Meixi Zhang

Policies for Swiss Decarbonization 2050
Institut Paul Scherrer PSI
Forschungsstrasse 111
5232 Villigen PSI

Meixi Zhang is a doctoral researcher in the Group for Energy Economics at Paul Scherrer Institute and the Group of Climate Policy at Department of Environmental Systems Science of ETH Zürich. She is supervised by Prof. Anthony Patt of ETH Zurich and Dr. Panos Evangelos.

Meixi focuses on three main research projects in her PhD, all of which revolve around the core task of improving the GAMS-based JRC-EU-TIMES model;

  • POLIZERO (funded by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy), aims to set the Swiss energy transition within the European energy system model through the evaluation of innovative policy instruments. 
  • Synfuel Initiative (funded by the Board of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) , explores the impact on the rest of the European energy system led by the legislatively-stipulated Sustainable Aviation Fuel blending ratios in aviation 
  • WIMBY (funded Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation & European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation), attempts to reach beyond pure techno-economic-based optimization and incorporate other social and environmental considerations such as landscape and biodiversity impact, job creations etc. 

  • Masters: University of Bern, Oeschger Center for Climate Change Research (OCCR)
  • Bachelors: L'Institut d'études politiques de Paris (SciencesPo Paris)

Zhang, M., Winkler, R., Panos, E. (2021). Mapping Policy Priorities Across Diverse Stakeholder Groups in the Swiss Energy and Climate Subsystems,

Panos, E., Kleanthis, N., Tsopelas, I., Zhang, M., Flamos, A. (2021). Repository of co-identified policies and contextual factors for Switzerland and major European countries. Deliverable 1.2. Swiss decarbonisation pathways towards zero CO2 emissions (POLIZERO) project. Swiss Federal Office of Energy, Energy and Climate Policy Inventory | POLIZERO