Data Science


Andrea Baccarini, former member of the Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry, awarded the ETH Medal for his PhD thesis

Andrea Baccarini, a former PhD student at the Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry, has been awarded the ETH Medal for his thesis investigating aerosol formation in the Arctic and Antarctic and the role aerosols play in climate change.

Hillier et al

Muon spin spectroscopy

Muons are particles with a spin of 1⁄2 that can be implanted into a wide range of condensed matter materials to act as a local probe of the surrounding atomic environment. Measurement of the muon’s precession and relaxation provides an insight into how it interacts with its local environment. From this, unique information is obtained about the static and dynamic properties of the material of interest ...


retired nuclear Fuel Teaser

Taking good and safe care of the retired … nuclear fuel

After several years of loyal and reliable services during heavy duty operation in a reactor, nuclear fuel must be discharged and go into retirement. For Switzerland, the final place of retirement is planned to consist of a deep geological repository where the used nuclear fuel will be disposed. Before the repository is constructed, the used fuel will need to be stored in wet pools and/or dry storage casks.

During all this time, safe handling of the fuel will remain the top priority for operators and regulators. To gain better knowledge on the relevant phenomena which could potentially affect the fuel thermo-mechanics and safety characteristics during long storage periods as well as to allow predicting their evolution, simulation models are being developed at PSI within the DRYstars project.

A first milestone was recently achieved with the development of models coupled to state-of-the-art fuel performance codes for each of the three main categories of phenomena considered as having high safety relevance for storage, namely helium behaviour, creep behaviour and hydrogen behaviour.


Update on the Status of HIMB

A workshop to discuss and further develop the science case for the High Intensity Muon Beams (HIMB) has been held.


Operando radiography

Direct observation of crack formation mechanisms with operando Laser Powder Bed Fusion X-ray radiography

Operando high-speed X-ray radiography experiments reveal the cracking mechanism during 3D laser printing of a Ni superalloy.

25 years SINQ

Celebrating 25 years of SINQ

On January 17th, 2022, we celebrated the 25th anniversary of the inauguration of the Swiss Spallation Neutron Source SINQ. Today, SINQ is firmly embedded in the European research landscape and has established itself as an important center for neutron research.


Druckluftmotor: aus nichts als Luft wird kinetische Bewegungsenergie

Am Anfang nur eine einfache Übungsvorlage aus dem Internet, inzwischen eine detaillierte Baugruppe die in der Pandemie seinen Start fand. Nun warten wir bis es in der der Fertigung realisiert wird.

Revealing invisible defects in fusion reactor armor

Revealing invisible defects in fusion reactor armor

In an exciting collaboration, Nick Phillips, a PSI Fellow at the cSAXS beamline, reveals nanoscale lattice distortions created by invisible defects in fusion reactor armor. This work develops the current understanding of how the smallest, but most prevalent defects, generated during neutron irradiation behave. The novel Bragg ptychographic approach published in Nature Communications paves the way for fast, robust, 3D Bragg ptychography.

SμS Call 2022/1 informations

The results of the evaluation of the SμS Call 2022/1 and the beam time schedule will be published mid of March 2022. Resume of HIPA user operation is scheduled to May 2nd, 2022.


Texture red gold

Understanding variant selection and texture in additively manufactured red-gold alloys

Synchrotron X-ray diffraction experiments reveal the presence of a non- negligible amount of tetragonal phase in 3D printed red-gold samples. 

Reschke et al npj

Confirming the trilinear form of the optical magnetoelectric effect in the polar honeycomb antiferromagnet Co2Mo3O8

Magnetoelectric phenomena are intimately linked to relativistic effects and also require the material to break spatial inversion symmetry and time-reversal invariance. Magnetoelectric coupling can substantially affect light–matter interaction and lead to non-reciprocal light propagation. Here, we confirm on a fully experimental basis, without invoking either symmetry-based or material-specific assumptions, that the optical magnetoelectric effect in materials with non-parallel magnetization (M) and electric polarization (P) generates a trilinear term in the refractive index...


LAC scientists awarded Mariolopoulos Trust Fund Award 2022

The paper "Sources of particulate-matter air pollution and its oxidative potential in Europe" published in Nature by Kaspar Dällenbach and his team at the LAC has won the 2022 Mariolopoulos Trust Fund Award, along with another paper in the field of atmospheric environment. 

Ohayon et al

Precision Measurement of the Lamb Shift in Muonium

We report a new measurement of the n=2 Lamb shift in Muonium. Our result of 1047.2(2.3)stat(1.1)syst  MHz comprises an order of magnitude improvement upon the previous best measurement. This value matches ...


Marie-Christine Zdora joins the X-ray Tomography Group

The X-ray Tomography group welcomes Marie-Christine Zdora as a new member. In her role as translational X-ray imaging adjunct scientist, Marie will mainly work on phase-contrast and dark-field imaging focusing on the further development of these techniques towards their clinical translation. Before joining TOMCAT, Marie was a postdoc in the X-ray optics and applications group at the Laboratory for Micro- and Nanotechnology (LMN) at PSI, where she worked on the development of new X-ray optics as well as X-ray wavefront sensing. Prior to this position, she was a research fellow at the University of Southampton in the UK, where she made advances in X-ray speckle-based imaging using synchrotron and lab sources.

Reduced capacity PSI guesthouse

There will be some substantial renovation work be going on in the PSI guesthouse until middle of March, which causes a significantly smaller capacity mainly in January and February. 

Peixoto Esteves Fabio

Welcome Fabio Peixoto Esteves

A new colleague, Mr. Fabio Peixoto, started on January 1, 2022 as a PhD student in the van Bokhoven group under Marco Ranocchiari's supervision.




High-performance detector for DMC enters hot commissioning phase

The cold neutron diffractometer DMC at SINQ is currently undergoing major upgrades. After the recent replacement of the cold neutron guide as part of the SINQ upgrade program, the installation of the new high-performance 2D position-sensitive detector successfully entered the hot commissioning phase.