Electrically programmable magnetic coupling in an Ising network exploiting solid-state ionic gating
Two-dimensional arrays of magnetically coupled nanomagnets provide a mesoscopic platform for exploring collective phenomena as well as realizing a broad range of spintronic devices. In particular, the magnetic coupling plays a critical role in determining the nature of the cooperative behavior and providing new functionalities in nanomagnet-based devices. Here, we create coupled Ising-like nanomagnets ...
Dr. Eleftherios Siskos is the recipient of the Bernard Roy Award 2023
Dr. Eleftherios Siskos has received the prestigious Bernard Roy Award 2023 by the European Working Group (EWG) on Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding (MCDA).
🌼 Happy #MentalHealthAwareness Day! 🌼
An diesem Tag wollen wir uns daran erinnern, wie wichtig es ist, über unser psychisches Wohlbefinden zu sprechen und sich darum zu kümmern, insbesondere am Arbeitsplatz, wo wir viel Zeit verbringen. Hier finden sich 7 Tipps, die dabei helfen, die psychische Gesundheit bei der Arbeit zu erhalten.
Lehrlingslager 2023
Erneut ein tolles und unfallfreies Lehrlingslager.
Der PSI-Trail: Eine spannende Entdeckungsreise durch das PSI-Gelände
Erleben Sie den PSI-Trail, der faszinierende Weg durch das PSI, gespickt mit interessanten Informationen und spannenden Rätseln. Tauchen Sie ein und lassen Sie sich überraschen.
Welcome to LXN Javier Rodriguez Alvarez
Herzlich Willkommen Javier Rodriguez Alvarez LXN!
Scientist careers at our partner companies: Johanna Mehl, McKinsey & Company
Our partner companies are interested in attracting PSI's early career researchers, and we introduce scientists working at partner companies to showcase career perspectives. In today's post, meet Johanna Mehl, who did her PhD in biophysics at ETHZ and is currently an associate at McKinsey & Company. She tells us how she managed the transition away from academia, and what she is working on now.
Plongée dans le cytosquelette
Le cytosquelette est un petit prodige. Son exploration promet, entre autres, de nouvelles possibilités de traitement contre le cancer.
Apporter la lumière du SwissFEL aux utilisateurs industriels
Des expériences à haut débit permettront aux utilisateurs en biologie structurale de bénéficier de la lumière d’un XFEL.
Efficient magnetic switching in a correlated spin glass
The interplay between spin-orbit interaction and magnetic order is one of the most active research fields in condensed matter physics and drives the search for materials with novel, and tunable, magnetic and spin properties. Here we report on a variety of unique and unexpected observations in thin multiferroic Ge1−xMnxTe films.
Welcome to LXN Adrian Rutschmann
Herzlich Willkommen Adrian Rutschmann im LXN!
Welcome to LXN Peng Han
Herzlich Willkommen Peng Han im LXN!
We are glad to welcome Pan Xiaohan!
Pan Xiaohan is a visiting PhD student, who works on the removal of radionuclides (110mAg, 129I/131I) from contaminated water.
Insights into radical induced degradation of anion exchange membrane constituents
Electrochemical energy conversion devices, such as fuel cells and electrolyzers, using an anion exchange membrane (AEM) operating in the alkaline regime offer the prospect of the use of non-noble metal electrocatalysts and lower-cost cell construction materials. The wide-spread application of electrochemical cells with AEMs has been largely limited by the low chemical stability of the material. AEM degradation is triggered by i) nucleophilic attack by OH−, and ii) by reaction with free radicals formed during cell operation. Whereas the alkaline stability of AEMs has been greatly increased over the last 10 years, the understanding of mechanisms of radical induced degradation is limited. In this study, we have addressed this topic for the first time.
Direct observation of topological magnon polarons in a multiferroic material
Magnon polarons are novel elementary excitations possessing hybrid magnonic and phononic signatures, and are responsible for many exotic spintronic and magnonic phenomena. Despite long-term sustained experimental efforts in chasing for magnon polarons, direct spectroscopic evidence of their existence is hardly observed. Here, we report the direct observation of magnon polarons using neutron spectroscopy on a multiferroic Fe2Mo3O8 possessing strong magnon-phonon coupling.
SLS 2.0: la lumière fait une pause pour les travaux
La SLS sera temporairement arrêtée dans le cadre d’un grand projet de mise à niveau.
Décrypter les secrets du cerveau
Centre de recherche de pointe: des chercheurs du PSI reçoivent un subside de pointe des NIH américains pour mener des recherches sur le cerveau.
Séminaire industriel ANAXAM : "Introduction à la diffraction des neutrons et des rayons X synchrotron pour les applications industrielles
Le centre de transfert de technologie ANAXAM offre à l'industrie l'accès à des méthodes d'analyse par diffraction neutronique et synchrotron, et aide ses clients industriels à proposer des produits innovants et de haute qualité. En particulier, les PME bénéficient d'ANAXAM et peuvent ainsi renforcer leur compétitivité.
ANAXAM a déjà aidé de nombreux clients à améliorer leurs processus de production et leurs produits.
Le séminaire proposé, "Introduction à la diffraction neutronique et synchrotron pour les applications industrielles", vise à présenter les principes fondamentaux de la diffraction et à montrer comment l'analyse par diffraction avec des neutrons et des rayons X synchrotron facilite l'étude des matériaux industriels.
QUAND : 22 novembre 2023 ; 14h00 – 15h30
Le séminaire se déroulera en ligne et est gratuit. Profitez de l'expertise et des compétences d'ANAXAM et découvrez comment faire avancer votre entreprise avec ANAXAM !
Inscrivez-vous et obtenez plus d'informations ici :
La langue du séminaire est l'anglais.
"Quantum Magnet Lunch" retreat in Seelisberg
Our "Quantum Magnet Lunch" team - consisting of the QPS group, as well as, Markus Müller's team and Gabriel Aeppli - met for a two-day retreat to review our ongoing research and set the agenda for the coming year.
Complete field-induced spectral response of the spin-1/2 triangular-lattice antiferromagnet CsYbSe2
Fifty years after Anderson’s resonating valence-bond proposal, the spin-1/2 triangular-lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet (TLHAF) remains the ultimate platform to explore highly entangled quantum spin states in proximity to magnetic order. Yb-based delafossites are ideal candidate TLHAF materials, which allow experimental access to the full range of applied in-plane magnetic fields. We perform a systematic neutron scattering study of CsYbSe2, first proving the Heisenberg character of the interactions and quantifying the second-neighbor coupling.
Biffo the fish: BiFeO3 nanoplate wins the Magnetism Art Competition at JEMS 2023 in Madrid
Dr. Tim A. Butcher from the Microspectroscopy group was awarded the first prize in the "Art in Magnetism" competition of the JEMS 2023 conference with his contribution "Biffo", obtained from a ptychography image of a BiFeO3 nanoplate.
Aperçus 3D d’un procédé de fabrication novateur
Fabriquer des formes complexe avec l’impression 3D
TOP 100 Swiss Startup Award: Araris Biotech AG erreicht den 14. Platz
Araris Biotech AG ist ein Spin-off-Unternehmen des Paul Scherrer Instituts (PSI) und der ETH Zürich, welches sich mit der Entwicklung neuartiger Antikörper-Wirkstoff-Verbindungen zur gezielten Therapie von Krebszellen beschäftigt.
Bei der diesjährigen Ausgabe des TOP 100 Swiss Startup Award, bei welchem die besten Startups der Schweiz mit dem grössten Potenzial ausgezeichnet werden, belegt Araris den 14. Platz!
Es ist nun das fünfte Jahr in Folge, ab 2019, dass Araris von einer Jury aus Investoren und Startup-Experten ausgewählt wird. Was für ein grosser Erfolg für Araris, nach Platz 19 im Jahr 2022 und Platz 11 im Jahr 2021.
Wir gratulieren Philipp Spycher (CEO) und seinem Team zu diesem grossartigen Erfolg!
Der Wettlauf um den Quantencomputer
Der Wettlauf um den Quantencomputer
Forschung online erleben
Sehen Sie hier die Aufzeichnung des Live-Video-Rundgangs vom 23. August 2023
Berufsschau in Wettingen 2023
Die Berufsschau in Wettingen lockte viele Besucher an den PSI Stand.
SwissFEL #LightSourceSelfie of Maël Clémence
Check out Maël Clémence's #LightSourceSelfie about his PhD project on quantum properties of magnetic materials at the Cristallina-Q endstation of SwissFEL.
Evidence of bifunctionality of carbons and metal atoms in catalyzed acetylene hydrochlorination
Carbon supports are ubiquitous components of heterogeneous catalysts for acetylene hydrochlorination to vinyl chloride, from commercial mercury-based systems to more sustainable metal single-atom alternatives. Their potential co-catalytic role has long been postulated but never unequivocally demonstrated. Herein, combining operando X-ray absorption spectroscopy with other spectroscopic and kinetic analyses, we evidence the bifunctionality of carbons and metal sites (Pt, Au, Ru) in the acetylene hydrochlorination catalytic cycle.
L’influence des arbres sur la formation des nuages
Des chercheurs du PSI ont déterminé plus précisément un facteur de la formation des nuages, resté ignoré jusque-là. Leurs travaux pourraient permettre d’améliorer les prévisions climatiques.
SwissSkills 2023
Die Berufslernenden vom PSI haben an den Swiss Skills in Bern mit super Resultaten geglänzt! Wir freuen uns sehr!
PSI medal winners at SwissSkills Championships 2023
At the recent SwissSkills Championships 2023 for apprentices in Sindex/BE Melvin Deubelbeiss and Andrin Kästli from the electronics apprenticeship group in NUM/LTP have won two medals: Andrin became third, won a bronze medal and Melvin even won the championship and was honored by the gold medal.