy in their DNA. Renewable energies and recycling are important innovation topics at PSI - this is why we support CE2 as a partner.

Meet other forward-thinkers, designers, and specialists, exchange ideas and get inspired by around 25 experts in keynotes and deep dive sessions. These include Simonetta Sommaruga (Federal Councillor), Thomas Vellacott (CEO, WWF Switzerland), Cllr. Anna Richardson (City Convener, Sustainability and Carbon Reduction, Glasgow City Council), Dr Ian Roberts (CTO, Bühler Group) and Patrick Camele (CEO, SV Group).

Further information and registration at

The CE2 conference will take place on 22 September 2021 in the Kursaal in Bern.