Abandon de l’énergie nucléaire, développement de l’énergie solaire et éolienne, production d’énergie à partir de la biomasse, réduction de la consommation d’énergie. D’ici 2050, la Suisse doit atteindre la neutralité climatique. Un objectif ambitieux, rendu plus urgent que jamais par une situation géopolitique de plus en plus difficile. Comment faire pour mettre en place ces prochaines années un approvisionnement énergétique durable et résistant pour la Suisse? Comment les énergies renouvelables peuvent-elles être utilisées de manière optimale? Quelles sont les nouvelles technologies les plus prometteuses? Au PSI, des chercheurs s’efforcent de trouver des réponses à ces questions décisives.
Marino Missiroli elected Trigger Coordinator of the CMS experiment at CERN (Copy)
Marino Missiroli (postdoctoral researcher in our group) will join the management team of the CMS experiment at CERN as Trigger Co-Coordinator in September 2023.
L’énigme des microgels a été élucidée
Des chercheurs du PSI et de l’Université de Barcelone ont réussi à expliquer de manière expérimentale l’étrange rétraction des microgels.
L’avion climatiquement neutre: est-ce possible?
Pour atteindre cet objectif, il faudra avant tout disposer de carburants durables et réduire le trafic aérien.
Vom Umgang mit Mythen und Vorurteilen bei der Stellensuche
‘Nur wer als Akademiker nicht erfolgreich ist geht in die Industrie’, oder ‘wenn ich in die Industrie wechsle, werde ich zwar viel verdienen, but jemand sagt mir was ich zu tun habe, und ich kann mich nicht mehr weiterentwickeln’ auf der einen, und ‘diese Wissenschaftler leben in ihrem Elfenbeinturm, können wir uns überhaupt mit ihnen unterhalten?’ auf der anderen Seite – dies sind einige der Mythen und Vorurteile, die uns die Stellensuche erschweren können. Wie können wir damit umgehen?
Two post-doc positions funded by SwissTwins open in the MSD group
Two new post-doc opportunities (post-docs/research software engineers) are open, to join the AiiDA development team (MSD group), focusing on supporting large data scales and next-generation HPC infrastructures.
These positions are funded under the SwissTwins project, offering close collaboration opportunities with project partners such as the Swiss Supercomputer Center CSCS, and other institutions in Switzerland and Europe.
Deadline: July 30, 2023
Welcome to LXN Adil Dogan
Herzlich Willkommen Adil Dogan in LXN!
Se battre contre les tumeurs jusqu’à la dernière cellule cancéreuse
Une subvention de 2 millions de francs vient financer un projet, dont le but est d’améliorer les chances de survie pour les patients atteints d’un cancer de la prostate.
Beamline innovation could enable treatment within a breath
Momentum cooling could enable shorter treatment times for patients undergoing radiotherapy with protons, circumventing the problems of internal organ motions.
BM- und BS-Abschlussfeiern 2023
In verschiedenen Berufs- und Berufsmaturitätsschulen wurden die erfolgreichen Abschlüsse gefeiert. Wir sind stolz auf unsere Lernenden und ihre tollen Leistungen!
Direktion bei uns in der Werkstatt
Am 23.03.2023 besuchte die Direktion und am 24.03.2023 das Personalmanagement des PSI, die Lehrwerkstatt der Polymechaniker. Das Ziel der Vorführung war es, die neuen CNC-Maschinen vorzustellen, welche ab Anfang 2022 in der Lehrwerkstatt und dem zugehörigen CNC-Raum für Überbetriebliche Kurse und die Ausbildung zur Verfügung stehen.
Lehrberufe à la Carte 2023
Berufsbildung den Besuchern nähergebracht
Tiancheng Zhong succesfully defends his thesis
Tiancheng Zhong has contributed to the Mu3e tile detector and performed detailed irradiation studies. He has now successfully defended his thesis at Heidelberg University.
The Executive Committee on Personalized Health and Related Technologies (PHRT) has supported the PROGNOSTIC translational Project with a Grant of CHF 2 million
The translational project "PROGNOSTICS", proposed by a consortium led by Prof. Roger Schibli, received CHF 2 million funding from the PHRT initiative of the ETH Domain(https://www.sfa-phrt.ch/two-clinical-trial-projects-launched-transforming-clinical-care-with-eth-technologies/). The study is being conducted with the Co-applicants Prof. Dr. med. Damian Wild at the University Hospital Basel and Prof. Dr. Nicola Aceto of the ETHZ. The consortium will test a new radiopharmaceutical developed at the Center for Radiopharmaceutical Sciences in 36 patients with advanced prostate cancer.
4 000 scénarios pour freiner le changement climatique
Des scientifiques du PSI et de la Columbia University calculent en détail comment freiner le changement climatique.
How PSI helped realise BEATS, a new beamline in Jordan
The “BEAmline for Tomography at Sesame” was recently inaugurated as the fifth beamline at the SESAME synchrotron facility.
LNQ-BBQ on 27.06.2023
Coupling of magnetic phases at nickelate interfaces
In this paper we present a model system built out of artificially layered materials, allowing us to understand the interrelation of magnetic phases with the metallic-insulating phase at long length scales, and enabling new strategies for the design and control of materials in devices. The artificial model system consists of superlattices made of SmNiO3 and NdNiO3 layers, – two members of the fascinating rare earth nickelate family, having different metal-to-insulator and magnetic transition temperatures. By combining two complementary techniques ....
Resonant Elastic X-Ray Scattering of Antiferromagnetic Superstructures in EuPtSi3
We report resonant elastic x-ray scattering of long-range magnetic order in EuPtSi3, combining different scattering geometries with full linear polarization analysis to unambiguously identify magnetic scattering contributions. At low temperatures, EuPtSi3 stabilizes type A antiferromagnetism featuring various long- wavelength modulations. For magnetic fields applied in the hard magnetic basal plane, well-defined regimes of cycloidal, conical, and fanlike superstructures may be distinguished that encompass a pocket of commensurate type A order without superstructure.
Defect Profiling of Oxide-Semiconductor Interfaces Using Low-Energy Muons
Muon spin rotation with low-energy muons (LE-μSR) is a powerful nuclear method where electrical and magnetic properties of surface-near regions and thin films can be studied on a length scale of ≈200 nm. This study shows the potential of utilizing low-energy muons for a depth-resolved characterization of oxide-semiconductor interfaces, i.e., for silicon (Si) and silicon carbide (4H-SiC). The performance of semiconductor devices relies heavily on the quality of the oxide-semiconductor interface; thus, investigation of defects present in this region is crucial to improve the technology.
Collaboration meeting in Bristol
The Mu3e collaboration met st the University of Bristol for three days in June. We discussed the production and assembly of the detector with a focus on the outer pixel layers and the software, firmware and infrastructure needed for the commissioning.
Un alliage métallique aux allures d’éponge
Une fois que les chambres à vide ont la bonne forme, elles ont encore besoin d’un revêtement de surface bien particulier.
Welcome to LXN Denis Hnidenko
Herzlich Willkommen Denis Hnidenko in LXN!
ETH Rat promotes PD Dr. Cristina Müller to the rank of a Titular Professor of the ETH Zurich
Professor Dr. Cristina Müller.
Prof. Roger Schibli was awarded an Honorary Fellow of the Society of Radiopharmaceutical Sciences (SRS)
Prof. Roger Schibli was awarded an Honorary Fellow of the Society of Radiopharmaceutical Sciences (SRS) “in recognition of substantial contribution to the SRS”.
Prof. Roger Schibli is selected a Board Member of the Society of Radiopharmaceutical Sciences
Prof. Roger Schibli (third person from the left).
Shea Distinguished Member Award of IEEE NPSS to Stefan Ritt
The Nuclear & Plasma Sciences Society of IEEE acknowledges the outstanding contributions of Dr. Stefan Ritt in terms of technological developments and services to the NPSS community with the 2023 Richard F. Shea Distinguished Member Award.
Un four de six mètres de haut
Les versions les plus compliquées des chambres à vide destinées au projet de mise à jour SLS 2.0 sont fabriquées à l’atelier du PSI.
Hairy cells: How cilia’s motor works
Understanding this motion may help to tackle health problems that affect cilia, which range from fertility issues to lung disease and COVID-19.
Bright white coloring of Pacific cleaner shrimp revelead
In a study published in Nature Photonics, researchers at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, explain the bright, white-colored stripes from Pacific cleaner shrimps, one of the most efficient white reflectors found in nature.
Progress of the X06DA-PXIII beamline upgrade: First light in the optics hutch
On June 7, 2023, the PXIII project team successfully shone the first light into the optics hutch at the upgraded X06DA-PXIII beamline. It is an essential first step for testing new hardware and software solutions that will be implemented at SLS2.0.